Python - read from a file - file

I want to read from a file that looks like the below, and put in a list that looks like [[Sten Saker][20.0] [1.0]], I don't know how to do it.
Sten S ̈aker 20.0 1.0
Olle Ojamn 19.0 2.0
Charlie Chans 18.0 3.0


Set variable to array in Escape Velocity

I'm trying to set a variable to an array in Escape Velocity like they do in the documentation:
#set ($my = "blah")
#set ($say = ["not", $my, "fault"])
However, I get the following error:
error: An error occurred in the #AutoProtoModel processor while processing Expected an expression, on line 46, at text starting: ["not", $my, "fault"...
Why doesn't this work?
Is this a bug in the Escape Velocity project?
It seems that Escape Velocity doesn't support to set Java array (from docs):
Unlike Velocity, EscapeVelocity does not allow $indexme to be a Java array.
Why not using Velocity? EscapeVelocity uses old version 1.7 instead of new 2.0, and you have extra tools for velocity
EscapeVelocity is a templating engine that can be used from Java. It is a reimplementation of a subset of functionality from Apache Velocity.
This is not an official Google product.

MKS Integrity list all files from sandbox and their Member Rev

is there a way that I could list all files from my sandbox with their Member Rev. by using si.exe?
Beside this, are there any special rights required in order to do this?
You could do this using:
si viewsandbox
Enter sandbox name: d:\DELETEME\SB1\project.pj
Do you want to recurse into the subproject d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\project.pj? [ynYN](n): y
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\project.pj (d1) variant-subsandbox
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\AISubsystem.txt archived 1.3
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ConversionTool.asm archived 1.1
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ExceptionHandler.asm archived 1.1
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ archived 1.6
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\dataStructure.txt archived 1.2
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\findSmallestInput.asm archived 1.1

Red Object In Autodesk Maya Extention 2 Workplace?

I install Maya 2016 Extension 2 , but i can't use it, because an red object on workplace !
In Maya 2016 ( without Extension 2 ) i don't have any problem.

Project Tango export scan file with scale

As I see it, one can use the constructor app to create scans and also export those in two different file formats, one being .srb and one being .obj.
The former is mostly unreadable though:
version 1.0
element vertex 73380
element normal 73380
element color 73380
element face 127292
T¿Soï¾…ëÁ¿…K¿{î¾ÿÄ¿…K¿pñ¾{¾¿…K¿–õ¾q=º¿…K¿Êâþ¾ff¶¿…K¿£pý¾B¯·¿…K¿ZGï¾…ëÁ¿×C¿{î¾áÿ×C¿Èò¾{¾¿×C¿¹%ö¾q=º¿×C¿´Mþ¾ff¶¿×C¿£pý¾:·¿×C¿ï¾…ëÁ¿ö(<¿{¿ö(<¿cò¾{¾¿ö(<¿[ó¾q=º¿ö(<¿Ýþ¾ff¶¿ö(<¿£pý¾/}·¿ö(<¿{î¾ff¶¿‹üA¿{î¾ †·¿ö(<¿8ƒó¾ff¶¿ö(<¿{î¾…ëÁ¿—g9¿Õ¨ñ¾{¾¿âz4¿{î¾h|À¿âz4¿"Oó¾q=º¿âz4¿ïþ¾ff¶¿âz4¿£pý¾Ã%·¿âz4¿{渿âz4¿ \ú¾ff¶¿âz4¿ið¾{¾¿ÍÌ,¿{î¾_¿¿ÍÌ,¿Êñ¾q=º¿ÍÌ,¿Üþ¾ff¶¿ÍÌ,¿£pý¾à綿ÍÌ,¿{î¾=Š¹¿ÍÌ,¿÷û¾ff¶¿ÍÌ,¿²ÿî¾{¾¿¹%¿{î¾:þ¾¿¹%¿5öð¾q=º¿¹%¿ŸXþ¾ff¶¿¹%¿£pý¾u?·¿¹%¿{î¾ï¹¿¹%¿ðöû¾ff¶¿¹%¿{î¾{¾¿©œ!¿ºÖð¾q=º¿¤p¿{î¾Âd¼¿¤p¿RÌý¾ff¶¿¤p¿£pý¾Æ¼¶¿¤p¿{î¾ú¹¿¤p¿bõü¾ff¶¿¤p¿qcî¾{¾¿Â¿{]¾¿Â¿{î¾{¾¿wv¿{î¾q=º¿°¿{î¾»½¿Â¿"¹ý¾ff¶¿Â¿£pý¾áª¶¿Â¿9ý¾ff¶¿Â¿{î¾{¾¿ât¿£pý¾ff¶¿s¿·v¿q=j¿×£€?gf¿Åsj¿×£€?gf¿R6o¿˜™y?™¿q=j¿˜™y?¸…¿…ëq¿˜™y?ªW¿…ëq¿×£€?¾X ¿]b¿˜™y?†¯¿]b¿×£€?gN
At the same time, the .obj file is readable but to my knowledge does not include a scale (which it only could in form of a comment). An example looks like this:
#tango v 73380 f 127292
v -1.0649999 -1.1735088 -0.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
v -1.0649999 -1.185 -0.4012563 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
v -1.0516545 -1.185 -0.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
v -0.46714962 -1.455 -0.855 0.29803923 0.30980393 0.31764707 1.0
v -0.465 -1.4619029 -0.855 0.29803923 0.30980393 0.31764707 1.0
v -0.465 -1.455 -0.856611 0.29803923 0.30980393 0.31764707 1.0
v -0.465 -1.425 -0.86408335 0.24313726 0.25882354 0.27450982 1.0
v -0.48130736 -1.425 -0.855 0.3137255 0.32156864 0.32941177 1.0
v -0.46771282 -1.515 -0.82500005 0.3019608 0.31764707 0.33333334 1.0
v -0.465 -1.5301322 -0.82500005 0.3137255 0.32156864 0.3372549 1.0
v -0.465 -1.515 -0.8366339 0.3019608 0.31764707 0.33333334 1.0
v -0.465 -1.485 -0.8420684 0.29803923 0.30980393 0.32156864 1.0
v -0.47021228 -1.485 -0.82500005 0.3019608 0.3137255 0.32156864 1.0
My goal is to have the data displayed in these files and the scale so that for example I can get information about the size of my scan etc. Does anyone know how to include the scale in the .obj file or how to read the .srb file?
(I've already had a look at How do I export Point Cloud Data Project Tango, but did not quite see a clear solution. I also found two apps from Chucknology, but they don't seem to work on my tango device (at least I can't access the expored ADF from my computer).
After getting Feedback from the Tango Support, I'm happy to share that the scale is not lost, but preserved even when exporting to the .obj file format: It's simply in meters (i.e. 1.041235 would be roughly 104 cm)

OL3 3.5 Projection Issue

I am getting GeoJson from Postgres.
When I transform to 3857 (from 4326) in postgres I get this for an extent:
[-1150534050240.958, NaN, -1150492727057.5322, NaN]
When I remove transformation from postgres and let OL3 do the transform I get this:
[-10335423.222313922, 3843466.0274247285, -10335052.00984128, 3843760.3957394864]
In 3.0 and older we always transformed in postgres before serving to OL3.
Is there an issue with 3.5 getting already transformed geojson? Anyone know of known issues with postgres/postgis and OL3 3.5?
Thank You!
*** snippet
vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
p.s. from:!topic/ol3-dev/R4zdhY3qex8
