Error after downloading HotTowel.Angular - angularjs

I created an empty web solution, added an empty web application, used following NuGet command to download HotTowel.Angular template,
Install-Package HotTowel.Angular -pre
Executed the project and as soon as I run my web application it shows splash screen then, I get following error:-
Any idea why is that ?

I get the same error after updating to jQuery 2.1.3. I do not get this error with the default template issued version of 2.1.1.
UPDATE: It turns out I forgot to change the version in the script reference to jQuery on the index.html page to match the library. So check that out on your end and you should have your solution.

I have same problem. I tried both installing it via nuget package and package manager console. No Luck. Showing {{ VM.BUSYMESSAGE }} on screen. Error is showing $ is undefined. Looks like it is problem related to jQuery.
Unhandled exception at line 7, column 38 in scripts/bootstrap.js
0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery

index.html page contain:
<script src="scripts/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
Check your jQuery version and update to
<script src="scripts/jquery-2.1.N.js"></script>
//In my case
<script src="scripts/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>


Basic create-react-app setup throwing error for react-stripe-elements

I've tried this locally as well and gotten the same error, but as you can see in from this basic code snippet in code sand box instance I'm getting this error:
Please load Stripe.js ( on this page to use react-stripe-elements. If Stripe.js isn't available yet (it's loading asynchronously, or you're using server-side rendering), see
This is happening even though I'm simply including the StripeProvider with a key at root. I see that this is clearly not a problem in the jsfiddle example from the docs, which doesn't use create-react-app. Has anyone else run into this issue and found a solution?
You should just need to add a script tag to your index.html:
<script src=""/>

Unable to load ngCookies into Web Application

I am trying to implement a 'remember me' option on my login page and have ventured down the path of using ngCookies to store a local cookie to handle this. However, in trying to follow the instructions from angular documentation I am unable to get the module working in my Web Application.
I am using AngularJS version 1.4.8 and have made sure my angular-cookies.min.js is running the exact same version. I have made sure to add my <link> tags in the correct order:
<script src="../vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/angularjs/angular-cookies.min.js"></script>
However, when I try to load the module into my application:
var EdgeApp = angular.module('EdgeApp', [
I get an $injector:modulerr error:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=EdgeApp&p1=Error%3A…2Fdrake-monitor%2FRestApi%2Fvendor%2Fangularjs%2Fangular.min.js%3A19%3A463)
All other modules and dependencies load correctly and work fine.
Based on the advice from #WonderGrub, I stripped my project back to the bear basics and worked from the ground up.
To start with, I installed all of my external modules correctly using Bower (something I wasn't doing before), then I added one module at a time to see if I had any conflicts.
I also reverted back to using .js files instead of .min.js files for my development to help me identify errors more accurately.
I'm unsure what the actual cause of my issue was, but going through the procedures above and the advice from my initial post has worked for me without errors.

