Edit Taxonomy term in Drupal shows empty page - drupal-7

I have added few terms to Theme (structure -> Taxonomy -> Theme). When I tried to edit the term, it is showing empty page. Can someone help me in resolving this issue?


Drupal 9 - Two different URL's work for same page

I have a Drupal 9.x version site, as an example whose page URL is like : http://www.example.com/general
but we need that URL to be work as http://www.example.com/something/general also.
It means, my every page of my site to be work (both URL's) with or without PRE-FIX word before of every page name.
Reason: I am looking this feature is, my website page has to load into other website pages. Which means with an iframe I am planning to display the drupal 9.x content into other website. With this PREFIX word if we are calling the URL the header, footer, sidebar of the present page site will be hidden.
If with out the PREFIX word if i am looking the website, the header, footer, sidebar will be displayed normally.
Both URLs should work:
I have about 550+ content pages, and many of our content pages are coming from custom modules, views.
I tried with URL alias, If i have go with this then I have to add these all 550+ content pages URL in our URL alias, that will not work for me.
Is there any other way around that i can achieve the same with minimum effort.
Please suggest me the solution, It will be very helpful for me.

Joomla based website displaying modules despite being deselected on that page

I have a Joomla website here and when you click on an article from the homepage it stills displays all of the home page modules. I went thru the settings for each module, and it is set to display only on the home menu page. I go to the menu setting that the articles are under and the settings stated the modules are published but not displayed. Any help would be appreciated!
I discovered the issue was due to a category error. The category is supposed to auto create a page for itself, however, it did not happen for whatever reason. So I had to delete the category and then make the category again and everything was fine. The reason the home page modules were appearing on articles is because that's the default behavior of Joomla when it can not find a specific page.

Drupal 7 Getting two titles in Teaser View Mode

I am getting two titles in Teaser View Mode in Drupal 7.
Can you please help on this.
Thanks in advance.
I installed "Exclude Node Title" module (https://www.drupal.org/project/exclude_node_title) in Drupal and gave the settings in conmfiguration-> Content authoring -> Exclude node Title section to exclude title for a particular view mode.

Drupal 7 - Newly added custom page--*.tpl refuses to render

I am working with Drupal 7 and need to create some alternate page tpl's so that I can have pages full width as well as a page with one right sidebar. I have read the documentation and scoured the net and at this point am totally stumped.
Step 1: I created a new content type called test and made it a basic page.
Step 2: I went to the template.php file and added the following code for the pre_process page function:
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__'. $vars['node']->type;
Step 3: I created a new page named page--test.tpl.php
Step 4: In admin > configuration > I cleared the site cache
Step 5: Epic failure... the newly created page does not render and the page.tpl.php is still displaying. I tried different browsers & cleared cache to no avail. I don't know what I did wrong as my procedure seems to follow the correct steps that I have studied.
A search here landed me at custom page-xxxx.tpl.php doesnt works but the suggestion there is to implement the same preprocess code that I have already installed.
I found some great information at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/36054/how-to-have-a-another-page-tpl-php-file-in-drupal-with-different-regions-and-blo which enabled me to solve this issue.
The solution:
Instead of naming your custom page page--yourcustompagename.tpl.php use a format like this: page--node--23.tpl.php If you are unsure of the node number of your custom page navigate to the content section and hover your mouse over the edit option for your custom created basic page and Drupal will display the node number for you.
As mentioned in one comment you will also need to clear your cache by clicking the clear cache button in Configuration > Performance > Clear Cache. You should also clear the theme registry as mentioned in a comment above. A helpful tool I found for clearing the theme registry is the Magic Module which you can find at https://www.drupal.org/project/magic After you install this module go to Appearance > (Your Active Theme) Settings > Development Enhancements and check the box for "Rebuild Theme Registry on Reload"

Drupal 7 soundcloud file field only shown in Preview not in Full Preview

i worked with an old 6.xx version of Drupal quite a while.
Now, i set up a 7.36 version of Drupal and build everything new. This works fine so far, but there is something i cant find an answer to:
I added a soundclound file field to a content type. I can edit this field, no problem. Now, i discovered that the field is not shown on the given content page, but it is shown in the "trimmed" Preview (not in the Preview full version) after editing. Maybe this is totally easy to solve, but i cant figure it out.
Any suggestions how to have it on the full content page? Any help is very appreciated.
Solution: I had to configure at structure -> content type -> given page type -> manage display -> ful content to give the soundcloud file the player value and a weight of 1.
Then i worked.
