sql, product inventory module - sql-server

I have been tasked with creating a product inventory module. After reading all the posts I can find on Stack Overflow, I have decided the best way is to not keep a separate, running ‘balance’, but to create one on the fly. I have attached a representation of the tables involved.
Actually, it seems like I don't have enough reputation points to include a picture, so here is a link to a dropbox file:
So I have two questions, which are somewhat related, so it seem like I should include them in the same question posting, though I am not a frequent poster and a sql noob. So please excuse me if I am displaying my ignorance with posting or sql.
First, does this look correct (I named all the columns as non-opaque as possible)? I have to create reports that show the current inventory balance for all the products and for products individually as well as a ‘Transaction Register’ with running balance.
Second, provided the first answer is yes, is this a good candidate for creating a view?

Complex question. Difficult to answer without understanding the full scope of the project. One point - I see there is no Current On-hand table. I agree that the running balance at any point in time is best to use a calculated table. It is however common practice to keep a current on-hand table. This gives you the on hand inventory and values with-out having to sum up the transaction. This is the approach in Microsoft Axapta, and other products I have worked with.


Database schema naming conventions and common mistakes?

(https://i.stack.imgur.com/VYkV6.png) :
I'm asked to design a relational database to keep data to answer clinic operation queries such as:
● List the patient appointments for each doctor for a given date.
● When a patient rings to make an appointment, give the available time slots for a given date.
● Retrieve the address of patients to send notices via mail services.
I have one database schema of one relation as shown below, but I was wondering whether there were any mistakes I've made?
ABC(doc-name, doc-gender, registration_num, qualification, pat-name, pat-gender, DOB, address, phone-num, appoint-date, appoint-time, type)
Is the use of words such as date and the use of hyphens generally discouraged? Are there any other weaknesses in my design?
Thank you
So, that's not a schema or a design. Not for a relational database, which, based on the tags for the question, is what you're looking for. That's the storage definition for an ID/Value style of database. If you're looking for actual relational storage, you should be building out those relationships through the process of normalization.
For example, let's start at the beginning with doc-name (I am personally not crazy about using hyphens, but it's not a showstopper, so at least on that note, be sure whichever RDBMS you're working with supports them in the name and then you're good to go). If we think about this just from a data entry stand point, we don't want to have to type in the name of the doctor every time we use that doctor. Instead, we'd want to pull that from a list. So, clearly, we can break that apart from the rest of the information. There is the beginning of our normalization process. We can also easily note the fact that a patient is likely to have more than one appointment. Under the current structure, we'd have to re-enter every bit of patient information prior to the appointment. There's another place where we'd break this apart.
There is tons more to this simple example that could be split out and normalized.
I'd suggest you read up on data normalization. My favorite teacher on the subject is Louis Davidson. Here's his book on the topic. Read that and then try to readdress the situation you're facing.
I'm assuming this isn't just homework. If it is, currently, I'd give you an "F". If it isn't, you should track down someone to give you hand with this database design. You won't be able to quickly read Louis' book on the topic and turn around even a rough working design in any reasonable period of time.
I have to second what Grant said, this is not a relational design at all.
Stop and ask yourself for example what happens if Steven Arrow has to take an afternoon off and update his schedule. You need to be very careful updating the database lest you reassign all his patients.
Spending a total of 5 minutes on this, I see at the very least:
A Doctors table, a Patients Table, and probably a table of open appointment times (which btw, is a bit harder than you think, so you have to give some thought how to handle that and some reading up on tables for scheduling).
That's for starters. I might break out Patients phone numbers to its own table. Why? Well how many columns do you want have for phone numbers? 1? What if they have a work AND home number? Or a Work and Cell and Home? And more.
The concept you're looking for is normal forms. You don't need to go overboard, but generally 3NF is about right.

