Using intermediate appPage xpages mobile - mobile

I have a simple issue, but I don´t how to solve the problem.
Using XPages Mobile controls, I have a document with some actions, and one of them is "Send to Signature".
The workflow is: select the signer of document (from names) and send to signature.
I need to show for the current user, one field to select the signer (I already have a field with typeahead funcion to select him).
I would like to use an intermediate appPage for this, but when I´m in the new appPage, the currentDocument is gone.
How can I use the same document (opening from a dataView) for solve this problem?
Can I navigate between appPages (inside SinglePageApp) using the currentDocument??
Thanks in advance

It might be worth looking at Mobile Value Picker on OpenNTF. The mobile prefix may need setting in XSP Properties to "Mobile_" (or it could be that I messed around with the development version after the last upload). But it gives code to have a button / link to go to a subsequent appPage to select values from a list. It starts from a DataView, to a document, to the selection page.
The project has not changed for a couple of years, but I've just tested it in Chrome setting user agent to Android and it still seems to work fine on 9.0.1 FP2.


snowflake load csv file option not available or any file

I'm trying to upload a .csv file but there is no option to load or may be I'm not finding it. I watched many tutorials but the UI that they had is different to mine and I'm not able to change to the other UI like others that has load options.
this above picture is the UI that I have, and am not able to shift to another one as the classic UI button is missing. Am I missing anything here or the load option is missing temporarily?
The Load option is currently disabled and currently we are working on adding this feature to the Snowsight.
Also the classic Web UI is disabled for all new trial accounts.
However there is a workaround as of now.
Can you add ?disableDirectLogin=true to the URL you are currently using and let me know the results.
This will get you the classic Web UI and you can use the load button in thus UI.
Hope this helps.

DotNetNuke (DNN) and Hyperlink Manager "Track the number of times this link is clicked"

I have clients using the DNN CMS (Evoq Content 7.3.2) system and are questioning a specific area in the "Hyperlink Manager". There are two checkboxes (View image):
Track the number of times this link is clicked
Log the user, date and time for each click
If checked, where do we go to view these analytics?
I found resources online that mention we have to create an API for it, but are there any out-of-the-box solutions for this?
After some more researching, I solved my own problem and I wanted to share this with anyone who was looking for an answer to this.
For versions DNN 7.3.2 and lower, the Telerik RadTextEditor includes the feature as mentioned above. To view the analytics with an out-of-the-box method, simply return back to the link and open the "Hyperlink Manager" then navigate to the new tab called "Tracking".
Alternatively, I found developers can implement a control in a custom module called UrlControl. Refer to this link for more information: Link tracking information in html editor (DNN 7.1.2)
In DNN 8+, this feature no longer exists on the front-end UI. I'm not 100% sure if it's still usable or if this information gets migrated when upgrading from 7 to 8, though.

Referencing Another App

What is the best way to reference another app in the visual query designer?
I am using the blog app and I created a second app to list the tags that are used in the main blog app. This way when the app goes to a detail page of a post, I can still have the tags listed on the website without the view changing automatically. I set up my blog tags app with a visual query that list all of the tags used in the main app. Everything was working fine in development.
The problem that I have run into is that when I move the app to a production site the AppId was different than the one I was currently using and development. Now, the tags app is showing an error and I am not able to get into the settings to change the app ID of the visual query to the proper one in order to get the information needed. Is there a better way that I should be handling this?
This sounds like the right way to do it - your main issues is getting into the admin-ui when the template you have shows an error.
I suggest that you quickly rename your current template (so it's not used till you fix the bug) and create an empty template with the original name. This way you can go to the normal settings.
Another option is to switch into dnn-edit-mode, and use the black-dnn buttons to get to app-admin.

Unable to call a specific form from a button in codenameone

I have a form designed in GUI designer. I call it "Register" to collect information for new member registration. Some how whenever I try to open this form using showForm("Register",null), I get this error -
at java.util.Hashtable.put(
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.getFormState(
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.showForm(
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.showForm(
I have not been able to find any reason for this. Is Register a reserved name? What other thing can cause this? Please help, I am stuck.
You seem to be using an older version of Codename One, you need to update your client libraries in the preferences.
This can happen if you showed your current form manually (not via the GUI builder), there is a bug in the current version where showForm() tries to get the name of the currently showing form and doesn't check for null. To workaround this just use setName() on the current form or make sure that all your forms are shown via the GUI builder.

Liferay Change theme for mobile device

I need to change the theme (let's say default theme = classic) to the iphone theme (or whatever) when the user has navigated to the liferay portal using a mobile device.
I thought to go about it like this:
- create a hook to gets triggered on a user login event
- check for the device using the User-Agent request header attribute
- if required, set the theme to iphone using LayoutServiceUtil
Probably there is a better approach to implement such a requirement so feel free to offer alternatives.
I'm quite new to liferay so that is probably the reason I could not get this to work.
a. First of all I'm very confused about how themes are handled in liferay; there seem to be various related model objects which are hard to distinguish: Theme, ThemeDisplay, Layout, LayoutSet, ColorScheme, ... . Can someone explain this or know where this is explained?
b. apparently you need to get the ThemeDisplay from the request in order to set a theme on it. However, when the user logs in, the theme attribute (THEME_DISPLAY) has not been set yet (neither in the pre nor post event; it is set when I check during a logout event). Setting the theme during login is an absolute minimum, I was actually hoping I could set the theme before the user logs in but since the attribute is not even known after user logs in...
c. when using LayoutServiceUtil.updateLookAndFeel, you need to give the groupId, themeId, colorSchemeId, css, ... . I was expecting it would be simply telling liferay which theme (name) to use no matter what groupId, ... . Is this not possible?
thanks a lot for any help,
P.S. I'm using liferay 6.0.5.
I haven't tried this myself but I'm planning on looking into it:
Milen Dyankov's extensions seem to have a way of letting you select themes based on the user agent all configured in the control panel. You can read his blog about it here.
I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure the switching happens automatically.
Question a: are you developing your own theme or do you just want to customize it?
Question b: why not set the default themes correctly? Just set it in the settings pannel => layout => dropdown at the bottom
I would be wary of using a login.pre hook. While this will update it when you login it means that untill the user actually logs in they may see the wrong theme. I would check it in the default render mode of a portlet on the main page or find a hook that is used on first visiting the page.
A possibility seems to be:
That way it will be checked every http request. There may be better options. (I am not that familiar with liferay)
And to get the groupId etc you can just use: long groupId = ParamUtil.getLong(actionRequest, "groupId");
