select box : display text 'error' if value not exist in array - angularjs

I have a key value pair defined as below, which is being used for select using ng-options
$scope.BucketEnum = [
{ display: 'Error', value: 0 },
{ display: '1', value: 1 },
{ display: '2', value: 2 },
{ display: '3', value: 3 },
{ display: '4', value: 4 },
{ display: '5', value: 5 },
{ display: 'Flows', value: 125 },
{ display: 'Recovery', value: 151 }
I am using this key value pair to display select box in ng-options
<select ng-model="selectedBucket" ng-options="row.value as rows.display for row in BucketEnum" multiple="multiple" ></select>
now if I set ng-model i.e. $scope.selectedBucket = 10, I want to display the text Error. Is it possible to show value Error for all the values which are not there in $scope.BucketEnum array.
I am looking at a more generic way to do this e.g a filter for doing this
There is certain historical data in database, which has some garbage and some good data.
For each garbage value, i need to show the current garbage value as well as the valid values to select from, so for the end users to fix it.

Would this fit your needs ?
app.filter('bootstrapValues', function(){
return function(initial, baseBucket){
var result = [];
for(var i=0; i<initial.length; i++){
var flag = false;
for(var j=1; j<baseBucket.length; j++){ //from 1 or 0.. you call
if(initial[i] === baseBucket[j].value){
flag = true;
break; // if there are repeated elements
return result;
Using it to start the selectedBucket, in your controller:
// setting initials
$scope.selectedBucket = $filter('bootstrapValues')(initialSet, $scope.bucketEnum);
Does it help?
Edit: Here is other jsfiddle with little modifications, if the value is not in the bucket it add the element to the list with Error display and as a selected value.

Using ng-options generates multiple HTML <select> elements for each item in your BucketEnum array and 'returns' the selected value in your ng-model variable: selectedBucket. I think the only way to display the options without an additional blank entry is to ensure the value of selectedBucket is a valid entry in BucketEnum.
Your question states:
if I set ng-model i.e. $scope.selectedBucket = 10, I want to display
the text Error.
I assume you want to display the value: {{BucketEnum[selectedBucket].display}}
So... starting with $scope.selectedBucket = 10, we want some generic way of implementing a select using ng-options which will reset this value to a default.
You could do this by implementing an attribute directive, allowing you to write:
<select ng-model="selectedBucket" select-default="BucketEnum"
ng-options="row.value as row.display for row in BucketEnum"
An example of this approach is shown below. Note that this assumes the default value is zero and does not handle multiple selections (you'd have to iterate over the selections when comparing to each item in BucketEnum and decide what to do if there is a mix of valid and invalid selections).
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
var arr= scope[attrs.selectDefault]; // array from attribute
var i, ok=false;
var sel= scope[attrs.ngModel]; // ng-model variable
for( i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ // variable in array ?
if( arr[i].value == sel ) // nasty '==' only for demo
ok= true;
if( ! ok )
scope[attrs.ngModel]=0; // set selectedBucket to 0
I've run up a jsfiddle of this here
The downside of this is that I've used a $watch on the ng-model which causes side-effects, i.e. any assignment of the named variable will trigger the $watch function.
If this is the sort of solution you were looking for, you could expand the directive in all sorts of ways, for example:
<select ng-model="selectResult"
select-default="99" array="BucketEnum" initial="selectedBucket"
ng-options="row.value as row.display for row in BucketEnum"
...the idea being that the select-default directive would read the default value ("99" here), the array and an initial value then set selectResult accordingly

You would need to code for this explicitly. Scan the choices you want to set against the choices that are present. If you don't find it, select the Error value too.
Note also that you need to pass an array for selectedBucket and it needs to include the actual option objects not just the values inside them.
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<p>Select something</p>
<select ng-model="selectedBucket"
ng-options="row as row.display for row in bucketEnum" multiple="multiple">
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
var initialSet = [1, 5, 10];
$scope.bucketEnum = [
{ display: 'Error', value: 0 },
{ display: '1', value: 1 },
{ display: '2', value: 2 },
{ display: '3', value: 3 },
{ display: '4', value: 4 },
{ display: '5', value: 5 },
{ display: 'Flows', value: 125 },
{ display: 'Recovery', value: 151 }
var selected = [];
var error = $scope.bucketEnum[0];
angular.forEach(initialSet, function(item) {
var found;
angular.forEach($scope.bucketEnum, function (e) {
if (+item == +e.value) {
console.log('Found ', e);
found = item;
if (typeof found === 'undefined') {
$scope.selectedBucket = selected;