Database Structure (zero-to-one-to-many relationships)

I am currently working on creating a database for a community partnership program for educational purposes. The structure of the DB should be simple be as stated above, the data tends to overlap in various of ways. There are four main categories; Internships, Jobs, Summer/Yearly Programs, and Other. Followed by an Address book/Contacts list.
This is the part where the data is difficult to structure. The employer and has relate to the "employment posting" and doing so relates to the school's academic departments, 6. But some employers require more than one. This data will then be followed by, how many openings?, posting date, follow up contact date, Student hired? if so, student evaluation, and Notes.
I'm not asking how to create the DB, but how would I organize and structure such a complex data collection? I have managed DB's, (putting in information) and I know how to build from scratch as needed. But I have been tasked with structuring somethings like this.
Here is an image of information needed to collect. (More or less)
Click me!
If you are stuck at the "How do I get started?" stage, I suggest that you start at a very high level (the conceptual data model), then refine only a bit to the logical data model, then to physical data model. Here is a short explanation of the 3 different kinds of data model. (Don't worry that it appears to be about data warehouses - these bits aren't specific to data warehouses.)
For a bit more detail, there is another article on data modeling - again, don't worry that it appears in the context of Agile - this is generally useful stuff even if you're not using Agile.
Another two things that might help are these questions (in this order):
What questions do I need the database to answer?
What information does it need to provide a home for? (Why? If it's not covered by part of the answer to the first question, challenge why it's needed.)

SQLite database questions, problems with design (indexing/multiple fields)

I use stackoverflow a lot, but this is my first question here, so if i'm doing anything wrong just let me know. I'm not a programmer (I just do programming for my own needs) so I'm open to tutorial suggestions etc. I won't be offended if you just give me something to read and find the answers myself.
OK, to the point - I'm trying to write simple application to track my personal expenses and I have a problem with database design. I'm using VStudio to create the database (SQLite). I attached a diagram with my design and I have some questions.
My SQLite diagram
I don't know exactly how to design "Transactions" table. Fields like Date, Payment Type etc. seems to be easy enough but the idea was to store in this table information about transactions so I need to store multiple products there. I've read about it and created table "Transactions_Products" that will help with that. My problem is : where do I put quantity of products in the transaction? I can't think of a place to put it. I tried to find similar databases but couldn't find anything.
Second thing. I've read about indexing a lot, but I still can't grasp the idea. I don't know when to use it. Should I use it only on fields that I will be "querying" a lot?
Last one - is it better for such a small application just for myself to store my account balance in a separate table or should I just calculate it every time?
As I said, I don't need answers like: "do this, do that". If you just give me some good tutorials/articles I think I can find answers on my own, but I couldn't find it. Maybe I'm searching for it wrong.
Thank you in advance for any information.
where do I put quantity of products in the transaction?
Transactions is a bad table name as it's vague and has multiple meanings. Consider "payments", "purchase invoices", etc. See https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/12991/ready-to-use-database-models-example/23831#23831 for some existing patterns.
Should I use [indexes] only on fields that I will be "querying" a lot?
There's no free lunch. Indexes take space, and can slow down inserts. Start with indexes on your primary keys (which is the default for SQLite), measure what is slow (looking at query plans) and add indexes if they help and if you have room.
is it better for such a small application just for myself to store my account balance in a separate table or should I just calculate it every time?
For an operational/transactional database like you describe, avoid storing calculated values. SQLite can count numbers quickly :)
Premature optimization is premature. Make it work first with full normalization. If you have performance problems, analyze what is really causing the slow-down and go from there.

