How to change application name with Entity Framework - sql-server

In the SQL Management Studio, ever connection has an Application listed along with it... for every EF connection I have it just says "EntityFramework" as the application name. How do I alter this so I can actually put the name of the app in this field?
From the article:
Here's a great trick that can be really handy if you're a fan of the
SQL Profiler. In your application connection strings add the
"Application Name" keyword/value. Example.
server=MyServer;database=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=My Application;
After this is done,
fire up SQL Profiler and you'll notice that the profiled events are
categorized under the name you provide rather than the default Data
Provider name.
If you look at your current entity framework connection string near the end of the string (assuming you're using an autogenerated string) you should already see an "Application name=EntityFramework. You can just change that to your desired application name and boom!


Entity Framework Data First - Invalid Object Name dbo.TableName

I got this problem wich has been slowing down my production a lot, hope u guys can give me any tip on how to solve it....
I'm currently using EF6 and a custom ConnectionString with a connectionString builder class that reads and external xml file.
My database is all set up and running in SQL 2010 and Management Studio ok, but whenever I generate the edmx file, it generates the class mappings okay, I've compared the original ConnectionString to my ConnectionString Builder they're the same, changed the :base to receive a custom ConnectionString, all set.
But when I try to save changes it doesn't find the table object, I have deleted it, created again from the start, still same "Invalid database object Dbo.TableName" error.
Does any one have a clue on this?
Thanks in Advance!
This error is not coming from Entity Framework but directly from the database.
Use SQL Profiler and include in the trace the "DatabaseName" and "ServerName" and you will find out it's not the same as your expected.
The only other options which this issue happen is if your "tableName" is not the same as the table name in SQL, so run the SQL from the SQL Profiler directly into SSMS.

SQL Error: "Cannot use full-text search in user instance."

I'm using SSEUtil to automatically create a functional test database from the schema derived from my development database (SQL Server 2008 R2) as part of my build process. This allows me to keep the two databases in-sync (schema-wise) without running SQL repository tests against my development database.
I recently added a full text index to a table for the first time for this project in my development schema and now when I attempt to apply the schema to a newly created unit test database I get the following error when it executes the SQL to create the full text catalog:
Cannot use full-text search in user instance.
[SqlException Number 9982, Class 16, State 100, Line 1]
I've searched high and low. The only help I found was on another site where someone suggested "attaching to the parent database." I have no idea what that means. And I have no idea what this error means. What is a "user instance"?
Can anyone suggest a way around this? Is there a better way to keep two database schemas in-sync for continuous integration?
User must have CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG permission on the database, or be a member of the db_owner, or db_ddladmin fixed database roles.
you won’t be able to use full text catalogues if the SQL instance does not have it installed. Make sure the SQL server instance has the full text service running.
Here are two ways of testing whether this feature installed or not. This feature is available for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 (including SQL Express)
Check the services applet (run -> type 'services.msc') for this entry :
SQL Server FullText Search Or SQL Server FullText Search (SQLEXPRESS) (in case of SQL Express). Start this service of not running
Run the query "select fulltextserviceproperty('isfulltextinstalled')" in the Query analyzer. if the result is '1' then it is installed else not.
In the case of unavailability of this feature, you need to install by downloading the "SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE" from
Reference taken from here
This is not really an answer to the question, but I came upon a similar issue with visual studio package manager when updating an entity framework code-first database (command update-database).
The problem was that I selected the wrong start-up project, and therefore visual studio was not using my connection string at all. It was connecting to a localdb instance, hence the cryptic error message "cannot use full text search in user instance". Once I made it connect to the actual database, it worked as expected.
I also came across this user instance issue. I have to admit that I only have basic knowledge of SSMS. Apparently I'm logged as the public user. How can I be a member of db_owner? I try to generate and script everything without using the GUI.
For example, if I execute this
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa';
I still get the Cannot use full-text search in user instance error with
USE [dbname]

