Calling Service's method multiple times holds single data instance - angularjs

I am using services for my AngularJS project and trying to call a service.method using a for loop, like this :
for( key in URLs) {
Service description:
fetchXML : function(resource) {
var prop = SomeVar[resource]; //SomeVar is declared within the service
$.get('xmlURL.xml?resource='+prop, function(data) {
//adds data to the IndexedDB after properly parsing it.
Problem is when I try resource inside fetchXML() method; its set permanently, means if the loop runs for five times, only one instance of fetchXML() is created and console.log(resource) returns the same for all five iterations.
Please tell me what am I doing wrong here.

for( key in URLs) {
Should be passing parameter to function since it is used as resource to create prop.
for( key in URLs) {
This should have been fairly easy to troubleshoot. First it would be apparent in the request url inspected in browser console/dev tools.
Also using some simple degugger or console.log() statements in function would have helped. Or setting breakpoint on the function and stepping through it to see variable values


Postman passing an array as a parameter

Using a Postman to retrieve data from our project management platform that provides collections (Teamwork)
I retrieve a first list of project ID from the Get request using the following code in the Test of that first Get request :
`var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var list = (jsonData.projects).length;
var a=[];
for (var i = 0; i < list; i++)
var counter = jsonData.projects[i];
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id", a);`
That create a variable id which contains a list of id.
After that, I want to go through each of these id in the following request (replacing {id})
Domain is set in the environment variable and is working.
What code and where do i need to put it (Pre-script? Test?) so I can go through the list? That second get request would give me the employee rates in each project (identified by those id)
Thanks for your help
If you want to use the list of variables you extract from the first GET in URLs for subsequent calls, then I think you would need to use the pm.sendRequest option in the 'Test' tab of your first GET.
There is a really good example in this thread:
How to run one request from another using Pre-request Script in Postman
Note: The pre-req tab is executed before the API call is made and the test tab is executed after the API call is made.
Also, "postman." is using the old API, you would benefit from using the newer API which is "pm." so for example;
pm.environment.set("variable_key", "variable_value");
More info on this can be found here:

Angular Service and Web Workers

I have an Angular 1 app that I am trying to increase the performance of a particular service that makes a lot of calculations (and probably is not optimized but that's besides the point for now, running it in another thread is the goal right now to increase animation performance)
The App
The app runs calculations on your GPA, Terms, Courses Assignments etc. The service name is calc. Inside Calc there are user, term, course and assign namespaces. Each namespace is an object in the following form
//Times for the calculations (for development only)
//an array of calculation times for logging and average calculation
array: []
//Print out the min, max average and total calculation times
report: function(){...}
//Hashes the object (with service.hash()) and checks to see if we have cached calculations for the item, if not calls runAllCalculations()
refresh: function(item){...},
//Runs calculations, saves it in the cache (service.calculations array) and returns the calculation object
runAllCalculations: function(item){...}
Here is a screenshot from the very nice structure tab of IntelliJ to help visualization
What Needs To Be Done?
Detect Web Worker Compatibility (MDN)
Build the service depending on Web Worker compatibility
a. Structure it the exact same as it is now
b. Replace with a Web Worker "proxy" (Correct terminology?) service
The Problem
The problem is how to create the Web Worker "Proxy" to maintain the same service behavior from the rest of the code.
A few things that I would like:
Most importantly, as stated above, keep the service behavior unchanged
To keep one code base for the service, keep it DRY, not having to modify two spots. I have looked at WebWorkify for this, but I am unsure how to implement it best.
Use Promises while waiting for the worker to finish
Use Angular and possibly other services inside the worker (if its possible) again WebWorkify seems to address this
The Question
...I guess there hasn't really been a question thus far, it's just been an explanation of the problem...So without further ado...
What is the best way to use an Angular service factory to detect Web Worker compatibility, conditionally implement the service as a Web Worker, while keeping the same service behavior, keeping DRY code and maintaining support for non Web Worker compatible browsers?
Other Notes
I have also looked at VKThread, which may be able to help with my situation, but I am unsure how to implement it the best.
Some more resources:
How to use a Web Worker in AngularJS?
In general, good way to make a manageable code that works in worker - and especially one that also can run in the same window (eg. when worker is not supported) is to make the code event-driven and then use simple proxy to drive the events through the communication channel - in this case worker.
I first created abstract "class" that didn't really define a way of sending events to the other side.
function EventProxy() {
// Object that will receive events that come from the other side
this.eventSink = null;
// This is just a trick I learned to simulate real OOP for methods that
// are used as callbacks
// It also gives you refference to remove callback
this.eventFromObject = this.eventFromObject.bind(this);
// Object get this as all events callback
// typically, you will extract event parameters from "arguments" variable
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromObject = (name)=>{
// This is not implemented. We should have WorkerProxy inherited class.
throw new Error("This is abstract method. Object dispatched an event "+
"but this class doesn't do anything with events.";
EventProxy.prototype.setObject = (object)=> {
// If object is already set, remove event listener from old object
//do it depending on your framework
... something ...
this.eventSink = object;
// Listen on all events. Obviously, your event framework must support this
object.addListener("*", this.eventFromObject);
// Child classes will call this when they receive
// events from other side (eg. worker)
EventProxy.prototype.eventReceived = (name, args)=> {
// put event name as first parameter
// Run the event on the object
this.eventSink.dispatchEvent.apply(this.eventSink, args);
Then you implement this for worker for example:
function WorkerProxy(worker) {
// call superconstructor;
// worker
this.worker = worker;
worker.addEventListener("message", this.eventFromWorker = this.eventFromWorker.bind(this));
WorkerProxy.prototype = Object.create(EventProxy.prototype);
// Object get this as all events callback
// typically, you will extract event parameters from "arguments" variable
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromObject = (name)=>{
// include event args but skip the first one, the name
var args = [];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
args.splice(0, 1);
// Send the event to the script in worker
// You could use additional parameter to use different proxies for different objects
this.worker.postMessage({type: "proxyEvent", name:name, arguments:args});
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromWorker = (event)=>{
if("proxyEvent") {
// Use superclass method to handle the event
The usage then would be that you have some service and some interface and in the page code you do:
// Or other proxy type, eg socket.IO, same window, shared worker...
var proxy = new WorkerProxy(new Worker("runServiceInWorker.js"));
//eg user clicks something to start calculation
var interface = new ProgramInterface();
// join them
And in the runServiceInWorker.js you do almost the same:
importScripts("myservice.js", "eventproxy.js");
// Here we're of course really lucky that web worker API is symethric
var proxy = new WorkerProxy(self);
// 1. make a service
// 2. assign to proxy
proxy.setObject(new MyService());
// 3. profit ...
In my experience, eventually sometimes I had to detect on which side am I but that was with web sockets, which are not symmetric (there's server and many clients). You could run into similar problems with shared worker.
You mentioned Promises - I think the approach with promises would be similar, though maybe more complicated as you would need to store the callbacks somewhere and index them by ID of the request. But surely doable, and if you're invoking worker functions from different sources, maybe better.
I am the author of the vkThread plugin which was mentioned in the question. And yes, I developed Angular version of vkThread plugin which allows you to execute a function in a separate thread.
Function can be defined directly in the main thread or called from an external javascript file.
Function can be:
Regular functions
Object's methods
Functions with dependencies
Functions with context
Anonymous functions
Basic usage:
/* function to execute in a thread */
function foo(n, m){
return n + m;
// to execute this function in a thread: //
/* create an object, which you pass to vkThread as an argument*/
var param = {
fn: foo // <-- function to execute
args: [1, 2] // <-- arguments for this function
/* run thread */
function (data) {
console.log(data); // <-- thread returns 3
Examples and API doc:
Hope this helps,

save an attribute value to a variable

I need to save an attribute value to a variable to be sent to a later object to verify a picture I upload which gets a unique src id is accessible using the src attribute I obtain. Later a search through a list of pictures will be done to find that particular uploaded picture.
getPictureSrc: function() {
var el = $('img');
var uniqueId = el.getAttribute('src');
return uniqueId;
findPicture: function() {
browser.get('a different webpage then the upload page');
var findPic = getPictureSrc();
var allPics = $$('img');
However when I run this code, I do a console.log() and it throws back the list of available commands. Not the source. However if I do an expect against some random value the src does show. So I guess there are two questions, how do I print an attribute value to console and how do I pass an attribute value from object to object. Thank you.
However when I run this code, I do a console.log() and it throws back the list of available commands.
getPictureSrc() returns a promise. A promise is what you see printed on the console. If you need the actual value, resolve the promise explicitly:
getPictureSrc().then(function (src) {
However if I do an expect against some random value the src does show.
This is the magic of the expect() - it is patched (by jasminewd package) to implicitly resolve promises before making an expectation. Having expect() accepting promises is quite convenient.