Adding new Excel files to MS Access database as they come in

I am in the situation where I have a questionnaire that is basically just a plain excel spreadsheet with two columns:
one column with the questions and
a second column next to it where users can fill in their answers.
Each respondent has been sent a copy of the file and they will email back their files individually over a long time period. I can't wait until i have all files back; instead i would like to collect (and use) the data in Access as the files come in.
Two questions:
What is the best set up in terms of the manual steps required when a new datafile comes in. Can one just save the file in a specific folder and somehow have the column (column B) with responses "automatically" added to the main database? If not fully automatically, what could be done with just a few manual steps involved?
I realize that the shape of the questionnaire is not ideal (variables are in rows, not in columns). What's the best way to deal with that?
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
PS: I'be open to (simple) alternatives, if Access is not the best choice for this. Analysis of the data will be done in Excel again in the end.
Update, to clarify the questions below:
1) In the short - medium term, we are expecting 50-100 replies. In the long term, it will be more as, people will be asked to send updates when their situation changes - these will have to be added as new entries with a new date attached to them. i.e. it will be a continuous process with a few answers coming in every few weeks.
2) There are 80 questions on the questionnaire.
3) The Excel files come back as email attachments.
4) I was contemplating using Acess, as I thought it will a) makeit a bit cleaner and less error prone, especially as project managers might change in the future, b) allow for better handling of the data, as it will have to be mashed up and reshaped in different ways for the anlysis (e.g. it has to be un-pivoted, which i don't even know if excel can do), and c) i thought it it would give us more flexibility in the future when it comes to using different tools for analysis. i.e. each tool can just query the database. I am open for other suggestions, including Excel-only solutions, if that makes it easier, though.
5) I envision the base table to have all the 80 variables in different columns, and the answers as rows (i.e. each new colum that comes with each excel file will need to be transposed and added as a new row). There will be other data tables with the same primary key as the row identifier in this table.
6) I havn't worked on the analysis part yet, but i know that it will require a lot of reshaping and merging of data sets.
Answer 1 - Questions
You do not provide enough information to allow any one to give you pointers. Some initial questions:
How many questionaires are you expecting: 10, 100, 1000?
How many questions are there per questionaire?
How are the questionaires reaching you? You say "email back". Does this mean as an attachment or as a table in the body of the email.
You say the data is arriving as Excel files and you intend to do the analysis in Excel. Why are you storing the answers in Access? I am not saying you are wrong to store the results in Access; I just want to be convinced you have a reason.
Have you designed the planned table structure for Access?
Have you designed the structure of the Excel workbook(s) on which you will perform the analysis?
Answer 2
Firstly, I should say that I agree with Mat. I am not an expert on questionnaires but my understanding is that there are companies that will host online questionnaires and provide the results in a convenient form.
Most of the rest of this answer assumes it is too late to consider an online questionnaire or you have, for whatever reason, rejected that approach.
An Access project is, to a degree, self-documenting. You can look at its list of tables and see that Table 1 has columns A, B and C. If created properly you can see the relationships between tables. With an Excel workbook you just have a number of worksheets which can contain anything. There is no automatic documentation.
However, with both Excel and Access the author can create complete documentation that explains each table, worksheet, report and macro. If this project is going to last indefinitely and have a succession of project managers, such documentation will be essential. I can tell you from bitter experience that trying to understand a complex Access project or Excel workbook that you have inherited without proper documentation is at best difficult and at worst impossible.
Don’t even start this unless you plan to create and maintain proper documentation. I do not mean: “We will knock up something when we have finished.” Once it is finished, people will be moving onto their next projects and will have little time for boring stuff like documentation. After the event documentation also loses all the decisions and the reasons for those decisions. The next team is left wondering why their predecessors did it that way. The reason will not matter in many cases but I have seen a product destroyed by a new team removing “unnecessary complexity” they did not understand. I always kept a notebook in which I recorded what I was doing and why during the day. I encouraged my staff to do the same. I insisted something for the project log every week. The level of detail depends on the project. The question I asked myself was: “If I had just inherited this project, what happened during the last week that I would need to know?” This was in addition to an up-to-date specification for each component.
Sorry, I will get off my hobby-horse.
“In the short - medium term, we are expecting 50-100 replies. In the long term, it will be more as, people will be asked to send updates when their situation changes - these will have to be added as new entries with a new date attached to them.”
If you are going to keep a history of answers then Access will probably be a better repository than Excel. However, who is going to maintain the Access project and the central Excel workbooks? Access does not operate in the same way as Excel. Access VBA is not quite the same as Excel VBA. This will not matter if you are employing professionals experienced in both Access and Excel. But if you are employing amateurs who are picking up the necessary skills on the job then using both Access and Excel will increase what they have to learn and the likelihood that they will get confused.
If there are only 100 people/organisations submitting responses, you could merge responses and maintain one workbook per respondent to create something like:
Answers -->
Question 1May2014 20Jun2014 7Nov2014
Aaaaaa aa bb cc
Bbbbbb dd ee ff
I am not necessarily recommending an Excel approach but it will have benefits in some circumstances. Personally, unless I was using professional programmers, I would start with an Excel only solution until I knew why I needed Access.
“I envision the base table to have all the 80 variables in different columns, and the answers as rows (i.e. each new colum that comes with each excel file will need to be transposed and added as a new row).” I interpret this to mean a row will contain:
Respondent identifier
Answer to Q1
Answer to Q2
: :
Answer to Q80.
My Access is very rusty. Is there a way of accessing attribute “Answer to Q(n)” or are you going to need 80 statements to move answers in and out? I hope there is no possibility of new questions. I found updating the database when a row changed a pain. I always favoured small rows such as:
Respondent identifier
Question number
There are disadvantages to having lots of small rows but I always found the advantages outweighed them.
Hope this helps.