Testing Connection Parameters with NHibernate

We have a program where users can specify their database connection parameters. The usual suspects including host, port, username, password, and table name. We are connecting to the database using NHibernate. What we'd like to do is be able to build the configuration with NHibernate and then test the connection parameters before continuing with other operations; notifying the user of failure.
Is this possible to do through NHibernate, or will it require using each database type we support's specific driver and creating a custom TestConnection() method for each type?
I realize this is an old post - but I guess an answer to a question never hurts.
I don't think there is a way to explicitly tell NHibernate to test out the connection string. However, when you instantiate the SessionFactory it will attempt to connect to the database. You could wrap your SessionFactory creation in a Try/Catch and handle the error that way.
I use Fluent NHibernate, but I'm sure the following example will still explain the situation.
Dim sf as SessionFactory
sf = CreateSessionFactory()
Catch ex as FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfigurationException
End Try
The ex.InnerException.Message contains the actual error and will tell you if:
The connection string was invalid
The server could not be found
The user/pass could not be authenticated
To configure Nhibernate you have two options:
Set the dialect when you are building the session factory. This will assign reasonable default value to Nhibernate's ADO and other configuration values.
Manually set the configuration values.
That said, at some point, you need to configure Nhibernate to use the appropriate driver for the database you want to talk to. Which means you need to be able to build Session Factories of different types (your supported database types). To do this you need more than just "host, port, username, password, and table name". You need to know the database type(Dialect).
If you intend to just try to connect the database with every driver available to you not knowing what the database type is, you may run into problems when the database and the dialect don't match. Imagine you use a SqlServer2008 dialect on SqlServer2005 machine. The difference in dialect can cause a particular SqlServer2008 feature you are using not to, obviously, work. Moreover, if you don't stick to basic SQL through out all your code, you may be generating Sql that works, say, in PostgreSql but not in SqlServer (Think sequences and such).
To learn more about configuring Nhibernate read:
Chapter 3: Session Factory Configuration. Specially sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 which talk about configuration parameters.
Last note, Nhibernate supports multiple databases. But, for complex domain layers where you rely on database specific constructs, your code doesn't.

SQL Server Profiler showing EF queries against master database?

What am I missing here? The queries I see in SQL Server Profiler are all targeted against the master database, which makes it difficult to filter by database name ... which event or events should I be watching so I can filter by database name.
The bigger question, what exactly is going on here?
You should remove this 'MultipleActiveResultSets=True' from your EntityFramework connection
after that, you can see the target database name show in the Profiler , instead of master.
In my option, maybe ADO.NET team want to make use the MultipleActiveResultSets feature to get
data from DB, so they have to access master.
MultipleActiveResultSets is about raise one query and don't return all its result (like in foreach statement in LINQ) , and in the same time ,raise another query to get another data in the same session.
By default, this behavior is not allowed by DB. SO.....
I was able to get around this issue, including leaving MARS active by adding an application name to my connection string:
Data Source=database_server;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Trusted Connection=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=MyDatabase;
Then you can filter on application name.
If this is for SQL Server 2008 R2, in your trace properties, on the 'Events Selection' tab, check 'Show all columns'. You should then be able to create a column filter based on DatabaseName.
I believe you'll have to pause or stop your trace to make these changes.
As K Ivanov pointed out, having MARS (MultipleActiveResultSets) enabled will show the DatabaseName as master in SQL Profiler. By setting this to false, it'll show the proper DatabaseName, but then you lose the ability to have MultipleActiveResults.
you can use LoginName or HostName to filter in the profiler
For some reason, if I select the SP:CacheHit event, it now shows the queries against the correct database and I am able to filter by it. What is that event exactly?

Find Which applications access my server using Profiler Trace with Application Name column

I Need to find out what are all the applications that use my sql server.
I'm using Profiler trace to do this (if there's another way to do this I would appreciate it)
On Profiler I'm using a Replay template, and after looking at the trace result I see that there's a column called Application Name, I'm wondering if there's a way to get the distinct ones (the trace is on a .trc file).
(By the way is this supposed to be posted on stackoverflow or serverfault?)
Try this:
FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('C:\YourFolder\YourTraceFile.trc', DEFAULT) t
You can actually do this right from within Profiler in SQL Server 2008.
Create a trace with the following two events:
Security Audit : Audit Login
Security Audit : Existing Connection
For those two events, capture the following columns:
Event Class
Application Name
SPID (required)
Event Sub Class
Add a filter to Event Subclass to restrict it to values of 1. This filter will only capture non-pooled logins. This should give you all your existing connections and any new logins that occur during the time you are running your trace.
Next, in the organize columns, move Application Name up to the "Groups" section. This will now group all the results by the Application Name.
This is a pretty light weight trace and shouldn't put much (if any) load on the server if you restrict it to just those events and apply the filter.
(I'm pretty sure previous versions work the same way. I just don't have one in front of me to test.)
