Bug in Resilient Backpropagation? - artificial-intelligence

I'm struggling with implementing Resilient Propagation correctly. I already implemented the backpropagation Algorithm to train a Neural Network, and it works as expected for an XOR-Net, i.e. it takes about 600 Epochs to drop Error below 1%. Now i tried implementing Resilient Propagation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rprop) for the same problem and for the first few Epochs Error drops quickly to 23% but then raises to 50% and stays there.
I implemented it exactly as per description in http://www.heatonresearch.com/book/introduction-neural-network-math.html, but that's a puzzling Description: it's different from the wikipedia Rprop-Page AND from the implementation in encog, which was written by the same author as the book, as far as i know.
I also already tried the different implementations from the different sources, but nothing worked.
Some of the differences between the various sources:
using signum(currentPartialDerivative) instead of signum(currentPartialDerivative * previousPartialDerivative) for the calculation of the weight-changes
using the last weight change, instead of the new update value for the new weight changeCalculating the weight changes firstly and the new update values secondly
What is the correct way of implementing this? Subsequently the Implementation according to the book:
public ResilientPropagation() {
initialUpdateValue = 0.01;
deltaMaximum = 50;
deltaMinimum = 0.000001;
negativeEta = 0.5;
positiveEta = 1.2;
double zeroTolerance = 0.0000000000000001;
signum = new Signum(zeroTolerance);
public double calculateWeightChange(Synapse synapse, double partialDerivative) {
if (!synapseValues.containsKey(synapse)){
double initialPartialDerivative = 0;
synapseValues.put(synapse, new SynapseValues(initialUpdateValue, initialPartialDerivative));
SynapseValues values = synapseValues.get(synapse);
double signChange = signum.value(values.lastPartialDerivative * partialDerivative);
values.lastPartialDerivative = partialDerivative;
double weightChange = 0;
if (signChange > 0){
newUpdateValue = Math.min(positiveEta * values.updateValue, deltaMaximum);
weightChange = -1*newUpdateValue;
} else if (signChange < 0){
newUpdateValue = Math.max(negativeEta * values.updateValue, deltaMinimum);
weightChange = newUpdateValue;
} else {
newUpdateValue = values.updateValue;
double weightChange = 0;
values.updateValue = newUpdateValue;
return weightChange;
The same Method for normal Backpropagation works fine:
public double calculateWeightChange(Synapse synapse, double partialDerivative) {
double previousChange = previousWeightChange.get(synapse) != null ? previousWeightChange.get(synapse) : 0;
double weightChange = learningRate * partialDerivative + momentum * previousChange;
previousWeightChange.put(synapse, weightChange);
return weightChange;

There are several different variants of the RPROP algorithm. Encog has been modified to support more of them since the publication of the book. The book focuses on the classic RPROP, as defined by a paper by Reidmiller. Subsequent papers made additional algorithms. This accounts for some differences between Encog's optimized RPROP algorithm and what the book describes.
Looking at your code above, I have a few suggestions that might help. Mostly I am not sure about your final else clause. You have "double weightChange = 0", which will do nothing. I think you need to remove the double. You also need to establish some tolerance for what "zero" is. The change in gradients will rarely precisely hit zero, so I would establish some range about zero, maybe -0.00001 to +0.00001 for the else clause to fire. Then make sure you actually set weightChange to zero.
Another issue that I recall from my own rprop implementation was that the sign of the gradient used for backpropagation was the inverse sign of the gradient used for backpropagation. You might try flipping the sign of the gradient for RPROP, this was necessary in my Encog implementation.
This implementation of RPROP might be useful for you, it is the classic Reidmiller implemenation. It does function correctly and the error converges.
Not sure if this will help. Without running the code, this is all that I see.


