Which settings provide SQL Server default datetime format? - sql-server

Say, I have a table like this :
Table name "DateTimeFormatCheck" >
I used below query to insert :
Insert into [dbo].[DateTimeFormatCheck] ([DateTimeCheck]) values('11/19/2014 1:29 PM')
It inserted date like 2014-11-19 13:29:00.000 , but my insertion format(M/d/yyyy h:m tt) is not same as inserted date.
Now i want to know How SQL Server detect my string date format that i have provided ? and Why it always provide this format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss after insertion?

Don't do that! Don't use strings instead of dates and don't use a culture-specific date or datetime format, it's a recipe for disaster.
SQL Server doesn't have a "date format", just formats it uses to convert dates to and from strings. One of them is the default, controlled by the server's collation. You can neither assume nor should you depend on a specific collation, so you should avoid conversions whenever possible. Moreover, passing a string value can prevent SQL Server from using indexes on date columns because it would have to convert the string to the underlying column type.
It's far easier and safer to pass dates as date-typed variables or parameters. You avoid the entire conversion mess this way, to and from and avoid SQL injection attacks.
There's no reason to pass strings instead of dates to the server. All SQL Server clients (including ADO.NET) allow you to execute parameterized queries. ORMs like NHibernate and Entity Framework also generate parameterized queries for date-typed columns.
Whenever you need to create a string literal, use one of the invariant formats like 20140913 or 2012-11-07T18:26:20
You can read more about it at Writing International T-SQL Statements

The format of sqlserver is yyyy-mm-dd, but you can define your input by execute the command
set dateformat dmy -- to accept dmy format
set dateformat mdy
select cast( '11-9-2014' as date)
set dateformat dmy
select cast( '11-9-2014' as date)
Ideally you can not try to change format, you can validate your data and then insert.
Whenever we insert into datetime datatype, sqlserver will implicitly try to convert into mmddyyy hhmmss format. so if you given date as 19/11/2014 , it convert into 11/19/2014 means 19th nov 2014.
But if you give more than 12 in the middle portion, it will not convert implicitly and throw the error of conversion.
Other than mmddyyyy format, you must use to cast or convert function explicitly to allow the data insert or update.
Before the casting you can use ISDATE or TRY_PRASE or PARSE function in sqlserver, will check to conversion possible or not.
you can create a function or just add line as
declare #dt varchar(50) = '19-11-2014 10:10:41'
declare #dTable table ( datecolumn datetime)
INSERT into #dTable values (
when isdate(CONVERT( varchar(50), #dt)) = 1 then CONVERT( varchar(50), #dt) --'19-11-2014 10:10:41'
when isdate(CONVERT( varchar(50), #dt, 103) ) = 1 then CONVERT( datetime, #dt , 103 ) --'19-11-2014 10:10:41'
when isdate(CONVERT( varchar(50), #dt, 102) ) = 1 then CONVERT( datetime, #dt , 102 ) --'19-11-2014 10:10:41'
--when --give other format as above given and if not set in any dateformat , then simply return null
end )
select * from #dTable


SQL Server date separator dot not working while inserting data

When I insert a date like this '01.03.2020 21:35:12' it changes into '2020-01-03 21:35:12.000'.
I want to insert the date with DOT as the Date separator.
NOTE: I'm not using a stored procedure, just insert query.
This is an inferior choice in format, because nobody reading that code can be certain whether you meant January 3rd or March 1st. You can get there this way, but it is ugly, unintuitive, and equally non-self-documenting:
DECLARE #d varchar(30) = '01.03.2020 21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d, 104);
Much better to use a standard, unambiguous date format for literals. These are the only two formats not subject to misinterpretation by language, dateformat, or regional settings, and therefore don't need to be accompanied by cryptic style numbers:
DECLARE #d1 varchar(30) = '20200301 21:35:12',
#d2 varchar(30) = '2020-03-01T21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d1), CONVERT(datetime, #d2);
Recommended SQL Server Date Formats
Bad Habits to Kick : Mis-handling date / range queries
Dating Responsibly
I don't think you can change the display in SSMS from the YYYY-MM-DD TIME format. If you want to change the way you get the date back when selected, you can use the CONVERT or FORMAT functions.
CONVERT function: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1145/date-and-time-conversions-using-sql-server/
FORMAT function: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/format-transact-sql
You may need to select your datetime twice with the CONVERT. Once for the date and once for the time in order to get the combination of formats you want.

