How do I make files save for concurrent C access? - c

I have several C-programs, which are accessing (read: fprintf/ write fopen) at the same time different files on the file system. What is the best way to do this concurrent access save? should I write some sort of file locks (and whats the best way to do this?) or are there any better reading methods (preferably in the C99 standard lib, additional dependencies would be a problem)? or should I use something like SQLite?
I am using Linux as operating system.
I don't really want to write with different processes in same files, I'm dealing with a legacy monolith code, which saves intermediate steps in files for recycling. I want a way to speed the calculations up by running several calculations at the same time, which have the same intermediate results.

You could use fcntl() with F_SETLK or F_SETLKW:
struct flock lock;
fcntl( fd, F_SETLKW, &lock );
See more from man page fcntl(3) or this article.

You can make sure that your files do not get corrupted on concurrent writes from multiple threads/processes by using copy-on-the-write technique:
A writer opens the file it would like to update for reading.
The writer creates a new file with a unique name (mkostemps) and copies the original file into the copy.
The writer modifies the copy.
The writer renames the copy to the original name using rename. This happens atomically, so that users of the file either see the old version of it or the new, but never a partially updated file.
See Things UNIX can do atomically for more details.


What is the most efficient way to copy many files programmatically?

Once upon a time long ago, we had a bash script that works out a list of files that need to be copied based on some criteria (basically like a filtered version of cp -rf).
This was too slow and was replaced by a C++ program.
What the C++ program does is essentially:
foreach file
read entire file into buffer
write entire file
The program uses Posix calls open(), read() and write() to avoid buffering and other overheads vs iostream and fopen, fread & fwrite.
Is it possible to improve on this?
I am assuming these are not sparse files
I am assuming GNU/Linux
I am not assuming a particular filesystem is available
I am not assuming prior knowledge of whether the source and destination are on the same disk.
I am not assuming prior knowledge of the kind of disk, SSD, HDD maybe even NFS or sshfs.
We can assume the source files are on the same disk as each other.
We can assume the destination files will also be on the same disk as each other.
We cannot assume whether the source and destinations are on the same disk or or not.
I think the answer is yes but it is quite nuanced.
Copying speed is of course limited by disk IO not CPU.
But how can we be sure to optimise our use of disk IO?
Maybe the disk has the equivalent of multiple read or write heads available? (perhaps an SSD?)
In which case performing multiple copies in parallel will help.
Can we determine and exploit this somehow?
This is surely well trod territory so rather than re-invent the wheel straight away (though that is always fun) it would be nice to hear what others have tried or would recommend.
Otherwise I will try various things and answer my own question sometime in the distant future.
This is what my evolving answer looks like so far...
If the source and destination are different physical disks then
we can at least read and write at the same time with something like:
writer thread
read from write queue
write file
reader thread
foreach file
read file
queue write on writer thread
If the source and destination are on the same physical disk and we happen to be on a filesystem
with copy on write semantics (like xfs or btrfs) we can potentially avoid actually copying the file at all.
This is apparently called "reflinking".
The cp command supports this using --reflink=auto.
See also:
From this question
it looks as if this is done using an ioctl as in:
ioctl (dest_fd, FICLONE, src_fd);
So a quick win is probably:
try FICLONE on first file.
If it succeeds then:
foreach file
srcFD = open(src);
destFD = open(dest);
do it the other way - perhaps in parallel
In terms of low-level system APIs we have:
I am not clear when to choose one over the other except that copy_file_range is not safe to use with some filesystems notably procfs.
This answer gives some advice and suggests sendfile() is intended for sockets but in fact this is only true for kernels before 2.6.33.
copy_file_range() is useful for copying one file to another (within
the same filesystem) without actually copying anything until either
file is modified (copy-on-write or COW).
splice() only works if one of the file descriptors refer to a pipe. So
you can use for e.g. socket-to-pipe or pipe-to-file without copying
the data into userspace. But you can't do file-to-file copies with it.
sendfile() only works if the source file descriptor refers to
something that can be mmap()ed (i.e. mostly normal files) and before
2.6.33 the destination must be a socket.
There is also a suggestion in a comment that reading multiple files then writing multiple files will result in better performance.
This could use some explanation.
My guess is that it tries to exploit the heuristic that the source files and destination files will be close together on the disk.
I think the parallel reader and writer thread version could perhaps do the same.
The problem with such a design is it cannot exploit any performance gain from the low level system copy APIs.
The general answer is: Measure before trying another strategy.
For HDD this is probably your answer:
Ultimately I did not determine the "most efficient" way but I did end up with a solution that was sufficiently fast for my needs.
generate a list of files to copy and store it
copy files in parallel using openMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (auto iter = filesToCopy.begin(); iter < filesToCopy.end(); ++iter)
copy each file using copy_file_range()
falling back to using splice() with a pipe() when compiling for old platforms not supporting copy_file_range().
Reflinking, as supported by copy_file_range(), to avoid copying at all when the source and destination are on the same filesystem is a massive win.