QS5026 - The variable cannot be reassigned here

I'm following tutorial from the official Microsoft learning page (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/quantum/tutorial-qdk-explore-entanglement?pivots=ide-azure-portal) about quantum entanglement.
Basically, I copied an example posted there and I am getting error:
QS5026 The variable "numOnesQ1" cannot be reassigned here. In conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result, the target QuantinuumProcessor only supports reassigning variables that were declared within the block.
I understand what it says but it's just a copy from the official Microsoft tutorial. Am I missing something simple like imports, wrong settings? If not, how can I in other way set variables declared outside conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result?
Here is my code:
namespace Quantum.QuantumDream {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
operation GetRandomResult() : Result {
use q = Qubit();
return M(q);
operation TestBellState(count : Int, initial : Result) : (Int, Int, Int, Int) {
mutable numOnesQ1 = 0;
mutable numOnesQ2 = 0;
// allocate the qubits
use (q1, q2) = (Qubit(), Qubit());
for test in 1..count {
SetQubitState(initial, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// measure each qubit
let resultQ1 = M(q1);
let resultQ2 = M(q2);
// Count the number of 'Ones':
if resultQ1 == One {
set numOnesQ1 += 1;
if resultQ2 == One {
set numOnesQ2 += 1;
// reset the qubits
SetQubitState(Zero, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// Return number of |0> states, number of |1> states
Message("q1:Zero, One q2:Zero, One");
return (count - numOnesQ1, numOnesQ1, count - numOnesQ2, numOnesQ2 );
operation SetQubitState(desired : Result, target : Qubit) : Unit {
if desired != M(target) {
This tutorial code is only supposed to run on a local simulator (using %simulate magic commands in a Jupyter Notebook). From the error message, it looks like you've tried to run it on one of Quantinuum targets, which have some limitations on the kinds of things you can do in the code. To run equivalent code on Quantinuum, you'd need to define an operation for just the body of the loop (preparing a state and measuring it) and run it as a job - the cloud targets will take care of the loop themselves, running your code multiple times and returning to you a histogram of the results. For an example, you can see the QRNG sample in the samples gallery in Azure Portal.

Manipulating a struct which is a class property in MATLAB

I've been trying to work with MATLAB classes & structs in order to develop a traffic simulation. I have not worked actively with MATLAB classes before, so it gets a bit tricky at times. This questions involves manipulating a struct, which is a property of a class.
Top-level access
vehicles_handle = VehiclesHandle;
Class definition
classdef VehiclesHandle
%VEHICLESHANDLE Summary of this class goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
methods (Access = public)
function obj = VehiclesHandle
obj.active_vehicles_count = 0;
obj.vehicles = struct('lane',0,'position',0,'velocity',0);
function obj = CreateVehicles(obj,InitialTrafficDensity)
obj.active_vehicles_count = obj.active_vehicles_count + 1;
obj.vehicles(1).lane = 1;
obj.vehicles(1).position = 3;
obj.vehicles(1).velocity = 3;
obj.vehicles(2).lane = 2;
obj.vehicles(2).position = 3;
obj.vehicles(2).velocity = 3;
Now, I can't see the output as expected (which is vehicles_handle.vehicles(1)), I see them the properties of the vehicle 1 as 0's. The situation changes, of course, when I put then in the function VehiclesHandle, but I want to handle creation of vehicles this way.
I know that the code might not be the most efficient way to handle this, but I really do want to learn about handling a struct in this class without pain. Thanks for all the constructive comments and help in advance.
Getting rid of the problem is quite easy:
classdef VehiclesHandle
has to be
classdef VehiclesHandle < handle
And to understand why, please read Comparison of Handle and Value Classes.

