Backbone.js Work with server response to save() method - backbone.js

I'm kind of new to Backbone. I need use the data in the server response to a save() method but I'm not sure how to get it. This is the code:
$(".act_btn").on("click", function(){
var act_id = $(this).attr("data-id");
startRecordItem = new StartRecordItem({
activity: act_id,
success: function(response){console.log(response)}
recordItem = new RecordItem({
id: ... <---- I have to populate this with the data from the server response.
Right now the success function doesn't work at all, what am I missing? I'd like to get an attribute from the JSON response and then use it on the ´new RecordItem´. The save itself works correctly and the response looks like this:
{"activity": 1, "id": 14}

What you're missing is that the first argument of .save. is the attributes that get passed into the model, pre-save. You want to do something more like this:, {
success: function(response) {
Since Backbone fires a sync event on successful save, you could also do this:
this.listenTo(startRecordItem, 'sync', function() { /* logic here */ });


POST request using angular $resource

In my index.js file I have the following POST...
// create a bear (accessed at POST http://localhost:8080/api/bears)
.post(function(req, res) {
var bear = new Bear(); // create a new instance of the Bear model =; // set the bears name (comes from the request)
// save the bear and check for errors {
if (err)
res.json({ message: 'Bear created!' });
.get(function(req, res) {
Bear.find(function(err, bears) {
if (err)
I test the url http://localhost:8080/api/bears with a POST request on Postman and it was successful. Now I'd like to test my POST request using angular $resource.
I tried the following which I got from the documentation...
app.factory('Profile', function ($resource) {
var Bear = $resource('http://XXX.XXX.X.XX:3000/api/bears/:bearId', {bearId:'#id'});
var single_bear ={bearId:123}, function(){ = "Yogi";
I'm not sure what I should for bearId, I just put a random number. And I am trying to save the bear's name as Yogi. I'm assuming this POST request will occur when I run the app, but I do so and then check to see if my db was filled and there is no entry.
What am I doing wrong?
in case you're wondering what a bear entry looks like...
"_id": "57ded2302a5ebc050ce3852d",
"__v": 0,
"name": ""
Your resource is configured to look for the id property in the data passed (via '#id') yet your data is passing bearId.
Additionally, the data from your server seems to have an _id property, not id nor bearId.
Also, the resource method you're looking for is save(), not post().
I'd go with this type of resource definition...
$resource('http://XXX.XXX.X.XX:3000/api/bears/:id', {id:'#_id'});
Then, you can use it to create a new Bear via{_id: 123, name: 'Yogi'})

angular $resource receive extra information

I am using ng-resource to do ajax request. I want to send extra info besides the data.
For example, I have an article entity on my server
exports.fetchArticle = function(req, res, next) {
var article = req.article
return res.json({data: article, message: 'success fetch article'})
The reason I wrap it is that, in the case of deletion, it makes no sense to send data, I can just return res.json({data: null, message: 'deleted successfully'})
on my client side, I have:
$scope.fetchArticle = function() {
Article.get({articleId: $routeParams.articleId}, function(response) {
$scope.article =
$scope.ajaxSuccess = response.message
}, function(err) {
$scope.ajaxError =
$scope.article is not an instance of ng-resource anymore, thus I can't do further request with $scope.article, i.e. this will cause error, since $scope.article is a plain json object:
$scope.article.$update(function(response) {...})
If I simply return res.json(article) from server, it works, but I can't send along the message.
The reason I dont generate the message from client but fetch from server is that, the error message is from server, I want to keep success message consistent with the error message.
Is there any other elegant way to send the message?
Assuming that all your servers responses follow this format:
data: {/*...*/},
message: 'some message'
You could use $http's transformResponse for that, so that you get an ngResource instance that is your returned object while still processing your message. For that, you need a transform-function:
function processMessage(data, message) {
//Do whatever you want with your message here, like displaying it
function transform(response) {
var data =;
delete response.message;
for(var attributeName in data) {
response[attributeName] = data[attributeName];
return response;
Then you can add this function to $http's default transfroms in the config of your app:
angular.module("yourApp",[/* ... */])
//....all your other config
Now all repsonses from $http get transformed by this function, triggering processMessage and leaving you with a ngResource instance of the returned object.