Inventory database design [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This is a question not really about "programming" (is not specific to any language or database), but more of design and architecture. It's also a question of the type "What the best way to do X". I hope does no cause to much "religious" controversy.
In the past I have developed systems that in one way or another, keep some form of inventory of items (not relevant what items). Some using languages/DB's that do not support transactions. In those cases I opted not to save item quantity on hand in a field in the item record. Instead the quantity on hand is calculated totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold. This has resulted in almost no discrepancies in inventory because of software. The tables are properly indexed and the performance is good. There is a archiving process in case the amount of record start to affect performance.
Now, few years ago I started working in this company, and I inherited a system that tracks inventory. But the quantity is saved in a field. When an entry is registered, the quantity received is added to the quantity field for the item. When an item is sold, the quantity is subtracted. This has resulted in discrepancies. In my opinion this is not the right approach, but the previous programmers here swear by it.
I would like to know if there is a consensus on what's the right way is to design such system. Also what resources are available, printed or online, to seek guidance on this.
I have seen both approaches at my current company and would definitely lean towards the first (calculating totals based on stock transactions).
If you are only storing a total quantity in a field somewhere, you have no idea how you arrived at that number. There is no transactional history and you can end up with problems.
The last system I wrote tracks stock by storing each transaction as a record with a positive or negative quantity. I have found it works very well.
The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 2: A Library of Data Models for Specific Industries
The Data Model Resource Book: Universal Patterns for Data Modeling
I have Vol 1 and Vol 2 and these have been pretty helpful in the past.
It depends, inventory systems are about far more than just counting items. For example, for accounting purposes, you might need to know accounting value of inventory based on FIFO (First-in-First-out) model. That can't be calculated by simple "totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold" formula. But their model might calculate this easily, because they modify accounting value as they go. I don't want to go into details because this is not programming issue but if they swear by it, maybe you didn't understand fully all their requirements they have to accommodate.
both are valid, depending on the circumstances. The former is best when the following conditions hold:
the number of items to sum is relatively small
there are few or no exceptional cases to consider (returns, adjustments, et al)
the inventory item quantity is not needed very often
on the other hand, if you have a large number of items, several exceptional cases, and frequent access, it will be more efficient to maintain the item quantity
also note that if your system has discrepancies then it has bugs which should be tracked down and eliminated
i have done systems both ways, and both ways can work just fine - as long as you don't ignore the bugs!
It's important to consider the existing system and the cost and risk of changing it. I work with a database that stores inventory kind of like yours does, but it includes audit cycles and stores adjustments just like receipts. It seems to work well, but everyone involved is well trained, and the warehouse staff aren't exactly quick to learn new procedures.
In your case, if you're looking for a little more tracking without changing the whole db structure then I'd suggest adding a tracking table (kind of like from your 'transaction' solution) and then log changes to the inventory level. It shouldn't be too hard to update most changes to the inventory level so that they also leave a transaction record. You could also add a periodic task to backup the inventory level to the transaction table every couple hours or so so that even if you miss a transaction you can discover when the change happened or roll back to a previous state.