iOS9 Beta and MusicTrackLoopInfo

Has anyone been able to loop a MIDI file without problems on IOS9 Beta?
As soon as I try to loop by setting numberOfLoops to 0 in MusicTrackLoopInfo, it locks up the app by sending random MIDI to the player. I've reported it, but am wondering if anyone has found a work around. The same code works perfectly under all other iOS versions.
MusicTrackLoopInfo loopInfo;
loopInfo.loopDuration = loopLength;
loopInfo.numberOfLoops = 0;
OK I just heard iOS9 will ship with this bug in it. Terrible.
Here is a work around.
Don't set numberOfLoops at all, OR set numberOfLoops = 1; // means loop once
Now make a variable (i.e. myVariableToKeepTrackOfAddedCopies) that keeps track of the number of times you will actually perform the following:
In your MIDIReadProc at some point BEFORE the track has finished playing, do the following:
// Copy the track to itself - effectively doubling the length
MusicTrack theTrack=nil;
MusicTrackGetProperty(theTrack, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &trackLen, &trackLenLen);
trackLen = 4.0; //<-- this is your real track length
MusicTrackCopyInsert(theTrack, 0, trackLen, theTrack, 0);
So now your track is twice as long before it ends and the track will continue. This will work the same as looping except you are taking up more memory since you are making the track length longer after each iteration.
When you stop the sequence/track, cut the track back to the original size.
MusicTrackCut(theTrack, 4.0, 4.0 + (4.0*myVariableToKeepTrackOfAddedCopies));
MusicTrackGetProperty(theTrack, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &trackLen, &trackLenLen);
Irritating, but it works. I just verified on iOS9 beta 5. Hope it helps.
This is fixed as of iOS release 9.2
Oddly enough, the tempo track does not seem to have this problem. The following code does not lock up for me:
MusicTrack tempoTrack;
OSSTATUS = MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack(self.sequence, &tempoTrack);
SafeMusicTrackClear(tempoTrack); //calls into MusicTrackClear
MusicTrackNewExtendedTempoEvent(tempoTrack, 0, self.tempo * self.tempoMultiplier);
MIDIMetaEvent timeSignatureMetaEvent;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.metaEventType = 0x58;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.dataLength = 4;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[0] = 1;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[1] = 4;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[2] = 0x18;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[3] = 0x08;
MusicTrackNewMetaEvent(tempoTrack, 0, &timeSignatureMetaEvent);
MusicTrackLoopInfo loopInfo;
loopInfo.loopDuration = 0.25f;
loopInfo.numberOfLoops = 0;
MusicTrackSetProperty(tempoTrack, kSequenceTrackProperty_LoopInfo, &loopInfo, sizeof(loopInfo));
Unfortunately, it does not seem that the tempo track can actually play notes.
After a few hours of digging around and trying to figure out a better solution to the problem, I settled on manually looping by sending a user event at the end of my sequence.
My sequence is created in a method...
-(void) loadPacketsForLoopingSequence {
SafeMusicTrackClear(loopingTrack); //calls into MusicTrackClear
// calculate timestampToPlaySequenceAt -- the starting point of the current sequence iteration, probably in the past, based on MusicPlayerGetTime and the length of the sequence -- here
// calculate timestampToPlayNextSequenceAt -- the starting point of the next sequence iteration, based on MusicPlayerGetTime and the length of the sequence -- here
// a single iteration of the notes get added to loopingTrack here, starting at timestampToPlaySequenceAt
MusicEventUserData event;
event.length = 1;
event.data[0] = 0xab; //arbitrary designation
// -0.5 to make sure we still have time to do the next step in the callback
MusicTrackNewUserEvent(loopingTrack, timestampToPlayNextSequenceAt - 0.5, &event);
...which is called again in the callback:
void sequenceCallback(void* inClientData,
MusicSequence inSequence,
MusicTrack inTrack,
MusicTimeStamp inEventTime,
const MusicEventUserData* inEventData,
MusicTimeStamp inStartSliceBeat,
MusicTimeStamp inEndSliceBeat) {
CSMidiMusicPlayer* musicPlayer = (CSMidiMusicPlayer*)inClientData;
[musicPlayer loadPacketsForLoopingSequence];
The callback has to be registered during sequence init using MusicSequenceSetUserCallback.
The -0.5 kludge could probably be eliminated altogether by examining the parameters in sequenceCallback and modifying loadPacketsForLoopingSequence to accept a parameter, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
I like this solution because it stays in MIDI time and doesn't modify the MIDI file in unexpected, stateful ways. (New notes basically get streamed in when you get close enough to a loop marker.)

