Can Xcode 4.6 run on Yosemite? - xcode4.6

I'm working on a project using Xcode 4.6 running on Maverick.
I wanted to upgrade to Yosemite, can the Xcode 4.6 still running properly in Yosemite?

Definitely not. I get the following crash report when launching Xcode 4.3.6
UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Error getting value for key 'delegateClass' of extension 'Xcode.IDEiPhoneOrganizer.MenuDefinition.Screenshots' in plug-in ''
UserInfo: {
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code=2 \"Loading a plug-in failed.\" UserInfo=0x4014c4520 {, DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey=/Applications/, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled., NSLocalizedDescription=Loading a plug-in failed., NSFilePath=/Applications/, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The plug-in \\U201d at path \U201c/Applications/\U201d could not be loaded. The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged., NSUnderlyingError=0x400310540 \"The bundle \U201cIDEiPhoneSupport\U201d couldn\U2019t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.\"}";


Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces error (in CSVHelper method) when running the application installed by Visual Studio Setup project

I have a WPF application that reads a CSV file using CSVHelper which I installed using NuGet. Here's the project, system, etc version info.
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.4.5
NuGet Package Manager 5.4.0
WPF Project Target Framework: .NET Framework 4.7.2
CSVHelper Version: 15.0.5
CSV reader method is straightforward; read a file and put it in a list. Nothing fancy. I'll link the entire project at the bottom so you can download and try it out if you want.
When I run the executable made in either Release or Debug builds, they work fine. They read the file, put contents in a list, and display on a DataGrid just fine. As a next step, I created a standard Visual Studio Setup project, and created an msi installer, which I used to install the app in my PC.
When I run that executable (which is in my Program Files directory), however, the application throws an exception. Here's the exception message and Stack Trace.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131058)
at ReadCSVTest.MainWindow.ReadPeopleList(String path, List`1& people, String& msg)
at ReadCSVTest.MainWindow..ctor()
Since the error says couldn't load the assembly Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces, I added that from NuGet and ran everything again, and I still get the error. What's the problem here? What does it mean that Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context.? And why do I only get this exception when I run the executable installed by the Setup project?
Please download the entire project from HERE.
Just so anyone runs into the same issue in the future; as Jones suggested in the comments, downgrading each of the two libraries to following versions fixed the issue for me.
CsvHelper ==> 12.3.2
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces ==> 1.0.0

Error:Internal error: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException)$Index

Android Studio 3.4.
Project SDK (Android API 19 Platform).
Not using FindBugs or SpotBugs.
Every attempt to build, I get this error:
Information:9/05/2019 4:02 PM - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 1 s 763 ms
Error:Internal error: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException)$Index
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at com.intellij.util.indexing.counters.IndexCounters.<clinit>(
at com.intellij.util.indexing.impl.MapReduceIndex.<init>(
at org.jetbrains.jps.backwardRefs.index.CompilerReferenceIndex$CompilerMapReduceIndex.<init>(
at org.jetbrains.jps.backwardRefs.index.CompilerReferenceIndex.<init>(
at org.jetbrains.jps.backwardRefs.JavaCompilerBackwardReferenceIndex.<init>(
at org.jetbrains.jps.backwardRefs.JavaBackwardReferenceIndexWriter.initialize(
at org.jetbrains.jps.backwardRefs.JavaBackwardReferenceIndexBuilder.buildStarted(
at org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.IncProjectBuilder.runBuild(
at org.jetbrains.jps.cmdline.BuildRunner.runBuild(
at org.jetbrains.jps.cmdline.BuildSession.runBuild(
at org.jetbrains.jps.cmdline.BuildMain$MyMessageHandler.lambda$channelRead0$0(
at org.jetbrains.jps.service.impl.SharedThreadPoolImpl.lambda$executeOnPooledThread$0(
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Solved for me, finally, after months. Note that I have never used FindBugs or SpotBugs, although most posts related to this error mention it.
The solution is to change the compiler from javac to Eclipse. I followed the picture here (don't worry if you don't read Chinese; you won't need to; the picture just makes it clear how to change the compiler).
I have no idea why this works and would highly appreciate informed commentary.
I am facing the same issue with android studio 3.4 and 3.4.1 as well but this work fine with android studio 2.3.3 and 3.0 as well.
Bug seems to be in Android Studio 3.4.x so I downloaded beta version of Android Studio 3.5 and error is gone.
You can download preview version from here :
Partial and temporary fix.
I downgraded Android Studio to 2.3.3 (!) and it worked. I will need to track down what is hard-linking the project to this particular version and fix that, but I need to ship a fix now for the issue at hand.
I get this error message in a Flutter project, when I try to build the project (menu Build/Make Module) whith Android Studio 3.4.2. But I don't get the error when I run the app (menu Run/Run). Running the app does build the project correctly. It seems that menu Build/Make module does not build the app correctly...
So, the solution for me is to run the app, not build it ;-)
I was able to fix this problem by deleting the system subfolder in Android Studio's configuration folder. No user data is lost and the build starts working again!
Android Studio configuration folder can be found under this locations (for more information see this question):
Linux / MacOSX: /home/USERNAME/.AndroidStudio
Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/.AndroidStudio
Note that the name of the configuration folder can vary based on the version: it could be .AndroidStudio3.5, .AndroidStudioBeta or others.
This problem is most probably caused by some corrupted/invalid gradle build files in your project, that cause the system-wide Android Studio configuration to break. So if the problem shows up again after using the solution above, remove cache and build files generated by gradle by following these steps:
./gradlew clean (Linux/MacOS) or .\gradlew.bat clean (Windows): this should work, as it should clean all files generated by gradle.
If you are in a git repository try to remove all untracked files (but please note that this could delete files you want to keep... be sure to commit them first!)
Manually delete build folders, in case the above steps did not work.

