Search across all namespaces in appengine - google-app-engine

Is there a way for me to search across all the namespaces in google app engine? Conceptually its not possible but wanted to check with the community.
Currently, I iterate through all namespaces and query each of them. Its time consuming and slow.

Not possible with standard datastore queries. Options would be to use Search API, or export to BigQuery.

Not possible, as Gwyn is pointing out. I DO see that there is a bug for this feature to be added in Google's Public Issue Tracker (namely, this issue)

It's also not possible using the Search API. My understanding is that namespaces are designed for isolation.

You could assign the same search document to two index. One generic or default and other isolated.
Then just search over the generic one, for example:
generic = search.Index("all_docs")
specific = search.Index("specific", namespace="sample_namespace")


How to do FTS within Google Cloud Platform

Does Google Cloud Platform have a product to do full-text search via an API with non-web data (such as json or xml documents)? This may seem like a pretty silly question, but the only options I have come across are:
Search inside of Google App Engine (only available for python2, not python3) --
Related to web search only:
Using a managed Elasticsearch:
Cloud firestore explicitly states it doesn't offer that and suggests using Aloglia (and gives details on integrating):
Is there something I'm missing? I'm basically looking to index and search about a million documents in a sort of free-form type of search. Is this offered as a product from Google outside of App Engine? If so, how can I access it?
You have pretty much covered it there. There is currently no specific Google service for full-text search. As you mentioned, App Engine Search API is available for Python 2.7, which will stop being maintained after January 2020, and not Python 3.
There is one more option you could consider, which is using Lucene foe GAE. I found this blog where several possibilities are studied, perhaps could be an interesting reading for you.
To sum up, I would recommend ElasticSearch or Aloglia, but for the latter you need a Firebase project.

Does SOLR support percolation

ElasticSearch has percolator for prospective search. Does SOLR have a similar feature where you define your query upfront? If not, is there an effective way of implementing this myself on top of the existing SOLR features?
besides what BunkerMentality said, it is not hard to build your own percolator, what you need:
Are the queries you want to run easy to model on Lucene only syntax? if so you are good, if not, you need to convert them to Lucene only. Built them, and keep them in memory as Lucene queries
When a doc arrives:
build a MemoryIndex containing only that single doc
run all your queries on the index
I have done this for a system ingesting millions docs a day and it worked fine.
It's listed as an open new feature, SOLR-4587, on Solr JIRA but it doesn't seem like any work has started on it yet.
There is a link in the comments there to a separate project called Luwak that seems to implement some features similar to percolator.
If it is still relevant, you can use this
It's SOLR Update Processor that based on Luwak

How can I easily get a list of the indexed terms from a search index in the google appengine full text search api in java?

How can I easily get a list of the indexed terms from a search index in the google appengine full text search api in java?
I have added an issue to the team, but can someone think of an easy way to do it in the current version?
The API doesn't currently have a way to do that; it doesn't expose the tokenized text at any point, so it would be hard to figure out what the indexed terms are without writing your own tokenizer. Sorry!

Does Solr have an equivalent to CompassQueryBuilder?

I am rewriting our company's search functionality to use Solr instead of Compass. Our old code is using CompassQueryBuilder.CompassQueryStringBuilder to build a query out of a list of keywords. The keywords may have spaces in them: for example: "john smith", "tom jones".
Is there an existing facility I can use in Solr to replicate this functionality?
The closest thing I know for SolrJ is the solrj-criteria project. It seems to be currently unmaintained though.
Solr offers a wide variety of querying and indexing options. So fields that contain keywords with spaces in it, can be made possible by defining a custom type in the configuration file (see here). Queries with spaced keywords in it can be made possible by specifying a custom QueryParser. (see here)
Solr itself doesn't offer a QueryStringBuilder in an API. Actually, Solr itself doesn't offer any API classes at all, since all interaction is done by posting messages over Http. There are client libraries for Java, .NET and PHP etc. In the SolrNet api there exists a SolrMultipleCriteriaQuery, which is quite similar to the CompassQueryStringBuilder.

How can one perform full text search in Google App Engine?

It's a simple question, but I haven't found the answer anywhere. Thoughts and input appreciated.
I'm using Django, too, for what it's worth. :)
The Search API is now available as experimental for Java and Python .
With Java GAE, you could use Compass, but that won't help with Django. For Python, Bill Katz offers one solution -- open source -- and these guys offer a Django-specific approach which, however, is free only for non-commercial applications (i.e. if your app makes money they want you to pay for their full-text search). I have no real-world experience with either of these solutions so I can't really give well-grounded recommendations, but from what one can see with just a little playing around they seem quite useful.
An overview of the Python App Engine searches that I am aware of:
Google did add a cut down search using SearchableModel although that has limitations (5000 indexed word limit, String property only not Text):
Or as another posters have pointed out there are these options:
The Quick and simple text search:
This product which has a fairly comprehensive free version and a more extensive commercial version:
I've read that Google do have a project to bring full text search to App Engine although this is not scheduled to happen any time soon
I'd really like to see a comparison of the various searching frameworks and see how they stack up to each other. Does anyone know of any report like this?
Google Search API now available (although still experimental)
For now, the real answer is that there is no real full-text search on Google App Engine. The solutions provided by the other answers here are fine for toy data sets, but do not scale to anything more than O(10000) documents or so. Google will have to provide search as an infrastructural feature of GAE. See the feature request for (mostly superfluous) discussion.
# The Quick and simple text search:
this solution did not work for me - and looking at the limitations below, it is unlikely to be useful for real use cases.
It uses StringListProperty to store phrases which has a limitation of 500 characters.
It does not work with the standard query filters.
Issue 217 Bill Katz released a package to deal with and is available alternatively, levensthein is a another match measure
You should be able to adapt Whoosh! to write in the datastore instead of on disk. It's a pure python full-text search engine. It's not as fast or full-featured as Lucene, but it should run on GAE without too many modifications.
