ReactBootstrap global is undefined - reactjs

so I'm currently working on a project written in Flask which I added Bootstrap to. I have recently started adding some react components and I would like to have them look like the other bootstrapped components. Here is some of my code:
This is where I've included my bootstrap.js files and react.js file
<script src="/static/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/build/react.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/build/JSXTransformer.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/react-bootstrap-bower/react-bootstrap.js"></script>
This html normally is rendered by bootstrap as wonderful little pager icons, but not in react:
return (
<ul className="pagination pagination-lg">
<a href="#" aria-label="Previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">«</span>
<a href="#" aria-label="Next">
<span aria-hidden="true">»</span>
I understand I didn't put the full return, the return isn't the issue at hand, however, its the styling. I tried adding in a Pager element with the following
var Pager = ReactBootstrap.Pager;
//inside some html return
but I get the response first that ReactBootstrap is not defined. Yet I read that the ReactBootstrap global is created automatically when you include the js file. The other response is that Pager doesn't exist (obviously since ReactBootstrap was unable to return it).
So my question is, can I simply return html without the data-reactid info or somehow have it rendered by bootstrap without needing reactBootstrap? or do is there something I'm missing from my files to use reactBootstrap. Thanks in advance for the help!

I tried to reproduce it in a jsbin, but ReactBootstrap.Pager is a component, and it renders with the correct styles.
You're not loading things correctly.


Responsive navigation menu with React and Bootstrap - hamburger isn't working

I created a simple navigation menu with Bootstrap. It's working fine in pure javascript, but when adapting it into react, the hamburger icon doesn't function (nothing happens on click). I installed bootstrap with
npm install --save bootstrap
And then added the bootstrap css to index.html in the public folder:
link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-WskhaSGFgHYWDcbwN70/dfYBj47jz9qbsMId/iRN3ewGhXQFZCSftd1LZCfmhktB"
My jsx is as follows:
<nav className="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-dark bg-dark">
<div className="container">
<button className="navbar-toggler" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNav"><span className="navbar-toggler-icon"></span></button>
<div className="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">
<ul className="navbar-nav ml-auto">
<li className="nav-item">
<Link to="/app/portfolio" className="nav-link">PORTFOLIO</Link>
<li className="nav-item">
<Link to="/app/about" className="nav-link">ABOUT</Link>
<li className="nav-item">
<Link to="#create-head-section" className="nav-link" style={{fontStyle: 'italic'}}>Personal art</Link>
<li className="nav-item">
<Link to="#share-head-section" className="nav-link">CONTACT</Link>
Again, everything looks fine except that the hamburger icon is not functioning.
The bootstrap show class is used to display the collapsible menu items. So, the task is to simply add the show class conditionally on click of the hamburger icon.
Just follow these simple steps to achieve this functionality.
Add a showCollapsedMenu(the name is up to you) property with initial value of false in your state like this:
showCollapsedMenu: false
Then declare a function like this which when called will reverse the current state:
toggleMenu = () => {
showCollapsedMenu: !this.state.showCollapsedMenu
The above function will be called whenever the hamburger icon is clicked. So implement the onCLick method on the hamburger icon like this:
onClick={this.toggleMenu} // <=
<span className="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
Now create a const show which will conditionally add the show class depending on the state of showCollapsedMenu:
const show = (this.state.showCollapsedMenu) ? "show" : "" ;
Now finally add this show to the div with collapse navbar class like this:
<div className={"collapse navbar-collapse " + show} id="navbarNav">
Note: Mixing jQuery with React is not recommended as they both manipulate the DOM differently. While it may seem an easy solution, it might result in bigger problems.
Bootstrap events require jQuery, Popper and Bootstrap.js source. That page will also let you know which components require JS. You can include jQuery, Popper and bootstrap.js in the index.html file, where you load your bundle. Either add that, or simply check out Reactstrap, which implements Bootstrap components in React.
According to, the npm version of Bootstrap doesn't include jQuery, but the navbar component needs it, so you might need to add to your dependencies.

