I am getting two titles in Teaser View Mode in Drupal 7.
Can you please help on this.
Thanks in advance.
I installed "Exclude Node Title" module (https://www.drupal.org/project/exclude_node_title) in Drupal and gave the settings in conmfiguration-> Content authoring -> Exclude node Title section to exclude title for a particular view mode.
i worked with an old 6.xx version of Drupal quite a while.
Now, i set up a 7.36 version of Drupal and build everything new. This works fine so far, but there is something i cant find an answer to:
I added a soundclound file field to a content type. I can edit this field, no problem. Now, i discovered that the field is not shown on the given content page, but it is shown in the "trimmed" Preview (not in the Preview full version) after editing. Maybe this is totally easy to solve, but i cant figure it out.
Any suggestions how to have it on the full content page? Any help is very appreciated.
Solution: I had to configure at structure -> content type -> given page type -> manage display -> ful content to give the soundcloud file the player value and a weight of 1.
Then i worked.
I have added few terms to Theme (structure -> Taxonomy -> Theme). When I tried to edit the term, it is showing empty page. Can someone help me in resolving this issue?
Drupal 7, wysiwyg module with the ckeditor library installed. The text formats are configured. I have used and set up this module/editor configuration various times with no problems, so I'm baffled.
In this case there is simply no editor showing at all in the content creation pages, just the default text box.
Any ideas?
Kind of late to the party, but I just faced this issue and managed to solve.
What i did was:
1) Go to /admin/config/content/wysiwyg
2) for each entry under "text format" I clicked edit.
3) expanded "Show Buttons and plugins" and checked all of them
4) cick save
Worked for me...
In case anyone else is having this issue - I just managed to fix it for a role by allowing them to view the admin theme
I had a similar issue, but here the wysiwyg menu was not showing only for one of my content types.
I have de JQuery Update module installed. The problem was solved when I went to /admin/config/development/jquery_update and changed the Default JQuery version for administrative pages from 1.7 to 1.10.
It was working fine for me. Let me describe the working example.
1) Download drupal 7 wysiwyg module
2) Go to CKEditor download or else v3.5.3 .Please only download version 3.5.3 because other versions may be giving problem. (Read it more from here)
3) After downloading the editor library, put it into sites\all\libraries\ckeditor .
4) Goto -> admin -> configuration -> Wysiwyg profiles
if you placed library correctly into " sites\all\libraries\ckeditor ", then you can see the edit options.
According to your need set the options.
5) Go to content creation area, here you can find your result based upon your setting.
ie, if you enabled it for Full html text format, it will be available only when you set text format as Full Html.
Please see the attached image for more help.
can you try to disable the menu that is created inside the node editing if this option is checked, save your node without this option and see if it works
I had a simular problem. All the answers I found previously did not help me.
The solution for me was the following: disable the "Aggregate JavaScript files." option!
You can find this option under: Configuration -> Development -> Performance
I hope it helped
I'm designing a website in drupal in which users would be able to set their preferences in different areas. e.g. Fav. Games:.
Now I want these preferences to show in a seperate menu option for the users to fillout. I created a seperate node but I need someone to advise me how to link it with the users. Or if there is any other better way please guide me.
You could use the Profile 2 module: http://drupal.org/project/profile2
You can create profile fields with your different areas, which will be assigned to that user.
In Drupal 7, you can attach fields to any entity that is declared as fieldable; that includes users.
Just add the fields you need from admin/config/people/accounts/fields.
I haven't had much luck finding help for this in terms of Drupal 7, but this is the closest I've found:
Drupal Views: Display recent nodes created by user on profile page
Basically, I want to access user pages at site.com/users/billy_joel, and have the users profile visible, plus a paginated list of their posts in reverse chronological order. I've tried messing around with Views, but I'm a little shaky with Drupal 7's Views.
Basically, I'd like the view to return an array of the posts so I can theme the results myself.
Has anyone done anything like this and does anyone have any pointers?
Thanks in advance!
1.You can create new views to list out the latest contents created by user and make user id as contextual filter which will get uid from url.
2.Create custome user profile page template with Display Suite
3.Render view in user profile template.