Powershell Get-Item Object or Array - arrays

In a directory i do
Get-Item *.txt
When there is one .txt file inside the directory it returns a System.IO.FileSystemInfo
When there are more .txt files it returns a
What is the best way to handle this inconsistency? I.e. how do i find out if the function returned an object or an array. Or even better, is there a way that Get-Item always returns an array?
I want to pass the result into an other function. This function expects an array of System.IO.FileSystemInfo objects.

You can force an array to always return:
#(Get-Item *.txt)

Use ForEach-Object
Get-Item *.txt | ForEach-Object {
# Do stuff
$_ # this represents the "current" object

One way to insure the result will always be an array is to wrap the expression in #():
#(Get-Item *.txt)

Alternately, if you are holding the result in a variable for use later, just specify an [array]
[array]$list = Get-Item *.txt
This is useful if you want (eg) $list.count which only works with an array. Otherwise you end up with code like:
if ( $result -eq $null) {
$count = 0
} elseif ($list -isnot [array]) {
$count = 1
} else {
$count = $result.count


Powershell: adding an element from an array to another array [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Powershell: Piping output of pracl command to array
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to add elements to array for filtering. after it goes through the loop the first time
I receive "Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'."
I have tried several methods to try and figure this out.
$JsonDB = Get-Content 'Q:\Technology\1AA\HardwareCollection.json' | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($client in $JsonDB)
if($client.HRSeparation -eq "No")
$ClientNotHRSeparated += $client
$ClientHRSeparated += $client
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!!
ConvertFrom-Json parses a JSON string into PSObject(s).
Since you did not define $ClientNotHRSeparated and $ClientHRSeparated anywhere, but immediately start adding ($client) objects to it, in the first iteration your variable $ClientNotHRSeparated will become that client object.
The next time you do +=, you're trying to add an object to another object which does not work.
Define the variables on top of the script, preferably as List object that has a .Add() method.
$ClientNotHRSeparated = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
$ClientHRSeparated = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
Then in your loop use that as
# same for $ClientHRSeparated
P.S. Using a List is much faster/better that adding to a simple array (#()), because when you add items to an array (which has a fixed length) with +=, the entire array needs to be rebuilt in memory, consuming memory and processing time
Although this works, you don't need a loop at all. Just do:
$ClientNotHRSeparated = $JsonDB | Where-Object { $_.HRSeparation -eq "No" }
$ClientHRSeparated = $JsonDB | Where-Object { $_.HRSeparation -ne "No" }
The first line can be rewritten as $JsonDB = Get-Content -Path 'Q:\Technology\1AA\HardwareCollection.json' -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json.
Switch -Raw makes the cmdlet read the content of the file as one single multilined string
The behavior of += is entirely dependent on the left-hand side operand. On the first assignment, the value of $ClientNotHRSeparated is $null, so the resulting operation is:
$ClientNotHRSeparated = $null + $someCustomPSObject
Which PowerShell evaluates as just:
$ClientNotHRSeparated = $someObject
On the second assigment, $ClientNotHRSeparated is no longer $null, and PowerShell instead of tries to identify an overload for + that works on two operands of type [PSObject], which is where it fails.
If you want += to perform array addition, define the two array variables ahead of time with an assignment of a resizable array (use the #() array subexpression operator):
$ClientNotHRSeparated = #()
$ClientHRSeparated = #()
$JsonDB = Get-Content 'Q:\Technology\1AA\HardwareCollection.json' | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($client in $JsonDB) {
if ($client.HRSeparation -eq "No") {
$ClientNotHRSeparated += $client
else {
$ClientHRSeparated += $client
Now += is unambiguous both the first time and subsequently - the left-hand side operand is an array in either case.
As an alternative to looping through the whole collection manually, consider using the .Where() extension method in Split mode:
$JsonDB = Get-Content 'Q:\Technology\1AA\HardwareCollection.json' | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
$ClientNotHRSeparated, $ClientHRSeparated = #($JsonDB).Where({$_.HRSeparation -eq 'No'}, 'Split')
Much faster and more concise :-)