Dynamically populate a page

I am new to mobile applications, and since i have a strong html, js, css background i decided to try cordova using angularjs. Anyway, i have hit a road block and i don't know the best way to handle this.
I have this block that is setup to repeat; x.large and x.thumb are pulled from a json file via Angular.
<div class="gallery" ng-controller="imagelistController">
<div class="thumbnail" ng-repeat="x in urls">
<img src="{{x.thumb}}">
I want to setup a single page using a query string href links to a page such as image.html?id=1. In image.html i want it do display image 1. If you change the id to 2, it would show image 2.
<div ng-controller="imagelistController">
<img src="{{x.large}}">
<ul class="social-share">
<li><button onclick="window.plugins.socialsharing.share(null, null, '{{x.large.url}}', null)">image only</button></li>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/SocialSharing.js"></script>

How to use angular.bootstrap twice?

I have a page where there are few tabs and I use angular+bootstrap.
I use angular.bootstrap initially.
Then I have another controller for showing different set of data in one of the tabs. when I try to use angular.bootstrap again, I get the error it cannot be bootstrapped twice. To make it simple, consider the following code.
<div id="mainpage" ng-controller="mainPageController">
<li id="test1"> <a href="gototest1"> GoToTest1 </li>
<li id="test2"> <a href="gototest2"> GoToTest2 </li>
<div id="gototest1">
this is some sample. I have another html page here which will be loaded as a tab
The page for gototest1 looks like this
<div ng-controller="gototestcontroller>
Here comes the another widget from another controller and
I try to use angular.boostrap here again. And I get the error because it is already bootstrapped in mainPage
What is the best way to use angular.bootstrap here?
Angular bootstrap is used to manually initialize an Angular the document or an element.
Angular cannot be initialized more than once on an element. Is there a reason you don't use automatic initialization, using ng-app?
It sounds like you could benefit from using the module ngRoute and applying the attirbute ng-view instead of trying to bootstrap twice.

laravel route access from php view using angular

Having this route in Laravel:
I'am trying to access it from an anchor html tag href attribute in a php view which works with angular to render a list of items. This is a piece of code from this view (_post_content.php):
<ul class="media-list" >
<li class="media" ng-repeat="item in items" >
<div class="media-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-9"><h5 class="media-heading">
{{ item.title }} </h5></div>
The new view made by the controller PostCommentsController in the method showComments, is similar to _post_content.php but it shows comments by a post id ( in ng-repeat).
However, for other links all over the application, even in its main layout: navbars and logo anchors, image anchors, etc; its url's are prepended by the path /post/4/comments.
For example if i click in the item 4 of _post_content.php, a link called blog in the left nav bar in the main layout, shows this as url: /post/4/comments/blog
Of course this route does not exists and breaks all the application.
Please, any clue to solve this strange behavior? Is it possible angular is causing it, though i'm not using angular routes?
Thanks for your help.
If you are using relative paths for your other links, you should prepend them with a forward slash, so instead of:
<a href="blog">
your should have:
<a href="/blog">
That way the links will be relative to the root not to the current path (which in your case is /post/id/comments).
As an alternative you could also use the base meta tag, by including this in your pages' <head>:
<base href="">
But be aware that there are some side effects to using base which might affect your application. Read this for more info: Is it recommended to use the <base> html tag?.

Error using AngulaJS and SimpleModal jQuery plugin together

I'm trying to open a modal using SimpleModal OSX, and the values for some of the attributes are assigned using AngularJS. However, when I click an item to open a new modal it doesn't work and the page reloads. Here's the code to make this clear
<li ng-repeat="news in newsItems" class="some class">
<a class="osx" href="#" data-page={{news.dataPageUrl}}>
<span class="itemtype">{{news.dateHeader}}</span>
<img height="145" src={{news.imageUrl}} alt={{news.imageHeader}} />
The dynamic items appear in my page, so the ng-repeat directive works. I added a static item and it opens a new modal without issues. The osx.js script is loaded at the end of the body tag. What am I doing wrong?