Check data type format of every value of a column in SQL Server

I have a table_1 that has column dob which has datatype nvarchar(max). Now I want to check every date whether it is in datetime format or not.
The dates which are in datetime format should be copied to table_2 that has column with a datatype of datetime.
Any help how can I do this?
If you are using SQL Server 2012 or later, then TRY_CONVERT can help here:
FROM yourTable
This would return every record from your table where the dob text field is in some format which SQL Server cannot natively convert to a datetime.
This will insert all the strings can be converted into Table_2
INSERT INTO Table_2 (DateTimeColumn)
FROM Table_1
It is a very bad habit to store datetime values in a string. The reason why: Date-Time formats differ around the world and depend on your system's culture settings. Even worse, some format depend on a given language. Try this out:
SET LANGUAGE ENGLISH; --try with GERMAN to see the effect on "Decemeber"
SET DATEFORMAT ymd; --try with "ydm" or "dmy"
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('blah') --just a wrong value
,('20201231') --ISO, "unseparated YMD-format (see CONVERT with 112)
,('2020-12-31') --ISO8601
,('2020-31-12') --European with leading year
,('12-31-2020') --USA (see CONVERT with 110)
,('31-12-2020') --European (see CONVERT with 113)
,('31 December 2020') --language dependant (see CONVERT with 113), try with German "Dezember"
,('2020-02-30'); --Invalid, there's no 30th of February
SELECT t.dob --Your value
,[cast] = TRY_CAST(t.dob AS DATETIME) --CAST relies on the system's settings (might work on your machine but can break on a customer's machine
,[convert] = TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, t.dob, 112) --CONVERT allows to use the style paramter, better than CAST, but more strict
,[parse] = TRY_PARSE(t.dob AS DATETIME USING 'en-US') --Parsing allows to mention the culture. You do not need to specify the language as a general setting
,[xmlCast] = CAST(t.dob AS XML).value('. cast as xs:date?','datetime') --Works below v2012, but can deal with ISO8601 only.
FROM #tbl t;
Play with the settings
You can use GERMAN instead of ENGLISH. The entry with December will not work any more. You can change the general date format to any combination of ymd and find, that some formats stop to work while others start to work.
TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT and TRY_PARSE will need a version of v2012 or higher.
If you are running an older system you should upgrade ( :-) ). The only chance with an older system is a XML hack, but this is very tightly bound to ISO8601.
Finally: For your next question, please try to add more information. State some of your input values, mention your RDBMS with version and try to set up a mockup with DDL and INSERT (look what I've done above).
Hint: Very dangerous...
Try to insert a value like 2020-05-06 and you will find, that some styles read this as the 5th of June, while others return the 6th of May. Returning wrong values is worse than returning NULL or throwing an error...

SQL Server: convert StartDATE 20140804 Nvarchar to Datetime2

I'm using SQL Server 2008 and I did an import from a flat file. I couldn't import the datetime column properly so I specified it temporarily as a nvarchar(50).
Now I want to convert it to datetime2 format. However when doing so, I get the error
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The data that is currently in my nvarchar(50) column looks like this:
And I need to convert it to:
2014-08-04 00:00:00.0000000.
Note that I do not only want to convert one date, but all StartDATE values in my table and insert them to another table
Any help is appreciated.
Insert into targettab(datecol,<othercols....>)
select cast(datefield as datetime2),<othercols...> from sourcetab
You can use cast function
you need to convert to char first because converting to int adds those days to 1900-01-01
select CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),rnwl_efctv_dt ))
here are some examples
select CONVERT (datetime,5)
1900-01-06 00:00:00.000
select CONVERT (datetime,20100101)
blows up, because you can't add 20100101 days to 1900-01-01..you go above the limit
convert to char first
declare #i int
select #i = 20100101
select CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),#i))
SELECT convert(varchar, StartDATE , 113) from ur table