Creating an If statement for an entire array

So here is my situation. I'm new to programming and I've just started making a very, very basic platform game. And I mean literally a game with platforms.
I've got my character in and jumping about and I've created my platforms as an array. This was so that I could put them all side by side at the bottom. Now there is other ways I can do this to get round the problem but I wanted to find out how to do it for an array.
So I've got my character falling with this
kirby.yVelocity += 1.0f
Which is all fine but I want his yVelocity to go to 0.0f when he hits any of the platforms in the array.
So I tried this piece of code
if (plat[i].drawRect.Intersects(kirby.drawRect))
kirby.yVelocity = 0.0f
which I thought would work but it gives me an error for the [i] saying that it isn't applicable in this context.
few notes:
kirby is my character name, drawRect is the definition for Rectangle, plat is my Platform array which consists of 13 platforms.
Thanks to anyone who can help
The problem is any variation of plat.drawRect or plat[i].drawRect don't work. Here is all my code relating to the platform arrays.
struct Platform
public Texture2D txr;
public Rectangle drawRect;
Platform[] plat;
plat = new Platform[13];
for (int i = 0; i < plat.Length; i++)
plat[i].txr = Content.Load<Texture2D>("platform");
plat[i].drawRect = new Rectangle(i * plat[i].txr.Width, 460, plat[i].txr.Width, plat[i].txr.Height);`
for (int i = 0; i < plat.Length; i++)
spriteBatch.Draw(plat[i].txr, plat[i].drawRect, Color.White);
Seems like you have to add a for loop, to loop over the platforms. Maybe like this:
for(Platform : plat){
if (platform.drawRect.Intersects(kirby.drawRect)){
kirby.yVelocity = 0.0f;
Here, I'm assuming you're using Java and Platform is the class of your plat-array, which has class List<Platform>.

Windows Form code not executing?

Ok, I've got a weird one here. I'm trying to make a basic tile engine using a windows form, but some of my code is just...not happening. I'll post the chunks in question.
private void MapEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
cboMapNumber.Items.Add(x.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'));
cboMapNumber.SelectedIndex = 0;
TileMap.EditorMode = true;
backgroundToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
This should be called when the form loads, right? The code dives into LoadImageList(), which contains:
private void LoadImageList()
string filepath = Application.StartupPath +
Bitmap tileSheet = new Bitmap(filepath);
int tilecount = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < tileSheet.Height / TileMap.TileHeight; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < tileSheet.Width / TileMap.TileWidth; x++)
Bitmap newBitmap = tileSheet.Clone(
new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
x * TileMap.TileWidth,
y * TileMap.TileHeight,
string itemName = "";
if(tilecount == 0)
itemName = "Empty";
if(tilecount == 1)
itemName = "Floor";
listTiles.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(itemName, tilecount++));
The bitmap loads correctly, but then the entire MapEditor_Load method just stops working. tileCount seems to be a local variable in the debugger, and its value is 0, but the debugger never executes the breakpoint on the line which it is assigned. I have absolutely no idea why it would do this, and it's driving me nuts. Any help?
Oh, I put the bitmap load in a try/catch block just to see if it was handling an exception in a weird way, but I had no luck. It's not throwing an exception. I began having this problem immediately after replacing my IndoorTileSet with an updated version. I've tried a clean rebuild, with no success.
I read something about a person having a similar problem, who wound up having to declare something as an Instance of a class, but the post wasn't detailed enough for me to know if that's where I'm going wrong, or what I might have to declare as an Instance for it to work...or what an Instance even means, really.
I'm not sure about the code in LoadImageList() method but I suggest you to use BackgroundWorker or Control.Invoke to make your application more responsive.
Try this :
Bitmap tileSheet = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(filepath);
The problem is, superficially, that my Bitmap code is throwing an FileNotFound exception, which means I've got a bad filepath. I can handle that. The issue of the program not actually throwing exceptions, and seeming to ignore code, is an issue with 64-bit operating systems not being able to handle exception calls in all instances. The details, and a link to a hotfix to solve the issue, can be found at this site.
