laravel angularjs update multiple rows - angularjs

i have a sortable table and after successfully moving an item i want to update all the rows in the databasetable which are effected from sorting.
my problem is that i dont know what's the best way to update multiple rows in my database with eloquent and how to send the data correct with angularjs
in angularjs i did this
//creating the array which i want to send to the server
var update = [];
for (min; min <= max; min++){
var item = {"id": id, "position": position};
//it doesn't work because its now a string ...
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/"+update);
//yeah i can read update in my controller in laraval, but i need the fakeid, because without
//i get an error back from laravel...
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/fakeid", update);
in laravel i have this, but is there an possibility to update the table with one call instead of looping
//my route
class CategoryController extends BaseController {
public function update()
$updates = Input::all();
for($i = 0; $i<count($updates); $i++){
Category::where('id','=', $updates[$i]["id"])
->update(array('position' => $updates[$i]["position"]));
and yes this works but i think there are better ways to solve the put request with the fakeid and the loop in my controller ;)
k routing is solved ;) i just added an extra route
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/positionUpdate", update);

Try post instead put.
var promise = $"/api/album/category/fakeid", update);
PUT implies putting a resource - completely replacing whatever is available at the given URL with a different thing. By definition, a PUT is idempotent. Do it as many times as you like, and the result is the same. x=5 is idempotent. You can PUT a resource whether it previously exists, or not (eg, to Create, or to Update)!
POST updates a resource, adds a subsidiary resource, or causes a change. A POST is not idempotent, in the way that x++ is not idempotent.
By this argument, PUT is for creating when you know the URL of the thing you will create. POST can be used to create when you know the URL of the "factory" or manager for the category of things you want to create.
POST /expense-report
PUT /expense-report/10929
I learned via using following
Hope this help you understand how to utilize bootstrap & angular and speed up your develop by using starter. You will be able to understand how to pass API request to laravel and get callback response.


Publish/Subscribe not working automatically when data added to the mongodb

I have the following publisher and subscriber code.
It works for the first time when the app starts, but when I try to insert data directly into the Mongo database, it will not automatically update the user screen or I don't see the alert popping.
Am I missing something?
Meteor.publish('userConnections', function(){
return Connections.find({userId: this.userId});
$scope.$meteorSubscribe('userConnections').then(function () {
var userContacts = $scope.$meteorCollection(Connections);
alert("subscriber userConnections is called");
if (userContacts && userContacts[0]) {
}, false);
First off, if you are not using angular-meteor 1.3 you should be. The API has changed a lot. $meteorSubscribe has been deprecated!
To directly answer your question, $meteorSubscribe is a promise that gets resolved (only once) when the subscription is ready. So, it will only ever be called once. If you look at the documentation for subscribe you'll see how to make the binding "reactive", by assigning it to a scope variable. In your case it would be something like:
$scope.userContacts = $scope.$meteorCollection(Connections);
Doing it this way, when the collection gets updated, the $scope.userContacts should get updated as well.

Issues with single-requests in Restangular

I'm having a slight issue with my ability to consume REST data retrieved via Restangular in an angular controller. I have the following code which works fine for a list of accounts:
var baseAccounts = Restangular.all('accounts');
baseAccounts.getList().then(function(accounts) {
$scope.accounts = accounts;
This works perfectly for a list. I use similar syntax for a single account:
var baseAccount ='accounts');
baseAccount.getList(GUID).then(function(returnedAccount) {
$scope.currentAccount = returnedAccount;
I am using ng-repeat as the handling directive for my first request. I am attempting to bind with {{ }} tags for the single request, but it does not seem to display any data despite the request being made properly. GUID is the parameter I must pass in to retrieve the relevant record.
I have combed through Restangular docs and it seems to me like I am composing my request properly. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I've tried all of the solutions listed here to no avail. It would seem Restangular is submitting the correctly structured request, but when it returns it through my controller it shows up as just a request for a list of accounts. When the response is logged, it shows the same response as would be expected for a list of accounts. I do not believe this is a scoping issue as I have encapsulated my request in a way that should work to mitigate that. So, there seems to be a disconnect between Request -> Restangular object/promise that populates the request -> data-binding to the request. Restangular alternates between returning the array of accounts or undefined.
Have you looked at:
Since Angular 1.2, Promise unwrapping in templates has been disabled by default and will be deprecated soon.
$scope.accounts = baseAccounts.getList().$object;
var baseAccount ='accounts', GUID);
baseAccount.get().then(function(returnedAccount) {
$scope.currentAccount = returnedAccount;
The problem here is that it's expecting an array to be returned. I'm assuming that you are expecting an account object. Thus we need to use the get function, intead of getList()
The one() function has a second argument that accepts an id e.g. .one('users', 1). You can take a use of it.
var baseAccount ='accounts', 1); //1 would be account id
baseAccount.getList('account').then(function(returnedAccount) {
$scope.currentAccount = returnedAccount;
var baseAccount ='accounts', 1); //1 would be account id
baseAccount.all('account').getList().then(function(returnedAccount) {
$scope.currentAccount = returnedAccount;
For more info take look at github issue
Hope this could help you, Thanks.