Find indexof array of objects

When working with an array of values, indexof can be used to find the position of the value in the array.
#this returns '1', correctly identifying 'blue' in position '1' of the array
$valueArray = #('cup','blue','orange','bicycle')
I would like to use this command to find the position of a file (image) in an array of objects generated with Get-ChildItem, however the returned position is always '-1' no matter where the object I have called for actually is. Note that image123.jpg is in the middle of the array.
$imageArray = Get-ChildItem "C:\Images"
I have noticed that if I change the array to filenames only, it works returning the actual position of the filename.
$imageArray = Get-ChildItem "C:\Images" | select -expand Name
Is this just the nature of using indexof or is there a way to find the correct position of the image file in the array without converting?
The easiest solution here is the following:
$imageArray = Get-ChildItem "C:\Images"
[array]::IndexOf(array array,System.Object value) searches an array object for an object value. If no match is found, it returns the array lower bound minus 1. Since the array's first index is 0, then it returns the result of 0-1.
Get-ChildItem -Path SomePath returns an array of DirectoryInfo and FileInfo objects. Each of those objects has various properties and values. Just using $imageArray to compare to image123.jpg would be comparing a System.IO.FileInfo object to a String object. PowerShell won't automatically convert a FileInfo object into a string while correctly parsing to find your target value.
When you choose to select a property value of each object in the array, you are returning an array of those property values only. Using $imageArray | Select -Expand Name and $imageArray.Name return an array of Name property values. Name contains a string in your example. This means you are comparing a String to a String when using [array]::IndexOf($imageArray.Name,'image123.jpg').
The way that .NET by default compares things is just not as forgiving as PowerShell is!
[array]::IndexOf($array, $reference) will go through the array and return the current index when it encounters an item for which the following is true:
... which is NOT necessarily the same as doing
$item -eq $reference
For simple values, like numbers and dates and so on, Equals() works exactly like -eq:
PS C:\> $a = 1
PS C:\> $b = 1
PS C:\> $a.Equals($b) # $true
... which is the reason your first example works as expected!
For more complex objects though, Equals() works a bit differently. Both values MUST refer to the same object, it's not enough that they have similar or even identical values:
PS C:\> $a = New-Object object
PS C:\> $b = New-Object object
PS C:\> $a.Equals($b) # $false
In the example above, $a and $b are similar (if not identical) - they're both empty objects - but they are not the same object.
Similarly, if we test with your input values, they aren't the same either:
PS C:\> $a = Get-Item "C:\"
PS C:\> $b = "C:\"
PS C:\> $a.Equals($b) # $false
One of the reasons they can't be considered the same, as AdminOfThings excellently explains, is type mismatch - but PowerShell's comparison operators can help us here!
You'll notice that this works:
PS C:\> $a = Get-Item "C:\"
PS C:\> $b = "C:\"
PS C:\> $b -eq $a
That's because the behavior of -eq depends on the left-hand operand. In the example above, "C:\" is a string, so PowerShell converts $a to a string, and all of a sudden the comparison is more like "C:\".Equals("C:\")!
With this in mind, you could create your own Find-IndexOf function to do $reference -eq $item (or any other comparison mechanism you'd like) with a simple for() loop:
function Find-IndexOf
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Array.Length; $idx++){
if($Value -eq $Array[$idx]){
return $idx
return -1
Now you'd be able to do:
PS C:\> $array = #('','PowerShell is case-insensitive by default')
PS C:\> $value = 'POWERsheLL iS cASe-InSenSItIVe BY deFAuLt'
PS C:\> Find-IndexOf -Array $array -Value $value
PS C:\> $array = Get-ChildItem C:\images
PS C:\> $value = 'C:\images\image123.png'
PS C:\> Find-IndexOf -Array $array -Value $value
Adding comparison against a specific property on each of the array items (like the file's Name in your example), we end up with something like this:
function Find-IndexOf
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Array.Length; $idx++){
if($Value -eq $Array[$idx].$Property){
return $idx
else {
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Array.Length; $idx++){
if($Value -eq $Array[$idx]){
return $idx
return -1
Find-IndexOf -Array #(Get-ChildItem C:\images) -Value image123.png -Property Name

Convert txt to array in powershell

I have a powershell script and a txt database with different number of elements per line.
My txt file is list.txt:
My powershell script search.ps1:
#Get file path
$path = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$search = #()
Get-Content -LiteralPath "$path\list.txt" | ForEach-Object {
$search += $_
So, how to convert each line as a element of array? As this:
$search = #(("10345","doomsday","life","hope","run","stone"),("10346","ride","latest","metal"))
To operate as:
echo $search[0][0]
Here's a concise PSv4+ solution:
$search = (Get-Content -LiteralPath $path\list.txt).ForEach({ , ($_ -split ',') })
The .ForEach() method operates on each line read from the input file by Get-Content.
$_ -split ',' splits each line into an array of strings by separator ,
, (...) wraps this array in an aux. single-item array to ensure that the array is effectively output as a whole, resulting in an array of arrays as the overall output.
Note: Strictly speaking, the .ForEach() method outputs a [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[psobject]] collection rather than a regular PowerShell array ([object[]]), but for all practical purposes the two types act the same.
Note: The .ForEach() method was chosen as a faster alternative to a pipeline with the ForEach-Object (%) cmdlet.
Note that the .ForEach() method requires storing the input collection in memory as a whole first.
A faster and more memory-efficient, though perhaps slightly obscure alternative is to use a switch statement with the -file option:
$search = switch -file $path\list.txt { default { , ($_ -split ',') } }
switch -file processes each line of the specified file.
Since each line should be processed, only a default branch is used, in which the desired splitting is performed.
Use -split. A code snippet you can debug in ISE or VSCode below.
$x1 = #'
$data = $x1 -split "`r`n"
$data[0] -split ","
$arr = #()
foreach ($row in $data)
$arr += ,($row -split ",")
So you can split each line in your file returned from Get-Content and add it to your new array which lets you reference how you wanted...
There are other ways you can use your data depending on your needs.
Assuming you do not want each item quoted, you might consider to not using the -Split operator but just evaluating each line with the Invoke-Expression cmdlet or using a more secure [ScriptBlock] for this:
$Search = Get-Content ".\list.txt" | ForEach-Object {,#(&([ScriptBlock]::Create($_)))}