Is there an os-independent way to atomically overwrite a file?

If the file already exists, I want to overwrite it. If it doesn't exist, I want to create it and write to it. I'd prefer to not have to use a 3rd party library like lockfile (which seems to handle all types of locking.)
My initial idea was to:
Write to a temporary file with a randomly generated large id to avoid conflict.
Rename the temp filename -> new path name.
os.Rename calls syscall.Rename which for Linux/UNIXs uses the rename syscall (which is atomic*). On Windows syscall.Rename calls MoveFileW which assuming the source and destination are on the same device (which can be arranged) and the filesystem is NTFS (which is often the case) is atomic*.
I would take care to make sure the source and destination are on the same device so the Linux rename does not fail, and the Windows rename is actually atomic. As Dave C mentions above creating your temporary file (usually using ioutil.TempFile) in the same directory as existing file is the way to go; this is how I do my atomic renames.
This works for me in my use case which is:
One Go process gets updates and renames files to swap updates in.
Another Go process is watching for file updates with fsnotify and re-mmaps the file when it is updated.
In the above use case simply using os.Rename has worked perfectly well for me.
Some further reading:
Is rename() atomic? "Yes and no. rename() is atomic assuming the OS does not crash...."
Is an atomic file rename (with overwrite) possible on Windows?
*Note: I do want to point out that when people talk about atomic filesystem file operations, from an application perspective, they usually mean the operation happens or does not happen (which journaling can help with) from the users perspective. If you are using atomic in the sense of an atomic memory operation, very few filesystem operations (outside of direct I/O [O_DIRECT] one block writes and reads with disk buffering disabled) can be considered truly atomic.