Trying to get ng-csv to work with Firebase

I have data stored on Firebase. I have a function that will grab the information from Firebase and return it as an array. I want to be able to use ng-csv to download that file as a .csv however when I download it is an empty file.
Is it possible to use ng-csv if I am trying to grab data from Firebase and if so does anyone have any examples?
Update (from OPs duplicate question):
I am trying to use ng-csv to allow a user to download a .csv file by clicking a button. The information is stored in Firebase and I have created a function that returns the needed information from Firebase as an array. However, I think the problem is when the button is clicked the file is downloaded before the information is pulled from Firebase and loaded, so the .csv file is always empty. Is there a way around this? Here is my code in my main.js app:
this.export = function() {
var results = fireFactory.getResults() //code that returns the array of objects
results.$loaded().then(function(array) {
var test= [];
return test;
Here is my code in my HTML file:
<button class ="btn" ng-csv="main.export()" filename="test.csv">Export</button>
Is there anyway to delay the file downloading until the information has been loaded and returned from the main.export() function?
You are almost there. Frank van Puffelen was on the right path, but stopped short of providing the fix for your code.
return test;
the above statement inside your callback is returning the result inside a promise. This results can only be consumed using promise aware code. Fortunately, ng-csv accepts a promise. If the promise is returned it should work:
this.export = function() {
var results = fireFactory.getResults()
//Here we return the promise for consumption by ng-csv
return results.$loaded().then(function(array) {
var test= [];
//the array is returned from the callback, not export
return test;
You're being tricked by the asynchronous nature in which Firebase loads data. You seem to be thinking that return test; in your original code returns a value from the export function. But if you look more carefully you'll notice that you're actually returning from the (anonymous) callback function.
It's a bit easier to see this, if we separate the callback function out and add some logging statements:
function onDataLoaded(array) {
console.log('Got results from Firebase');
var test= [];
return test;
this.export = function() {
console.log('Starting to get results from Firebase');
var results = fireFactory.getResults() //code that returns the array of objects
console.log('Started to get results from Firebase');
console.log('Registered result handler');
When you call fireFactory.getResults() Firebase will start downloading the data from its servers. Since this may take some time, the downloading happens asynchronously and the browser continues executing your export function, which registers a callback that you want invoked when the data from Firebase is available.
So you'll see the following output in the JavaScript console:
Starting to get results from Firebase
Started to get results from Firebase
Registered result handler
Got results from Firebase

laravel angularjs update multiple rows

i have a sortable table and after successfully moving an item i want to update all the rows in the databasetable which are effected from sorting.
my problem is that i dont know what's the best way to update multiple rows in my database with eloquent and how to send the data correct with angularjs
in angularjs i did this
//creating the array which i want to send to the server
var update = [];
for (min; min <= max; min++){
var item = {"id": id, "position": position};
//it doesn't work because its now a string ...
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/"+update);
//yeah i can read update in my controller in laraval, but i need the fakeid, because without
//i get an error back from laravel...
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/fakeid", update);
in laravel i have this, but is there an possibility to update the table with one call instead of looping
//my route
class CategoryController extends BaseController {
public function update()
$updates = Input::all();
for($i = 0; $i<count($updates); $i++){
Category::where('id','=', $updates[$i]["id"])
->update(array('position' => $updates[$i]["position"]));
and yes this works but i think there are better ways to solve the put request with the fakeid and the loop in my controller ;)
k routing is solved ;) i just added an extra route
var promise = $http.put("/api/album/category/positionUpdate", update);
Try post instead put.
var promise = $"/api/album/category/fakeid", update);
PUT implies putting a resource - completely replacing whatever is available at the given URL with a different thing. By definition, a PUT is idempotent. Do it as many times as you like, and the result is the same. x=5 is idempotent. You can PUT a resource whether it previously exists, or not (eg, to Create, or to Update)!
POST updates a resource, adds a subsidiary resource, or causes a change. A POST is not idempotent, in the way that x++ is not idempotent.
By this argument, PUT is for creating when you know the URL of the thing you will create. POST can be used to create when you know the URL of the "factory" or manager for the category of things you want to create.
POST /expense-report
PUT /expense-report/10929
I learned via using following
Hope this help you understand how to utilize bootstrap & angular and speed up your develop by using starter. You will be able to understand how to pass API request to laravel and get callback response.