If you want to see how a large application does it take a look at SugarCRM, they have and inventory management module though I'm not sure how it stores the data.
I think this is actually a general best-practices question about doing a (relatively) expensive count every time you need a total vs. doing that count every time something changes, then storing the count in a field and reading that field whenever you need a total.
If I couldn't use transactions, I would go with the live count every time I needed a total. If transactions are available, it would be safe to perform the inventory update operations and the saving of the re-counted total within the same transaction, which would ensure the accuracy of the count (although I'm not sure this would work with multiple users hitting the database).
But if performance is not really a huge problem (and modern databases are good enough at counting rows that I would rarely even worry about this) I'd just stick with the live count each time.
I would opt for the first way, where
the quantity on hand is calculated
totaling inventory received - total of
inventory sold
The Right Way, IMO.
EDIT: I would also want to factor in any stock losses/damages into the system, but I'm sure you have that covered.
I've worked on systems that solve this problem before. I think the ideal solution is a precomputed column, which gets you the best of both worlds. Your total would be a field somewhere, thus no expensive lookups, but it can't get out of sync with the rest of your data (the database maintains the integrity). I don't remember which RDMSs support precomputed columns, but if you don't have transactions, that might not be available either.
You could potentially fake precomputed columns (very effectively... I see no downside) using triggers. You'd probably need transactions though. IMHO, keeping data integrity when you're doing this sort of controlled denormalization is the only legitimate use for a trigger.
Django-inventory geared more to fixed assets, but might give you some ideas.
IE: ItemTemplate (class) -> ItemsOnHand (instance)
ItemsOnHand can be linked to more ItemTemplates; Example Printer & the ink cartridges is requires. This also allows to set Reorder points for each ItemOnHand.
Each ItemsOnHand is linked to InventoryTransactions, this allows for easy auditing.
To avoid calculating actual on hand items from thousand of invetory transactions, checkpoints are used which are just a balance + a date. To calculate items on hand query to find the most recent checkpoint and start adding or substracting items to find the current balance of items. Define new checkpoints periodically.
I can see some benefit to having the two columns, but I'm not following the part about discrepancies - you seem to be implying that having the two columns (in and out) is less prone to discrepancy than a single column (current). Why is that?
Is not having one or two columns, what I meant with "totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold" is something like this:
Select sum(quantity) as inventory_received from Inventory_entry
Select sum(quantity) as inventory_sold from Sales_items
Qunatity_on_hand = inventory_received - inventory_sold
Please keep in mind that I oversimplified this and my initial explanation. I know there is much more to inventory that just keeping track of quantities, but in this case that's were the problem lies and what we want to fix. At this point the reason to change it is preciselly the cost of supporting the problems caused by the current design.
Also I wanted to mention that although this is not a "coding" question is related to algoritms and design which IMHO are very important topics.
Thanks everybody for your answers so far.
Nelson Marmol
We solve different problems, but our approach to some of them might be interesting to you.
We allow the system to make a "best guess", and give the users regular feedback about any of those guesses that look wrong.
To apply this to inventory, you could have 3 fields:
Then, you could run a process (daily?) along the lines of:
FROM Inventory
WHERE estimated_on_hand != inventory_received - inventory_sold
Of course, this relies on users looking at this alert, and doing something about it.
Also, you could have a function to reset inventory some how, either by updating inventory_sold/received, or perhaps adding another field "inventory_adjustment", which could be positive or negative.
... just some thoughts. Hope it's helpful.
