SQL Server 2008 R2 Db on SharedDrive - sql-server

I have SQL Server 2008 R2 installed on my local machine. Is it possible to create a database on a shared drive (network drive) so that all my teammates should be able to read data from the SQL Server database?
When I try to create a new database, it shows only my C: drive and not the network drive.
Any help is appreciated.

SQL Server takes out exclusive locks on the database files, thus you wouldn't be able to "share" it in real time with other teammates if they are trying to mount the database as well.
What you need to do is setup an environment for SQL Server and give your teammates access to connect to that instance of SQL Server. Do not attempt to use multiple instances of SQL Server with a single database (unless it is copied from a gold database build to each client).


SQL Server agent backup SSAS database

I want to use the SQl Server agent to backup one of my Analysis servers databases.
However, when I connect to my Analysis Services I have to access to the SQL server agent.
It only shows up when I connect to my Database Engine. So now when I try to schedule a backup it says it cannot find the Database. How am I supposed to do this?
Is the SQL server agent supposed to show up when connecting to my Analysis Services?
SQL Server Agent needs access to the relational database engine, as it saves its configuration and the job execution details which you can see as the job history in tables of a relational database. Actually, it uses the msdb database which is part of every SQL Server relational database instance. Thus, you need to access the relational database engine in order to access SQL Server Agent. But there is no requirement that the machine running SQL Server Agent is the same as the one running Analysis Services. Both can run on different machines, and even have different versions of SQL Server.

List schema and tables on SQL Server remotely

We have a SQL Server but access is limited so we can't access the server directly. The only available access is to use another server running on CentOS Linux where I can SSH to it and then from this intermediate server to further connect to this SQL Server.
I am looking a simple way to list databases and schema on the SQL Server.
What would be the command to do the above from this Linux server, assuming one has the IP address and credentials of the SQL Server.

Syncing a SQL Server CE database with a regular SQL Server database

There's an Umbraco site that various people been contributing content to. It runs on a hosted domain using a SQL Server Compact edition database for the CMS. It's about to go live and I need to sync the dev database to the live SQL Server instance which is hosted by a third party.
I just ass(u)me(d) that I could attach the .sdf to my local SQL Server and use a commercial tool (Redgate/SQLDelta etc.) to copy it to the live db. This does not seem to be possible. While I have managed to attach the .sdf using Linqpad, I can't connect to it like a regular database.
The best option seems to be to script out the entire database, but this seems like an impossible task using just Linqpad (no flies on Linqpad, obviously - it isn't the tool for such a task). Any less onerous options would be gratefully accepted.
You can use my free "SQL Server Compact Toolbox" Visual Studio extension for this. It can generate a script of the entire SQL Server Compact database, that you can then run against an empty SQL Server database.
In the past I did this kind of scenario wherein I need to copy the data from the SQL Server CE to a SQL Server database. Have you tried adding the .sdf to an ODBC then linked that ODBC to SQL Server?

Database transfer between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to help a client who's hosting company has decided to shutdown their hosting services and in that process I need to migrate an old ASP.Net site (DNN i think) to a new hosting company.
The old hosting company is running SQL Server 2000 and the new hosting company I'm attempting to copy it to has a 2008 version.
SQL Server Management Studio can connect to the old database ok but the Import/Export Data tool doesn't want to connect to this old system.
Is there anyway to easily transfer the database across?
Any tool you can recommend to backup a SQL 2000 db and restore it to a 2008 version or a migration tool that can converse between those two?
You should be able to just take a SQL Server database backup (using the built in backup features) from the SQL Server 2000 database, and restore it into SQL server 2008
My suggestion to you is
Get the host to shut down the SQL Server
Get the host to provide you with the files or the backups
Install your own SQL Server 2000 and then run the migration. Or just plain estore the backup in SQL2008
You can also try to script database (schema + data): http://j.mp/NRb2EE and execute this script on new server. If database is large it can be huge script.
And remember to pay attention to the option Types of data to script – select option ‘Schema and data’.

Difference between different datasources

Please explain what is the difference between different datasources for SQL (shown in the pic.)
I mean difference between Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Database File
Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server means that you are establishing a network connection to a SQL Server -- the database engine is running either on your machine or remotely and you are using the SQL Server as a service and are connecting to it. That server has the data and you just use a protocol to request operations to be performed.
Connecting using a Microsoft SQL Server database file (MDF) means that you want to use a database file and have a running SQL Server engine running locally use that MDF file. So, if you have SQL Express on your machine, when you create a connection to a MDF file, you're essentially using the SQLExpress engine on your machine to serve up that MDF file (and the database contents) to you.
I admit I almost always connect to a SQL Server, as I'm not guaranteed to have the MDF file available in all environments. Plus, I usually don't install SQL Express.
That's how I understand the difference. Hope this helps!
Maybe the "Microsoft SQL Server Database File" option refers to manually using SQL Server's files (*.MDF), whereas the Microsoft SQL Server refers to connecting to a full-blown SQL Server ?
