How to handle with pop up in selenium webdriver - selenium-webdriver

I am doing first time automation (Have very less knowledge about selenium) and I am not able to handle with popup in webdriver.
This is my website link in this I want to click on "VICTORIA" link text.
Please explain me in detail.

Its not a popup, its a part of the home page.


How to open a page without clicking on the menu link using Selenium C#

I want to open the Part Catalog page without clicking on the submenu link. How can I write the code to do that using Selenium C#.
This is because the menus links changes according to the user login and I cannot use the ID to expand the menu and click on the Submenu. Is there is a way just to open the Iframe inside the page using SRC ?
Please someone help me on this issue.
Thank you

Python selenium clicking of adobe flash icons without reference element

I am working with Silienium and I am able to open the website using firefox driver. However, I am now running into a wall as the website is flash based.
Please look at image 1 which shows the homepage for the website. I need the silenium to click on the arrow location but when I right click on the page to extract html or xpath for buttons, it doesn't show anything.

click on card to open 'details' view in ionic

I cannot find an example on how to make a ionic card clickable. The behaviour I want to implement is to be able to click on each card my app has (and has lots of them) and get a modal view open with more detailed information referring to the card contents.
I would prefer some kind of semi-transparent modal with a close button than a full screen one, but I cannot find a satisfactory method to do so also.
Can you please, post me some code to get some insight on how to do this?.
Thanks in advance,

How access weblements in a child window in IE8 browser

I am trying to access web elements in a child window in IE8 browser.
I am not able to access any of the element in that child window, I tried Developer tools (F12) in browser, macros to get X path, page source to get ID/name for the elements but nothing is working there. Could some one help me please
What do you mean by :-
nothing is working there?
Be specific.
You can open the website in Firefox or some other advanced web-browser to get the element's selectors and later run the automated scripts using IE 8 driver.
Check the code in the answer provided for a similar question -
Java: focus is not on pop-window during window handling
EDIT: Other approaches--
Try the following steps (Manually):
Open main page, hit F12 to open developer toolbar.
Perform action that opens the popup.
Focus on popup and hit F12. You should see a developer toolbar.
Check this screenshot -
As an alternative you may also try getting the URL of the popup and open in a new tab in the main browser window and then do F12 to inspect any elements.

How can I trace what AngularJS is doing when I click a link?

I have a simple link in an app that opens an absolute page and it's target is blank. When i click it the page does open up in a new window but my app goes blank. I'm trying to track down in angular what's happening. What's the best way to trace this through?
If you are using Google Chrome, one way to do this is to get AngularJS Batarang Developer tools extension.