How to use Get-ChildItem with excluding a list of items with an array in Powershell?

I want to use an array for the exclusion:
Remove-Item -Path "$InstallDir\Lang\*" -Exclude "de.txt", "en.txt"
Get-ChildItem "$InstallDir\Lang" -EXCLUDE "es.txt", "de.txt"| Remove-Item
These both work fine.
Get-ChildItem "$InstallDir\Lang\*" -Exclude "$Language" | remove-item
does not work.
I tried several ways ( e.g. How to use Get-ChildItem with filter array in Powershell? or How to exclude list of items from Get-ChildItem result in powershell?) but I canĀ“t find a solution.
It seems as if $Language can't be interpreted by the command.
This is how $language is built:
[string]$Language = #('"de.txt"')
If ($PackageConfigFile.Language -notlike $Null) {
foreach ($LIP in $PackageConfigFile.Language) {
$Language += ",`n ""$LIP.txt"""
$language has e.g. the following content
Has anybody an idea?
$Language = #('de.txt')
If ($PackageConfigFile.Language -notlike $Null) {
foreach ($LIP in $PackageConfigFile.Language) {
$Language += "$LIP.txt"
Construct your $Language argument as an actual PowerShell array; what you attempted creates a multil-line string instead.
Creating that array should be as simple as:
$Language = $PackageConfigFile.Language -replace '$', '.txt'
-replace, with a collection (array) as the LHS, operates on each item in the collection individually; '$', '.txt' effectively appends .txt to the end ($) of each input item, and the resulting modified elements are collected in $Language as an array, of .NET type System.Object[].
Do not enclose $Language, your array argument, in "...".
Get-ChildItem $InstallDir\Lang\* -Exclude $Language | Remove-Item -WhatIf
If you enclose an array variable in "...", PowerShell converts it to a single string, composed of the array elements concatenated with the value of preference variable $OFS, which defaults to a space; e.g.:
PS> $arr = 'a', 'b', 'c'; "[$arr]"
[a b c]
For readers coming from a UNIX / bash background:
PowerShell variables do NOT need to be double-quoted when they're passed to other commands, whatever they may contain (spaces or other shell metacharacters).
When calling PowerShell-native functionality (cmdlets, functions, scripts), the variable's original type is preserved as-is (the ability to use the .NET Framework's rich type system is the core feature that exemplifies PowerShell's evolutionary quantum leap in the world of shells).
Only use "..." if you explicitly want to pass a string to the target command.

Storing Directory Folder Names Into Array Powershell

I am trying to write a script that will get the names of all the folders in a specific directory and then return each as an entry in an array. From here I was going to use each array element to run a larger loop that uses each element as a parameter for a later function call. All of this is through powershell.
At the moment I have this code:
function Get-Directorys
$path = gci \\QNAP\wpbackup\
foreach ($item.name in $path)
$a = $item.name
The $path line is correct and gets me all of the directories, however the foreach loop is the problem where it actually stores the individual chars of the first directory instead of each directories full name to each element.
Here's another option using a pipeline:
$arr = Get-ChildItem \\QNAP\wpbackup |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} |
Foreach-Object {$_.Name}
$array = (dir *.txt).FullName
$array is now a list of paths for all text files in the directory.
For completeness, and readability:
This get all files in "somefolder" starting with 'F' to an array.
$FileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\somefolder\' -Name 'F*' -File
This gets all directories of current directory:
$FileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\' -Directory
# initialize the items variable with the
# contents of a directory
$items = Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\temp"
# enumerate the items array
foreach ($item in $items)
# if the item is a directory, then process it.
if ($item.Attributes -eq "Directory")
Write-Host $item.Name//displaying
$array=$item.Name//storing in array
I believe the problem is that your foreach loop variable is $item.name. What you want is a loop variable named $item, and you will access the name property on each one.
foreach ($item in $path)
Also take note that I've left $item.name unassigned. In Powershell, if the result isn't stored in a variable, piped to another command, or otherwise captured, it is included in the function's return value.