Validate formly angularjs fields are not the same

I have dynamically added fields on click.
addNewFiled() {
let parent = this;
key: 'field-'+parent.scope.fields.length,
type: 'horizontalInput',
templateOptions: {
placeholder :'Enter Field',
label: 'Filed',
required: false
validators: {
fieldFormat: function($viewValue, $modelValue, scope) {
let value = $viewValue;
if(value.length != 12){ = "Field should be 12 characters";
return false;
return true;
What I need is to validate the the value entered is not in another field in the validator, I tried looping through the model but its not efficient, any help is appreciated.
I have encountered this case once, I solved the issue using 2 maps
Basically, you will have 2 maps, one which will contain the index of the field mapped to the value of it, the second map will contain the value of the field mapped to the number of the repetitions of that value
In your validator, you decrement the number of repetitions for the previous value ( after done with other validations) and increase the number of repetitions of the new value and check if it's more than 1 then it's repeated.
In your Dialog define the two maps
private valuesMap: any = [];
private keysArray:any = [];
In your field, you inject a controller to save the index of the current field
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.index = parent.scope.fields.length-1;
parent.keysArray[$scope.index] = $scope.index;
then in your validator
if(value) {
if(angular.isDefined(parent.valuesMap[parent.keysArray[scope.index]])) {
parent.valuesMap[parent.keysArray[scope.index]]= parent.valuesMap[parent.keysArray[scope.index]] -1;
parent.keysArray[scope.index] = value;
if(angular.isDefined(parent.valuesMap[value]) && parent.valuesMap[value] > 0) {
parent.valuesMap[value] = parent.valuesMap[value]+1; = "Value is already entered";
return false;
parent.valuesMap[value] = 1;
Hope this works with your scenario
You don't need a validator on this, there is already default validation for field length through the minlength and maxlength properties in the templateOptions.
Simply do this:
templateOptions: {
placeholder :'Enter Field',
label: 'Filed',
required: false,
minlength: 12,
maxlength: 12

Error when passing filter parameter in Uigrid with cell nav

I have a editable Uigrid with ui-grid-cellnav directive to enable edit on focus. I also have a filter to display value instead of id in the dropdown.
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-edit ui-grid-cellnav class="grid"></div>
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
{ name:'name', width:100 },
{ name:'age', width:100},
{ name: 'gender', displayName: 'Gender', editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor', width: '20%',
cellFilter: "griddropdown:this", editDropdownIdLabel:'id',
editDropdownValueLabel: 'gender', editDropdownOptionsArray: [
{ id: 1, gender: 'male' },
{ id: 2, gender: 'female' }
] }
An error occurs whenever the dropdown value is modified. It seems the filter parameter is passed as a string instead of actual object, but not sure why. Works ok if I remove the cellnav directive.
Thanks in advance!
Interesting, I played with it a little bit and it looks like you are getting the desired results, just that occasionally ui-grid likes to pass a string as a parameter instead of the object.
If you add a check for a string in your filter it looks like you will still be getting the desired results, that's if I am understanding properly:
String check to add:
if (typeof context !== 'string') {}
Full Filter:
.filter('griddropdown', function() {
return function (input, context) {
if (typeof context !== 'string') {
var map = context.col.colDef.editDropdownOptionsArray;
var idField = context.col.colDef.editDropdownIdLabel;
var valueField = context.col.colDef.editDropdownValueLabel;
var initial = context.row.entity[context.col.field];
if (typeof map !== "undefined") {
for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
if (map[i][idField] == input) {
return map[i][valueField];
} else if (initial) {
return initial;
return input;

AngularJS Select Not Binding To Ng-Model

My angular select isn't binding. I can tell the value is correct, but the select isn't updated. Why is not binding if the value is there?
<div ng-controller="MyController" ng-app>
<select class="form-control" ng-model="colorId"ng-options=" as for color in colorList">
<option value="">--Select a Color--</option>
<input type="button" value="submit" ng-click="Select()"></input>
function MyController($scope) {
$scope.colorList = [{
id: '1',
name: 'red'
}, {
id: '2',
name: 'blue'
}, {
id: '3',
name: 'green'
var colorId = 3;
$scope.colorId = colorId;
$scope.Select = function () {
var colorId = 2;
$scope.colorId = colorId;
Here is a fiddle:
you need to change the id to a string when doing Select
$scope.Select = function () {
console.log('select fired');
var colorId = 1;
$scope.mySelection.colorId = colorId + "";
next you should use a property of an object rather than just a scope variable, this will ensure proper model binding
where the object could be something simple
$scope.mySelection = {colorId : colorId };
There are two errors with your code:
You are using colorList as your model in ng-options, but you are calling it datasets in your controller.
You use strings for the id, but set the $scope.colorId to a number.
Here is an updated fiddle changing ids to numbers and changing $scope.datasets to $scope.colorList
function MyController($scope) {
$scope.colorList = [{
id: 1,
name: 'red'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'blue'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'green'
var colorId = 3;
$scope.colorId = colorId;
$scope.Select = function () {
var colorId = 2;
$scope.colorId = colorId;
Consider making your ng-model be an object, specifically one of the objects that are already in your $scope.colorList. If you do that you should be able to avoid the post-processing you're doing in the click handler.
So your select will look like this:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedColor"
ng-options=" for color in colorList"></select>
One gotcha is that if you have an object in your controller that looks JUST LIKE your red object, like$scope.selectedColorObj = { id : '1', name:'red' } and set the select's ng-model to that option, it won't work. Angular will see that you're setting to the ng-model to an object that's not actually in your data source and add an extra option with value="?", so I use $filter in this case to grab the matching member of the array:
$scope.colorId = '3';
$scope.selectedColor = $filter('filter')( $scope.colorList,{ id: $scope.colorId})[0];

How can i get this ng-option to init with selected object value?