Errors After Upgrading from EXTJS 4.2 to EXTJS 6.x

So far, I've done the upgrade in two ways:
1) I set up a fresh sencha app generate [appName] and transferred the 4.2 files and directories to 6.x. After setting them up, an error occurs when doing a sencha app build:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
/var/www/html/backoffice-test/EcommBackoffice/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:381: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/var/www/html/backoffice-test/EcommBackoffice/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:382: com.sencha.exceptions.ExNotFound: Unknown definition for dependency : Ext.ux.grid.filters.Filters
Along with this, upon loading the app, the console error is giving out these lines:
[E] [Ext.Loader] Some requested files failed to load.
[E] [Loader] The following classes failed to load:
[E] [Loader] Overrides.view.Table from Overrides/view/Table.js
[E] [Loader] Overrides.selection.Model from Overrides/selection/Model.js
[E] [Loader] EcommBackoffice.Application from app/Application.js
2) Being stucked on the first one, my second approach was to simply do a sencha app upgrade -ext on the existing application. It successfully updated except when doing a sencha app build it gives out a similar error such as:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
/var/www/html/backoffice-2.0/src/main/webapp/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:381: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/var/www/html/backoffice-2.0/src/main/webapp/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:382: com.sencha.exceptions.ExNotFound: Unknown definition for dependency : Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature
and a short console error of: Uncaught ReferenceError: Ext is not defined
This occurs when I edit index.html and replace x-compile snippet:
<!-- <x-compile> -->
<!-- <x-bootstrap> -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css">
<script src="ext/ext-all-debug-w-comments.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
<!-- </x-bootstrap> -->
<script src="app.js"></script>
<!-- </x-compile> -->
to this:
<script id="microloader" data-app="a32fd6d2-db0c-4c4b-a6a2-4185b3ee3fd4" type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>
Prior to editing index.html, a different error is being thrown with x-compile:
/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:382: com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Mixed-Mode x-compile and microload markup is currently unsupported
This is the reason why I opted for the supported Microloader provided by 6.x
I am quite on a lost here. ExtJS apparently has no proper Sencha guide to upgrade directly from 4.x to 6.x. It only does a one step higher upgrade such as 4.x to 5.x, and 5.x to 6.x. Even then, the guide for these are not very clear and IMHO, lacks documentation.
Anyone who can point where the problem is with the errors I provided?
Well, the Cmd error message says it loud and clear:
Unknown definition for dependency : Ext.ux.grid.filters.Filters
This means that ExtJS6 does not provide Ext.ux.grid.filter.Filters, which is required somewhere in your application.
As the Ext documentation states, everything from Ext.ux namespace is not upgrade-safe, because it is user-provided content that Sencha has found useful and added to the Ext zip file. Normally, you would just search the internet for available ExtJS 6.0.x implementations of the ux features that are missing from the official zip file; or write them yourself.
But for your special case, I believe that they moved gridfilters from ux into the official branch in ExtJS 4.2.x, then removed the alias in ExtJS 5, and finally, in ExtJS 6, they replaced the feature with a plugin.
So please have a look at Ext.grid.filters.Filters, I believe it does what you need, but you would have to rewrite parts of your code to make use of it. (change the require, move the reference from features to plugins, possibly account for other changes.)
I think that the second error message ("[E] [Ext.Loader] Some requested files failed to load.") means the same as the first one, and I would expect something like requires:['Ext.ux.grid.filters.Filters'] in Overrides/view/Table.js. (Overrides.selection.Model isn't loaded because it requires Overrides.view.Table, and EcommBackoffice.Application isn't loaded because it references Overrides.selection.Model)

issue with running Angle - Bootstrap Admin app (angular-meteor version): TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60

just purchased Angle - Bootstrap Admin app from wrapbootstrap
Tried to run the angular-meteor version of the app
The first issue was that meteor did not like the contents of the default index.html, so I renamed the file to be
Now the error I'm getting in the browser console is:
TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60
What can be done to fix this?
Not sure about wrapbootstrap, but generally this error means you are using incompatible versions of angular and angular-cookies.
The external angular modules you use (e.g. ngAnimate, ngCookies, ngResource, ngRoute etc), should always be the same version as angular.
This issue can be Resolved by using same Version of angular.min.js and angular-cookies.js.
It always good to use same version of files

Getting module Injection error with Angularjs ui-bootstrap

I want to use Angularjs Bootstrap UI in my application.after angular.js reference i include these files in my index pages :
and in my application app.js include this line :
var ap = angular.module('ap', ['ngRoute','ui.bootstrap']).config(negsotimeRouter);
but i get this error when try to see the page :
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=negsotime&p1=Error…<omitted>...5) angular.js:36
with the following link
Error Link
You are missing the script reference to the Angular UI Bootstrap script itself. You need to download it and make a reference to it.
For instance the latest version:
All versions here:
As you can see, the angular ui.bootstrap module is defined in that script.
This is an old post, but I will post what worked for me.
I downloaded the js file from
Placed it in a directory with my other angular scripts
Made a reference to it in the Index.html file using a <Script> tag.