Overrriding collection fetch() method in Backbone.js is causing a double request to the server

I'm doing an application with Backbone.js and Require.js. I have an "Opportunities" Backbone collection and I needed to modify the fetch method because the data from the server comes inside a "results" object.
I did the trick by doing something I found in this question, at this point all looks good.
The problem is that I noticed that the fetch method is asking the server for the data TWO TIMES and not ONE as expected.
I am testing and now I found that if I remove this code: return, options); Backbone asks the url for the data only one time, obviously this code is causing the problem but I don't know the reason.
This is my Backbone collection
], function(Backbone, Opportunity){
var Opportunities = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: "/api/v1/opps/",
model: Opportunity,
// Need to have custom fetch because json data is coming inside a
// "results" array inside the JSON.
fetch : function(options) {
// store reference for this collection
var collection = this;
type : 'GET',
url : this.url,
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data) {
// set collection main data
// For some reason this is causing a double request
// to the server
return, options);
return Opportunities;
Someone knows the reason because this error is happening?
It's fetching it twice because you're using jQuery to fetch it directly, the calling the models own fetch method which will call an AJAX request as well.
If you want to return data.results back to your collection (and subsequently models), you can use the parse method, like:
var Opportunities = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: "/api/v1/opps/",
model: Opportunity,
parse: function(data){
return data.results;

ExtJS call directFn, failed

In the ExtJS 3, I want to invoke a method, like below. Looks like method in server side is not invoked. I can't use 'directFn' this way ? how to fix it ?
The server side is C#.
function showDetail(recordId) {
directFn: Report.showDetail,
success: received,
failure: function () { alert('failure'); },
params: { recordId: recordId }
function received(response) {
var x = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
Uh, yeah, you can't just create a parameter and expect it to mean something to Ext. You'll need to call a url and pass directFn as part of the url or as a parameter, depending on how your server-side stuff is set up.

How do I trigger the success callback on a{
success: function(model, response){
error: function(){
The model is correctly posted to the server which handles the save, but the success callback is not fired. Do I need to send something back from the server ?
The first argument of save is the attributes to save on the model: {att1 : "value"}, {success :handler1, error: handler2});
For some unknown reason, none of the above method worked for me. The api only was not hit in my case.
But later while searching on this, I bumped into this link, where some one had tried null instead of {} as the first parameter., {
success: function (model, response) {
error: function (model, response) {
so, this worked for me. Hope this helps you too.
Your server must return a JSON object. If the response is not a JSON object, the callbacks will not fire.
If for success your server doesn't return a JSON object, perform a save with dataType:"text" option, like this:[],{
success:function() {},
error:function() {}
With this option it will not be waiting for a JSON in response, but a text, and thus the callback will be launched.
You may use underscore lib as follows as backbone already depends upon this. Remember first argument of save must either have attributes or you may just pass {} in case you want to save model itself.{}, _.bind(function(model, response){
//Do whatever you want e.g.
}, this))
so im a little confused - do i still need to pass in all attributes in order for me to call a save event? what if my model is large.. i dont wish to set every property manually
im calling and attempting to do the following:
success: function (model, response) {
console.log('model saved');
ok just to answer my own question incase anyone finds this post, i did the following which works:{ id: this.model.get('id') },
success: function (model, response) {
error: function (model, response) {
EDIT: I couldn't reply to you for some reason, but I can edit
but you don't have to set id: this.model.get('id') you can just pass a blank object because a blank attribute just won't extend attributes, does nothing:{}, {
success: function (model, response) {
error: function (model, response) {
The following is the code that i am using for backbone model save.,{
console.log("Saved Successfully");
Roy M J
For those that want to save a model, without updating the attributes, you can do the following:
model.once("sync", function(model, response, options){
model.once("error", function(model, response, options){
In you initialize function, bind the sync method to a method you define (onSaveSuccess)
initialize: function (options) {
this.model.on('sync', _.bind(this.onSaveSuccess, this));
onSaveSuccess: function() {
This way, any time you run, it will run the onSaveSuccess function as a callback if your sync is successful