Atomically write 64kB

I need to write something like 64 kB of data atomically in the middle of an existing file. That is all, or nothing should be written. How to achieve that in Linux/C?
I don't think it's possible, or at least there's not any interface that guarantees as part of its contract that the write would be atomic. In other words, if there is a way that's atomic right now, that's an implementation detail, and it's not safe to rely on it remaining that way. You probably need to find another solution to your problem.
If however you only have one writing process, and your goal is that other processes either see the full write or no write at all, you can just make the changes in a temporary copy of the file and then use rename to atomically replace it. Any reader that already had a file descriptor open to the old file will see the old contents; any reader opening it newly by name will see the new contents. Partial updates will never be seen by any reader.
There are a few approaches to modify file contents "atomically". While technically the modification itself is never truly atomic, there are ways to make it seem atomic to all other processes.
My favourite method in Linux is to take a write lease using fcntl(fd, F_SETLEASE, F_WRLCK). It will only succeed if fd is the only open descriptor to the file; that is, nobody else (not even this process) has the file open. Also, the file must be owned by the user running the process, or the process must run as root, or the process must have the CAP_LEASE capability, for the kernel to grant the lease.
When successful, the lease owner process gets a signal (SIGIO by default) whenever another process is opening or truncating the file. The opener will be blocked by the kernel for up to /proc/sys/fs/lease-break-time seconds (45 by default), or until the lease owner releases or downgrades the lease or closes the file, whichever is shorter. Thus, the lease owner has dozens of seconds to complete the "atomic" operation, without any other process being able to see the file contents.
There are a couple of wrinkles one needs to be aware of. One is the privileges or ownership required for the kernel to allow the lease. Another is the fact that the other party opening or truncating the file will only be delayed; the lease owner cannot replace (hardlink or rename) the file. (Well, it can, but the opener will always open the original file.) Also, renaming, hardlinking, and unlinking/deleting the file does not affect the file contents, and therefore are not affected at all by file leases.
Remember also that you need to handle the signal generated. You can use fcntl(fd, F_SETSIG, signum) to change the signal. I personally use a trivial signal handler -- one with an empty body -- to catch the signal, but there are other ways too.
A portable method to achieve semi-atomicity is to use a memory map using mmap(). The idea is to use memmove() or similar to replace the contents as quickly as possible, then use msync() to flush the changes to the actual storage medium.
If the memory map offset in the file is a multiple of the page size, the mapped pages reflect the page cache. That is, any other process reading the file, in any way -- mmap() or read() or their derivatives -- will immediately see the changes made by the memmove(). The msync() is only needed to make sure the changes are also stored on disk, in case of a system crash -- it is basically equivalent to fsync().
To avoid preemption (kernel interrupting the action due to the current timeslice being up) and page faults, I'd first read the mapped data to make sure the pages are in memory, and then call sched_yield(), before the memmove(). Reading the mapped data should fault the pages into page cache, and sched_yield() releases the rest of the timeslice, making it extremely likely that the memmove() is not interrupted by the kernel in any way. (If you do not make sure the pages are already faulted in, the kernel will likely interrupt the memmove() for each page separately. You won't see that in the process, but other processes see the modifications to occur in page-sized chunks.)
This is not exactly atomic, but it is practical: it does not give you any guarantees, only makes the race window very very short; therefore I call this semi-atomic.
Note that this method is compatible with file leases. One could try to take a write lease on the file, but fall back to leaseless memory mapping if the lease is not granted within some acceptable time period, say a second or two. I'd use timer_create() and timer_settime() to create the timeout timer, and the same empty-body signal handler to catch the SIGALRM signal; that way the fcntl() is interrupted (returns -1 with errno == EINTR) when the timeout occurs -- with the timer interval set to some small value (say 25000000 nanoseconds, or 0.025 seconds) so it repeats very often after that, interrupting syscalls if the initial interrupt is missed for any reason.
Most userspace applications create a copy of the original file, modify the contents of the copy, then replace the original file with the copy.
Each process that opens the file will only see complete changes, never a mix of old and new contents. However, anyone keeping the file open, will only see their original contents, and not be aware of any changes (unless they check themselves). Most text editors do check, but daemons and other processes do not bother.
Remember that in Linux, the file name and its contents are two separate things. You can open a file, unlink/remove it, and still keep reading and modifying the contents for as long as you have the file open.
There are other approaches, too. I do not want to suggest any specific approach, because the optimal one depends heavily on the circumstances: Do the other processes keep the file open, or do they always (re)open it before reading the contents? Is atomicity preferred or absolutely required? Is the data plain text, structured like XML, or binary?
Please note that there are no ways to guarantee beforehand that the file will be successfully modified atomically. Not in theory, and not in practice.
You might encounter a write error with the disk full, for example. Or the drive might hiccup at just the wrong moment. I'm only listing three practical ways to make it seem atomic in typical use cases.
The reason write leases are my favourite is that I can always use fcntl(fd,F_GETLEASE,&ptr) to check whether the lease is still valid or not. If not, then the write was not atomic.
High system load is unlikely to cause the lease to be broken for a 64k write, if the same data has been read just prior (so that it will likely be in page cache). If the process has superuser privileges, you can use setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,getpid(),-20) to temporarily raise the process priority to maximum while taking the file lease and modifying the file. If the data to be overwritten has just been read, it is extremely unlikely to be moved to swap; thus swapping should not occur, either.
In other words, while it is quite possible for the lease method to fail, in practice it is almost always successful -- even without the extra tricks mentioned in this addendum.
Personally, I simply check if the modification was not atomic, using the fcntl() call after the modification, prior to msync()/fsync() (making sure the data hits the disk in case a power outage occurs); that gives me an absolutely reliable, trivial method to check whether the modification was atomic or not.
For configuration files and other sensitive data, I too recommend the rename method. (Actually, I prefer the hardlink approach used for NFS-safe file locking, which amounts to the same thing but uses a temporary name to detect naming races.) However, it has the problem that any process keeping the file open will have to check and reopen the file, voluntarily, to see the changed contents.
Disk writes cannot be atomic without a layer of abstraction. You should keep a journal and revert if a write is interrupted.
As far as I know a write below the size of PIPE_BUF is atomic. However I never rely on this. If the programs that access the file are written by you, you can use flock() to achieve exclusive access. This system call sets a lock on the file and allows other processes that know about the lock to get access or not.

