Endpoints configuration not updated - google-app-engine

Hello i am trying to deploy backends to google apps engine got error java.lang.RuntimeException: Endpoints configuration not updated,Front end deployed successfully but backends showing consistently loading,i didn't changed anything in code even also my eclipse,jdk & google sdk are same.Eclipse=indigo,jdk=1.7 & google sdk=1.8.5.
please let me know where i did mistakes.


Not able to deploy VS2017 GCP application to google cloud App Engine

I have a google cloud account.I am trying to deploy ASP.Net Core application on Google Cloud Platform app engine flex.I am getting an error message saying services need to be enabled. I don't understand what services are to be enabled for deploying this application directly to google cloud
please see the screen shot of the error msg

Google Cloud Deployment - User disabled

Following this instruction, I try to deploy a front end app to Google Cloud. On the last step, I get the following error for the command "gcloud app deploy"
(gcloud.app.deploy) Unable to deploy to application [my-app] with status [USER_DISABLED]: Deploying to stopped apps is not allowed.
I take a look at my Google Cloud account and can't find the disabled status.
Where shall I look to solve this problem?
You should be able to re-enable your application by going to App Engine -> Settings when managing your project in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
yeah you need to enable your application here
If the app is enabled in the App Engine Settings, you might not have selected the correct project:
gcloud config set project <app-engine-project-id>
You can see the ID in the right column after clicking on the project name in the Google Cloud Platform header on the website.

Google cloud datastore API cannot find project when App Engine application is disabled

I'm trying to connect and get data from Google Cloud Datastore API.
After disabling my App Engine Application (which have no use for me at the moment), I cannot access any GC Datastore API methods.
When I send my request, I always get the following response:
{ [Error: The project [my-project] does not exist.] code: 404, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }
I've already double-checked this and my project name is correct.
Accessing the google cloud console, I noticed that the datastore dashboard also show the same message:
Then, after enabling the app engine application again, everything works.
I know that GC Datastore was initially created to work with App Engine, but since last year it was supposed to be available everywhere (according to this).
Someone have a tip about this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
The Google Cloud Datastore API currently requires that the associated App Engine application not be disabled.
I've filed https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-datastore/issues/107 to track this. It's something we may be able to fix in the future.

Google App Engine not supported Java.io.FileOutputStream

I am very new to google App engine please give me proper solution,my problem is below
when i am trying to deploy my web application to google app engine it shows me error like Java.io.FileOutputStream restricted in google app engine
How to fix it.Is there any setting in google app angine so that this class is supportable without changing java code,
If not what is the alternative way for this problem. Below is my error code.
Uncaught exception from servlet
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.io.FileOutputStream is a restricted class.
Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide for more details.
On the Google App Engine lots of classes are simply not available or give you an SecurityException. You are simply not allowed to read or write files on GAE.

Different behaviour in Eclipse with Google Eclipse Plugin than Google App Engine

I have a Google App Engine project created in Eclipse with the Google Eclipse Plugin.
When I run some of its services locally with the GAE SDK they work fine, but when I deploy the app on "the real" Google App Engine and try to access any of these services, chrome throws the following error:
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
On the other hand, I also get THIS error locally when trying to call an upload method.
All of this is someone else's project and it's meant to work, besides I don't think the error is related to the code, hence, I don't think it's worth it posting it here.