installing latest Realm (0.102.0) fails for Swift in Xcode environment

update: May 20--I just tried Realm 0.103.0 and received the same error when running a Cocoa OS X app using Realm.
I'm trying to install the latest Realm Database (0.102.0) to use with Xcode 7.3 I'm upgrading from Realm 0.98.
I receive the following runtime error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftIOKit.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/demo-timelines-eepbldhwvcbcmhhjqauxknfhzofv/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
I decided to start with a fresh Xcode 7.3 project, but I get the same error. What I have so far:
New Cocoa App (for OS X 10.11.4) (using Swift language with a Storyboard)
Downloaded Realm database for Swift (Realm version 0.102.0)
Dragged framework files from OS X->swift 2.2 to the binaries section
Updated the path to the framework (in Build Settings)
Added a single line to the ViewController "import RealmSwift"
I get the same error when attempting to do the fresh install. I've done several Realm Database updates without incident.
I read this post (, so I decided to upgrade Xcode from 7.3 to 7.3.1 I'm surprised that it didn't automatically update . . . Anyway, the upgrade fixed my Realm (0.103.2)/Swift2.2 (on OS X) problem. –

Which SDK and Build Tools versions do I use to compile sources generated from the CN1 build server?

I'm trying to debug code as it runs on my Android test device. I sent a build to the CN1 server and downloaded the resulting, which I then used to create a project in Android Developer Studio.
When I compile using
Compile SDK Version: API21 or API 22 with
Build Tools Version: 21.1.2 or 22.0.1, respectively
I get the following compile errors:
Error:(3) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'.
Error:(18) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Colored'.
Error:Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.
> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\opt\android-sdk\build-tools\22.0.1\aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
When I compile using
Compile SDK Version: API 23
Build Tools Version: 23.0.2
I get the following compile errors:
Error:(4563, 21) error: cannot find symbol method setLatestEventInfo(Activity,String,String,PendingIntent)
Error:(110, 18) error: cannot find symbol method setLatestEventInfo(PushNotificationService,String,String,PendingIntent)
Is it just a matter of setting the correct SDK and Build Tools versions? or am I missing something else? BTW, sources were generated this morning, so I should be on the latest CN1 3.3 release.
If I recall correctly it should be 22.0.1 the reason build fails by default is that you need to configure an external gradle directory as explained in How to build the native Android sources from Codename One's build server

Can't Run my iOS App from Xcode 4.6 after installing Xcode 5

I installed resently Xcode 5 with iOS 7 SDK on my Mac OS 10.8.
the problem is i can't any more run my iOS app from Xcode 4.6, here's the errors:
- when I run the app from Xcode, after build I have this message:
"can't find the existing path [ path]"
and the file exist in the specified path.
- when I generate the ipa and install it by iTune I have this message:
"not supported device".
my app works fine before installing the new Xcode (5 + iOS 7 SDK)
any one have a solution?
Easy solution!
Xcode 5 like any previous change some formats. To my knowledge the most common issues are:
1. changing the Xib/Storyboard file, You can check my answer here for solution: How do I fix a project opened in xcode5 dp3 by accident?
It can change the framework path format (you should get an error when compiling), To solve this check my answer here: sentestingkit/sentestingkit.h' file not found on Xcode 4.6.x
If those both doesn't work for you please add more details and I would love to help.
