Select then parse using substring and cast gives different result from computation - sql-server

I parsed a string which I use substring to get the last 11 i think numbers of characters. I accomplished that one but when I use cast and round it gives a different result from the manual computation I did.
Here's my query
SELECT round(cast(SUBSTRING('351856040520298,241111;1R,141117003059,A,1420.4629N,12058.7028E,0.0,77,0.9,20000006;2R,141117003059,11,98.3,12.58,04.10,282098820.9', 123,11)as float)/3600, 0, 1)
This gives me a result of 583. But when I try to manually compute using the computation below
282098820.9 / 3600
The result is
Is there something wrong with my query?
Thanks for the help.

The problem is with your SUBSTRING. It only returns 2098820.9 instead of 282098820.9. Try using RIGHT to extract the last 11 characters.
SELECT round(cast(right('351856040520298,241111;1R,141117003059,A,1420.4629N,12058.7028E,0.0,77,0.9,20000006;2R,141117003059,11,98.3,12.58,04.10,282098820.9', 11)as float)/3600, 0, 1)


T-SQL: SUM Number between Delimiters from String

I need to get numbers with a variable length out of a string and sum them.
The strings got the following format:
I'm extracting the code via RIGHT() and join with another table to get the group right, at the moment I'm using sum to get it together via date:
I then need to sum the numbers from the string and not the number of rows.
Some Examples:
Month1 EH:1=24->ZTM
Month1 EH:4=13-21->LKm
Month2 EH:3=34,33,43->LKm
Month2 EH:7=12,92-29,29->LKm
Month2 EH:5=24-26,11,21,22->ZOL
What i need:
Material - Month1 - Month2
ZTM - 1 - 0
LKM - 4 - 10
ZOL - 0 - 5
Could you help me please?
Short version:
What you are looking for is SUBSTRING.
Longer version:
To get the the sum of the numerical value of NUMBER you need think about how break it down.
I'd recommend following these steps:
Extract the NUMBER part from the string. This should be done with SUBSTRING (much like you extract Code with RIGHT). To get the start and and length och your substring use charindex ( or patindex if you like).
Convert the NUMBER part to a numerical value with cast (or convert or what you are familiar with)
Now you can do your aggregation.
So SUM(CAST(SUBSTRING(*this part you will have to figure out by yourself)) as correct numerical data type)).
I'll let you figure out the values to insert by yourself and would recommend to first find the positions of the delimiting characters, then extract the NUMBER part, then get the numerical value .... you get it .
This to gain a better understanding of what you are actually doing.
Cheers, and good luck with your assignment

SQL Server: substring leading zero counting is off

I'm trying to make 3 separate fields from a date and now I ran into this problem. When the (DDMMYYYY European style) date is like 04032017, the code:
SELECT SUBSTRING(CAST(04032017 AS VARCHAR(38)), 2, 2) AS Month
returns 03 (perfect).
But when the code is like (the first zero is now a 1!) :
SELECT SUBSTRING(CAST(18022017 AS VARCHAR(38)), 2, 2) AS Month
the result is 80 because SUBSTRING now is counting from the (1) first position and in the first example it took 4 as the starting point.
Obviously I need to have 1 code for all occurrences but I just don't get it right.
Some help would be appreciated!
Regards, J
This should work for you:
select SUBSTRING(right('00000000' + CAST(04032017 AS varchar(38)),8), 3, 2) as Month
You might require to parse this as varchar and then convert into valid date and use month() function to get clear approach
declare #date nvarchar(10)='18022017'
select Month(cast(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(#date,3,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,1,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,5,4)) as date))
Ok, just solved it. Just remove the cast (why did I use that in the first place?) and put single quotes around the date:
select SUBSTRING('04032017'), 2, 2) as Month
This works just fine!

Make substring using a specific delimiter in SQL

I want to make a substring of a column value using a specific delimiter.I tried SUBSTRING_INDEX,but it doesn't work for SQL.Is there any way to achieve this??
Column values are:
and I want to achieve the same thing in SQL:
i.e I want the number after SOFT- in my substring.I can't use only - because before SOFT- there is chance that - may occur(rare case,but I don't want to take a chance)
Try using just SUBSTRING . For example
SUBSTRING(code, CHARINDEX('SOFT-', code) + 5, LEN(code)) AS [name] from dbo.yourtable
hope this helps.
Tested Result:
Read this as: Get the rightmost string after the first '-' in a reversed string - which is the same as the string after the last '-' character.
Try This Query:
select substring(col,charindex('-',col)+1,len(col)-charindex('-',col)) from #Your_table
Explanation of Query:
Here Charindex find the '-' delimeter [length] IN Given String and now that Result[length+1] is our starting point and ending length is [len(col)-starting length] gives ending point and then use substring Function to split a string according to our requirement.
Result of Query:

SSIS How to get part of a string by separator

I need an SSIS expression to get the left part of a string before the separator, and then put the new string in a new column. I checked in derived column, it seems no such expressions. Substring could only return string part with fixed length.
For example, with separator string - :
Art-Reading Should return Art
Art-Writing Should return Art
Science-chemistry Should return Science
I knew this could be done in MySQL with SUBSTRING_INDEX(), but I'm looking for an equivalent in SSIS, or at least in SQL Server
Better late than never, but I wanted to do this too and found this.
TOKEN(character_expression, delimiter_string, occurrence)
TOKEN("a little white dog"," ",2)
returns little the source is below
of course you can:
just configure your derived columns like this:
Here is the expression to make your life easier:
SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)
FYI, the second "1" means to get the first occurrence of the string "-"
expression to deal with string without "-"
FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) != 0 ? (SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)) : name
You can specify the length to copy in the SUBSTRING function and check for the location of the dash using CHARINDEX
SELECT SUBSTRING(#sString, 1, CHARINDEX('-',#sString) - 1)
For the SSIS expression it is pretty much the same code:
SUBSTRING(#[User::String], 1, FINDSTRING(#[User::String], "-", 1)-1)
if SUBSTRING length param returns -1 then it results in error,
"The length -1 is not valid for function "SUBSTRING". The length parameter cannot be negative. Change the length parameter to zero or a positive value."

Nonsense Error in SQL Server Management Studio

I have this query that spawns the following error:
WHERE LEFT(QtLabel, LEN(QtLabel)-2) IN (
Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.
Am I doing something wrong? It tends to show up when I use the LEN() function. Might it be a datatype issue?
Is it possible that LEN(QtLabel) <= 2 ?
Are you sure that each QtLabel field is longer than 2 characters?
LEFT probably uses SUBSTRING internally. What happens if the length of QtLabel is <= 2?
It's because some QtLabel values don't contain > 2 characters, so you end up trying to do a LEFT() with a negative value as the number to restrict to.
In your scenario, you're assuming all QtLabel values are 6 characters, so uou should do:
WHERE LEN(QtLabel) = 6
AND LEFT(QtLabel, LEN(QtLabel)-2) IN (
SELECT LEFT('MyText', -2)
will throw the same error