SQL Server Converting varchar to datetime

I got a problem in SQL Server with converting a varchar to datetime. I would like to convert/update whole column [datelog] in table:
[dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss]` to `[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]
In SQL Server 2012+ you can use PARSE or TRY_PARSE to parse a text value according to a specific culture.
Assuming your text follows the German culture ('de-DE') you can parse it to datetime with :
select PARSE('24.11.2015 13:10:55' as datetime using 'de-DE')
select PARSE(datelog as datetime using 'de-DE')
The real solution though would be to use the correct field type, ie datetime. It's almost guaranteed that someone, somewhere will either enter text with the wrong format or try to convert the text using the wrong culture.
Date types on the other hand, have no format, they are simply binary values. Using them is faster, safer and easier.
Tricky solution,
DECLARE #inputDate AS VARCHAR(20)='21.11.2015 06:59:00' -- [dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss]
SET #inputDate = REPLACE(#inputDate ,'.' ,'/')
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(24) ,CONVERT(DATETIME ,#inputDate ,103) ,121) OutputDate -- [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]
Still you need to change as per your table columns.
temp table with one column of type varchar
create table #temp3 (someDate varchar (30))
insert into #temp3 values ('23.03.1989 15:23:43')
using a combination of concat, substring and right
select concat
SUBSTRING(someDate,7,4),'-', SUBSTRING(someDate,4,2),'-',SUBSTRING(someDate,1,2), ' ', right(someDate, 8)
from #temp3
gives: 1989-03-23 15:23:43

Sql Server strict convert from varchar to datetime

I'm converting varchar to datetime in Sql Server 2005. Can I force Sql Server to fail if provided varchar has unexpected format?
select convert(datetime, '01-2010-02', 103)
Expected result: query fails because 103 means dd/mm/yyyy (see msdn).
Actual result: 2010-02-01 00:00:00.000
Main purpose of requested enforcement is order of day and month. If varchar is provided in format yyyy-mm-dd then Sql Server will treat mm as day and dd as month because of day/month order in provided format (dd/mm/yyyy).
Note: I can write custom function to manually handle this case. But I hope such enterprise DB already can work strictly with data.
I am afraid you have to use CLR Function and take advantage of using DateTime.TryParseExact method. Not an elegant solution but could work.
You can compare the date with a convert to datetime and back again. I don't know for sure if there are any pitfalls doing like this but my limited tests has not discovered any.
if #StrDate = convert(varchar(10), convert(datetime, #StrDate, 103) ,103)
Whenever SQL Server sees a clear candidate for Year, it will always be used as Year.
The remaining DM parts are determined from the order within the DMY setting or the convert format. If that weren't true, then very simple conversions will fall apart.
set dateformat dmy
select 1 a,CONVERT(datetime, '1-2-3') b
union all
select 2,CONVERT(datetime, '2001-2-3')
union all
select 3,CONVERT(datetime, '2001-3-2')
a b
----------- -----------------------
1 2003-02-01 00:00:00.000
2 2001-03-02 00:00:00.000
3 2001-02-03 00:00:00.000
The 2nd and 3rd explicitly put the Year in front, and that is ok
Books Online has this to say http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms180878.aspx#StringLiteralDateandTimeFormats
There are quite a few exceptions to SET DATEFORMAT, which plays a role regardless of the 3rd param to CONVERT.
The SET DATEFORMAT session setting does not apply to all-numeric date entries
This [ISO 8601] format is not affected by the SET DATEFORMAT, SET LANGUAGE, of login default language settings.
The SET DATEFORMAT session setting is not applied when you specify the month in alphabetical form.
To specifically validate dd/mm/yyyy, use the below instead
set dateformat dmy
declare #input varchar(10) set #input = '12-2010-01'
-- convert allows the date through
select convert(datetime, #input, 103) -- 2010-01-12 00:00:00.000
-- the case below returns 0 { = invalid date }
-- this uses 8-digit format which is always interpreted YYYYMMDD regardless
-- of language or dateformat settings
select case
when #input not like '__/__/____' then 0
else isdate(right(#input,4)+right(left(#input,5),2)+left(#input,2))