I´m trying to start this select with a predefined option selected. But i need to use as value an object like you can see in my code. I need to get an id in data.selected.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">{{data|json}}
<select ng-model="data.selected"
ng-options=" group by for p in proxyOptions" >
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.proxyOptions = [{
id: { proxyType: 'None', another: 1 }
}, {
id: { proxyType: 'Manual', another: 2 }
}, {
id: { proxyType: 'Automatic', another: 3 }
$ = {};
$ = $scope.proxyOptions[0].id; }
New Fiddle based on Darren comments
It works but i still need to specify the selected options this way:
$ = {proxyType: 'Manual', another: 2};
Use $ = $scope.proxyOptions[0] instead. Your way is creating another object which is different from your proxy options.
You just changed your questions code...Please don't do that.
Remove the .id from your assignment - ng-model will be the entire option object not just the Id
Here is your exact fiddle, but with the .id removed from your assignment.
Ok, So having looked again at your code I have tried to understand what you're trying to achieve - i also noticed that I misread your original JSON object regarding the id - sorry; i saw id and assumed it referred to "an id" and not an object..
However, I think what you're trying to do is set your selected option in code, so you would need to search through the list and find your match, no?
If that's the case, then this fiddle shows ng-init() calling a function to do just that.
Any good to you? Another Fiddle, using ng-init
$scope.proxyOptions = {
'1': 'None',
'2': 'Manual',
'3': 'Automatic'
$ = '1';
<select ng-model="data.selected" ng-options="key as value for (key , value) in proxyOptions" >
do like this:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function DataController($scope) {
$scope.proxyOptions = [{
id: { proxyType: 'None', another: 1 }
}, {
id: { proxyType: 'Manual', another: 2 }
}, {
id: { proxyType: 'Automatic', another: 3 }
see jsfiddle

$index inside ng-repeat with ng-if

I Have an array of items like this which contains a list of animals and a list of fruits in a random order.
$scope.items = [{name:'mango',type:'fruit'},{name:'cat',type:'animal'},{name:'dog',type:'animal'},{name:'monkey',type:'animal'},{name:'orange',type:'fruit'},{name:'banana',type:'fruit'},...]
Then I Have a array of colors like
$scope.colorSeries = ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900',...];
$scope.setBGColor = function (index) {
return { background: $scope.colorSeries[index] }
I am using the items array to render the fruits only in a div with background color selected from the colorSeries based on the index like colorSeries[0] which will give me #3366cc
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items " ng-if="item.type =='fruit'">
<label ng-style="setBGColor($index)">{{}}</label>
Things working fine if the length of the items array is less than length of colorSeries array.The problem arises if the length of colorSeries array is less than the items array.e.g if i have a color series with 3 colors then for this items array the last item i.e orange will need a color indexed as colorSeries[4] which is undefined where as I have rendered only three items. So, is it possible to get the index like 0,1,2 i.e the index of elements rendered with ng-if.
Instead of using ng-if, I would use a filter. then, the $index will be always correspond to the index in the result list after applying the filter
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items|filterFruit">
<label ng-style="setBGColor($index)">{{}}</label>
angular.module('app.filters', []).filter('filterFruit', [function () {
return function (fruits) {
var i;
var tempfruits = [];
var thefruit;
if (angular.isDefined(fruits) &&
fruits.length > 0) {
for(thefruit = fruits[i=0]; i<fruits.length; thefruit=fruits[++i]) {
if(thefruit.type =='fruit')
return tempfruits;
Try this..
this.itemList = [{
}, {
name: 'fruit'
this.colorlist = [{ color: 'red' }, { color: 'orange' }, { color: 'blue' }];
<div data-ng-repeat="item in itemList " ng-if="'fruit'">
<label ng-style="colorlist [$index]">{{}}</label>
If I were you, I would embed the colors inside the $scope.items objects, since you always use them coupled with a fruit.
Anyway, to address your specific code configuration, I would add a counter in my controller and use it to loop through the colors.
Something like this:
app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.colorSeries = ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900',...];
var colorCounter = $scope.colorSeries.length;
var colorIdx = -1;
$scope.setBGColor = function () {
// get back to the first color if you finished the loop
colorIdx = colorCounter? 0: colorIdx+1
return { background: $scope.colorSeries[colorIdx] }
And then in your view (note that there is no $index)
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items " ng-if="item.type =='fruit'">
<label ng-style="setBGColor()">{{}}</label>