Information about file on Linux system?

I want known if a determinate file is in use by process, i.e. if file is open in read-only mode by that process.
I thought about searching through /proc/[pid]/[fd] directory, but this way I waste a lot of time, and I think that doing this is not beautiful.
Is there any way using some Linux API to determinate if X file is open by any process? Or maybe some structures data like /proc but for files?
Not that I know of. The lsof and fuser tools do precisely what you suggest, wander through /proc/*/fd.
Note that it is possible for open files to not have a name, if the file was deleted after being opened, and it is possible for a file to be open without the process holding a file descriptor (through mmap), and even the combination of both (this would be a process-private swap file that is automatically cleaned up on process exit).
Determining if a process is using a file is easy. The inverse less so. The reason is that the kernel does not keep track of the inverse directly. The information that IS kept is:
A file knows how many links refer to itself (inode table)
A processes knows what files it has open (file descriptor table)
This is why lsof's /proc walking is necessary. The file descriptors in use by a particular process are kept in /proj/$PID (among other things), and so lsof can use this (and other things) to spit out all of the pid <-> fd <-> inode relationships.
This is a nice article on lsof. As with any Linux util, you can always check out its source code for all of the details :)
lsof might be the tool you're searching for.
EDIT: I din't realize you are specifically searching for something to be integrated in your application, so my answer appears a little simplistic. But anyway, I think that this question is pretty much related to yours.

Using C, how can I know when a file is created?

I'm making a program in C for linux that scans a directory every x seconds during a time period for modifications, but I'm having trouble finding out when a file or directory is created. Here are a few options I considered:
Using the stat struct, check if the last status change and data modification timestamps are the same. This brings up the problem that you can create a file, modify it before the program has a chance to check it, which changes the data modification timestamp and no longer sees it as a new file.
Keep a log of the name of every file/directory in the directory and check for new ones. This has the problem where you delete a file and then create a new one with the same name, it doesn't get interpreted as a new file.
Keep a count of the number of file/directories. Similliar problem to the last idea.
With that said, does anyone have any idea on how I can uniquely identify the creation of a file/directory?
You cannot, at least not this way. POSIX has no provisions for storing the file creation time in the file system, like Windows and some other OSes do. It only keeps the status change, access and modification times. Most Unix filesystems do not store that information either.
One of the reasons for this is the existence of hard links, since file timestamps are stored in their inodes and not in the directory references. What would you consider the creation time to be for a file that was created at 10am and then hard-linked into another directory at 11am? What if a file is copied?
Your best, but unfortunately OS-specific, approach would be to use whatever framework is available in your platform to monitor filesystem events, e.g. inotify on Linux and kqueue on FreeBSD and MacOS X...
By the way, Ext4fs on Linux does store inode creation times (crtime). Unfortunately getting to that information from userspace is still at least a bit awkward.
Perhaps you should use inotify?
Check out inotify (Linux-specific).
