PyroCMS - Storing stream data in multiple languages - multilingual

I have a client who requires me to store the stream data in two different languages. For example, a stream for FAQ with fields: question and answer would have:
English Version:
Question: _Some question in english_
Answer: _Some answer in english_
and then:
Italian Version:
Question: _Some question in italian_
Answer: _Some answer in italian_
I know that PyroCMS support multi-lingual support for backend and front-end labels but how do I make sure that stream data can be store in two different languages?

You must create a field for save the language, for example (lang) and select the Pyro Lang FieldType
Next, you can looping your stream making a where with the new field as column, for example:
where lang = 'es'
You can too use the Lang plugin for know the current lang of your site. Use the {{ lang:code }} tag for this.


Google maps PlaceDetails in different language than English

i wanted to ask you if there is a way to get the google maps place details in a different language than English. I use AngularJs and i created a directive in which i perform the below steps:
User types in an autocomplete field
I get the results, i parse them and then I try to get the details like this:
service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(;
placeId: placeId,
key: googleMapsAPIKey,
language: 'el'
}, function(place) {
myLangAddressComponents = place.address_components;
The problem is that myLangAddressComponents information is still in English.
Any help would be appreciated.
Based on the documents regarding Optional Parameters: language,
The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. Note that some fields may not be available in the requested language. See the list of supported languages and their codes. Note that we often update supported languages so this list may not be exhaustive.
I think that there is no problem in your code, it is just not yet available in the requested language. I hope this clear some issues you've encountered. :)
Keep in your mind that you are passing the map instance in the PlacesService. As I saw from experimenting if the map is localized in el then the results would be also in el.

Generate english versions of same content on Drupal?

My website needs to be able to support multiple languages for multiple countries. For example, the US might have English and Spanish, while the UK might only have English. If two countries use the same language, it DOES NOT mean the content is the same.
For this reason, I decided to use the internationalization module (i18n) and I created language codes as follows:
gb-en - UK English
us-en - US English
us-es - US Spanish
I set this up with no issues, but my problem comes in with creating all the default content. For each content type, I want to:
Set the content types default language as "English"
Create translated versions of each content type for each language
I know this will mean that the Spanish content would still be in English, but it's the first step towards translating it.
What is the easiest way to create all these "default" content pages?
You could create a module implementing hook_node_insert(). This module would intercept the creation of a new node (stored with the default language) and create as many copies as needed. Each of these copies should have a different value in the field language. These copies colud be easily stored in the dabase using node_save() function.

How can I edit the data section of an Omindex produced database document by editing the omegaScript?

I have been able to set up and search through some documents from a database using this tutorial:
The data field is added to every document in the indexing process started with this bash call:
$ omindex --db info --url information /mnt/data0/Information
The call indexes all the files in the dir at /mnt/data0/Information and saves it at a database named
info. According to the last section in the documentation here:
According to the above documentation, you can set the fields that go into the data field of a document by editing the OmegaScript Template but I have not been able to find this template anywhere. I am hoping I can get some guidance from someone who is familiar with editing an OmegaScript to set up the data field.
I ultimately want data to have the following fields:
The standard ones without the url field.
OmegaScript templates are used by omega to render search results (in its web interface), and are stored in the template_dir as mentioned in the IBM tutorial section on the Omega web interface. omindex will have created the fields you require — that documentation also mentions that the OmegaScript command you want to extract those fields is $field{}, which is documented along with all the OmegaScript commands.
So to just display the three fields you would want a fragment of OmegaScript something like:
Sample: $field{sample}
Caption: $field{caption}
MIME type: $field{type}
(which isn't formatted as HTML, but has the advantage of being hopefully clearer as to what is happening).

Multiple phrases per language in cakephp

I am creating a website using CakePHP that requires translation not only into multiple languages but also multiple phrases per language depending on the type of the logged in user. This will allow the same functionality but with more formal or more friendly language without duplication.
As a very simple example:
Type 1: "Customer", "purchase","shopping cart"
Type 2: "Client", "buy", "basket"
Type 3: "User", "order","invoice"
Each of these types would be available in multiple languages.
I've got the standard localization working in CakePHP (one of the reasons I chose it!) and have the appropriate default.po files in the /Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ directory and all is working fine there (thank you to the user who noted on this site that ger needed to be deu to work ;) ).
Before I get too far into the app I'd like to add the phrasing so I can set e.g. the language as French and phrasing as type2. If I was doing this outside of a framework I'd have a matrix look-up to find the correct string based on language and phrase keys but am unsure of how to do this within CakePHP's localization.
Currently I'm using the standard __([string]) convention but as this is early in the development cycle it would be trivial to change if necessary.
I was considering using __d([phrase],[string]) but can't see how to set this without creating my app as a plugin and then I'm back to the same problem with /Locale/
I have been unable to find any example of this in my searches on SO or the cakePHP community sites so would be grateful for any suggestions.
Is there a standard way to do this within cakePHP? if not, what would be a good "best practice" way to implement this?
Edit - following the answer below here's how it was implemented:
in /app/Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ I created a new .po files with the new phrasing in them as phrase1.po, phrase2.po etc.
Where I set the language I also set the phrasing where the phrase file matches the name of the po file:
Configure::write('Config.language', 'deu');
Configure::write('App.langDomain', 'phrase1');
and all strings were wrapped with:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain', 'string')
And it just works.
Use __d() like this:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), 'Some string');
In bootstrap.php check the conditions and set App.langDomain based on whatever you need.
__d() has nothing to do with plugins, you can use it everywhere.
And alternative would be to wrap your translations with a custom method, something like
__dd(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), array('foo' => __('String1', 'bar' => __('String2'));
The array is an array of langDomain => stringForThatDomain mappings. Your __dd() method would take the one that is passed in the first argument.

Dynamic locale name in multi-language site

I am developing an application in cakephp 2.3.4, Which is multi-language.
Admin can add any number of new languages.
My question is, When admin decides to add a new language, how resulting locale name should be defined.
Can a locale name be any arbitrary name, given by admin or it should be a dropdown containg all languages code according to language.
Unfortunately, your question is a bit 'vague', i.e., will administrators be able to add GNU-locale files (*.po), or are you talking about adding translations inside the database.
In any case, CakePHP uses locales according to the ISO 639-3 standard see here and here for more information. A complete list of those locales can be found inside the I10n class.
Since you probably also want to switch the locale of PHP itself when switching locales, so that, for example, date, money and time-formats will follow the right format for the locale, it's best to stick with those locales and not 'invent' your own locales.
See setlocale(). Be aware though, that PHP may use slightly different locale-codes than CakePHP uses. And it will depend on what locales are installed on your server.
To get a list of locales installed on your server, use locale -a on the command line. See this page for more information:
Which techniques to use for localization
A quick summary of techniques to use;
Short messages (interface/UI)
In general, locale files are used for short pieces of text. Locale-files are therefore mostly used for fixed strings,
for example, strings that are used in the interface (like 'are you sure you want to delete this file?' => 'weet u zeker dat u dit bestand wilt verwijderen?).
Longer (fixed) text
For longer pieces of text in your application, that are not part of the 'content' (not the blog-post, but for example a fixed page with a disclaimer),
it's best to use separate views for translated content, for example;
For the content of your website (the part of your website that is managed by the 'user' of the website),
put translations inside the database. This data may be updated frequently and all translations should be updated as well.
How to implement this, is really up to you and depends on your situation. CakePHP offers a Translate behavior that you can use (, but in most of my situations that behavior didn't really fit our needs (IMO it is not very efficient, because it stores translations per-field, per-model).
