Change LargeImageSourse in WPF from CodeBehind using - wpf

I'm new in WPF and I start to use the ribbon:RibbonButton as follows:
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="ServerCondition" Label="Server" FontFamily="Palatino Linotype" FontSize="12" BorderThickness="0" Height="50" CornerRadius="10" LargeImageSource="/Economy;component/Images/server_down.ico"/>
Now it comes to change the LargeImageSourse with another one dynamically from code behind.
First of all I don't know if that is posible.
And if it isn't posible... what control I may use to have the ability to change the icon?
If there is someone to assist me, I'll be thankful.

In your code behind, you can change it like so:
ServerCondition.LargeImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("your uri"));
How to load image to WPF in runtime?


How to add extra property to a existing control in WPF application?

here is a question about a WPF application. I'm a self taught new programmer. I want to add a custom property in already existing image control in WPF.
Here is my XAML image control as
<Image x:Name="cardMPOne" HorizontalAlignment="Center" MouseDown="moveCard" Height="220" Margin="-300,20,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"/>
I want to add some string or integer properties like CardType="Heart" CardColor="red" CardValue = "1" etc.
How this can be achieved...
Thanks in advance.
Your answer will be appreciated..

Create/Modify new WPF UI components

I want to change the graphical UI elements in WPF.
For example, I want to use a kind of a stack panel, but on the other hand I want to show my details in a star, or circle, etc.
Maybe setting a bitmap as a background, but I am working with lots of Data using zoom tool.
I found tutorials, documentation only for changing attributes of "old components", but nothing to make new ones.
Great resource for WPF beginners is
One of the best idea of WPF is separation of concerns:
UI Control = Logic in Code/XAML + Template
Using templates in XAML we can vary representation without modifying the control.
For example, if there is a need in creation of list of items. Then we can use ListBox control:
By default LisboxItem internal part is just binded TextBlock.
Now making UI modification without changing control source code:
<ListBox ImageSource="{Binding PathToSource}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{StaticResource ProjectIcon}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=PropertyName}" />
there appears image and text.
If there is a need in creating exclusive control then you can always use Custom Control.
Using raster images (e.g. PNG) is not good point, especially with zoom behaviour. If it is possible better to use vector images, that can be created in XAML or imported from SVG.

WPF floating listbox

I have a textbox that I would like to combine with a listbox in such a way that when the user types into the textbox, certain items will appear in the listbox, and the user may select them from there. What I am looking for is behaviour similar to that of the AutoCompleteBox. Sadly, I can't use the existing AutocompleBox in my project for several reasons, so I am trying to come up with similar behaviour on my own. Any ideas?
I would like to avoid using the tooltip as this seems like a hack. Also, when the listbox is displayed, no layouts should be changed either in the control or elsewhere. Is there something like the CSS style overflow available?
OK, it looks like "Popup" is what I am looking for. It's got some of its own quirks, but so far it is working just fine. I am pretty much using it like this..
<TextBox Text="{Binding Value}"/>
<Popup Name="popOptions" Width="300" Height="100" AllowsTransparency="True" StaysOpen="False">
<ItemsControl ClipToBounds="False" Background="White" MouseLeftButtonUp="ItemsControl_MouseLeftButtonUp">
<sys:String>ITEM ONE</sys:String>
<sys:String>ITEM TWO</sys:String>
<sys:String>ITEM THREE</sys:String>
I am capturing other control events to decide when, and when not to display it.
You could put the ListBox in the TextBox's ToolTip
I'm not sure if that's the best way of doing what you're trying to accomplish, but it will work to make a floating listbox

Silverlight - GestureService & GestureListner in code-behind

I want to do the following XAML code in code behind and not sure how to add the GestureService and GestureListner onto the Image.
Xaml code:
<Image Grid.Row="1" x:Name="img" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="200">
Code behind equivalent:
Image image = new Image();
//how do I add GestureService and GestureListner?
Do this:
Normal approach would be doing it this way:
GestureService.SetGestureListener(image, new GestureListener());
But GetstureService developers have marked SetGestureListener method as obsolete:
"Do not add handlers using this method. Instead, use GetGestureListener, which will create a new instance if one is not already set, to add your handlers to an element."

How to Clone a whole grid of Controls?

I have the following code and basically what i am not able to figure out is how to clone the whole grid and make a blank copy of them side by side.... for a clear understanding this is something to do with hospital application and the grid is related to a pregnancy so when said 'ADD CHILD' button a whole new grid should be created during run time, thanks for the help below is a link that might help people cause i tried it but not sure how to display it
How can you clone a WPF object?
You should put the object you are want to "clone" in a DataTemplate and reference this template from an ItemsControl, then when you need another grid add another item to the items control (or even better to the list the control is bound to) and the ItemsControl will create a new grid and bind it the new object.
For an example take a look at this post on my blog.
Here is an example for this application (I left only the relevant parts and I didn't test it, so there are probably some typos there):
<Window ... >
<DataTemplate x:Key="ChildTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="Delivery Date:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding DeliveryDate}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0"/>
<TextBlock Text="Delivery Time:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding DeliveryTime}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1"/>
<Button Content="AddChild" Click="AddChildClick"/>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding AllChildren}" ItemsTemplate="{StaticResource ChildTemplate}">
<ItemsPanelTemplate><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/></ItemPanelTemplate>
And in cs:
Set an object with all the form data as the Window's DataContext. I'll call this class PostDelveryData.
Create another class with the repeating data. I'll call it ChildDeliveryData.
Add a property of type ObservableCollection<ChildDeliveryData> called AllChildren to PostDeliveryData; it's important it'll be ObservableCollection and not any other type of collection.
Now, for the magic:
private void AddChildClick(object sender, RoutedEvetnArgs e)
((PostDeliveryData)DataContext).AllChildren.Add(new ChildDeliveryData());
And when you add the new item to the list another copy of the entire data template will be added.
I'm not sure that you're using the correct approach here. I would approach the problem by creating a "ChildGridControl" with a Child property, and let the Child property handle the databinding. Adding a new child to the GUI would involve creating a new instance of the ChildGridControl.
If I am understanding correctly, you should create a UserControl, which wraps your Grid and subsequent controls inside. And use this User control anywhere you wanted to replicate that UI.