retrieve data from firebase (angularjs)

UPDATE : find my answer here
A little clarity on getting key values using AngularFire v2?
I looked for many sources before asking a simple question but Im just sarting with firebase and I can't manage to use the data the way I want. What I need, is to retrieve two int in my controller (how much "yes" and how much "no" linked to a question.
the data model is the following
question/id/(text, yes, no)
I have a service where I call my data using an id
app.service('QuestionService', function($firebase,$q) {
var _this = this;
//initialize Firebase
var ref = new Firebase('');
this.get = function(nb){
var QuestionObject = ref.child(nb);
return $firebase(QuestionObject);
return this;
I have a controller function where I call some data using a random id
$scope.pickQuestion = function(){
var randomnumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3);
$scope.message = QuestionService.get(randomnumber);
and then it works great so I can have something like
{{message.yes}} or {{}} and get the corresponding integer.
My issue, what I want to do, is to pass this "" value to my controller. I don't know what to do. I can't manage to get the value directly inside the controller (it works only inside the view) and I can't manage to pass the value to my controller from the view. I tried a
ng-init="functionName({{message.yes}}, {{}})"
but it return an error into the console. (however the source a displayed correctly)
Does someone could guide me into the right direction?

Calling Service's method multiple times holds single data instance

I am using services for my AngularJS project and trying to call a service.method using a for loop, like this :
for( key in URLs) {
Service description:
fetchXML : function(resource) {
var prop = SomeVar[resource]; //SomeVar is declared within the service
$.get('xmlURL.xml?resource='+prop, function(data) {
//adds data to the IndexedDB after properly parsing it.
Problem is when I try resource inside fetchXML() method; its set permanently, means if the loop runs for five times, only one instance of fetchXML() is created and console.log(resource) returns the same for all five iterations.
Please tell me what am I doing wrong here.
for( key in URLs) {
Should be passing parameter to function since it is used as resource to create prop.
for( key in URLs) {
This should have been fairly easy to troubleshoot. First it would be apparent in the request url inspected in browser console/dev tools.
Also using some simple degugger or console.log() statements in function would have helped. Or setting breakpoint on the function and stepping through it to see variable values

angular js best way to set scope value after a post

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do an update of my model after doing an update.
So let's say I have my resource which I call to do an update, and then I attempt to do another query on the success function. I get into the success function and my query is successfuly done, but I can't seem to figure out how to get my result from the query back into my model's scope. Perhaps I'm taking the wrong approach for this?
Here's my example:
var myResource = new MyResource();
resourceId : resourceId
}, function (u) {
resourceId : resourceId
}, function (result){
$scope.mymodel = result;
So in my above example, I see my query successfully being called. But I never seem to get into my callback function on the query. But maybe going this route to do a query after an update is the wrong path? If I'm understanding correctly, the update (put) is asynchronous. So if I want to update my model after an update, I need to use a callback function or some other method?
Why do you need to do a query after the update? If your backend was more RESTful, updates would respond with the updated value.
Then your code would be like this:
var myResourceId = 123;
var myResource = new MyResource();
// get will instantly return an empty object. Angular will "hydrate" it when the
// response is returned, automagically.
$scope.mymodel = myResource.get({resourceId: myResourceId});
// Change something on the model
$scope.mymodel.someProperty = "monkeys";
$scope.mymodel.$update(); // Does a POST with the someProperty set to the new value
