CakePHP 2:3 : How can I add fadeIn delay time in cakephp. - cakephp

I have tried this effect by cakephp js helper,it's working fine.Here I have tried several ways to add fadeIn delay time,but I have field.
How can I add fadeIn delay time in this effect ?

In order to create basic effects of javascript or jquery using cakephp is you may use this
JsHelper::effect($name, $options = array());
Example would be.
$this->Js->get('#sending')->effect('fadeIn', array('speed' => 'slow');
But I would suggest just code your script in plain Javascript/Jquery because it's more flexible than using the built-in JsHelper in cakephp due to limited functions and it's easy to use. Just include your script in your View.
Example using JQuery:
<?php echo $this->Html->script('your_script_name'); ?>
and in your your_script_name.js
Hope I have helped you man.

Cf docs:
You have an array "$options" with a "speed" key


CakePHP Overide getCrumbList

How can I go about overiding CakePHP's code without creating it manually myself? I'm attempting to customise the getCrumbList function.
The lastClass option is applying a class to the 'li' tag sucesfully, but I'd also like to remove the link/ ahref altogether for the last tag.
Function generating crumbs
echo $this->Html->getCrumbList(array('class' => 'breadcrumb', 'lastClass' => 'active'), 'Home');
Output of getCrumbList
<ul class="breadcrumb"><li class="first">Home</li><li>Scheduler</li><li class="active">Downloaded Playlists</li></ul>
Simple solution - You dont include the URL in addCrumb. Doh!

How to select an element by classname using jqLite?

I'm trying to remove jquery from my Angular.js app in order to make it lighter, and put Angular's jqLite instead. But the app makes heavy use of find('#id') and find ('.classname'), which are not supported by jqLite, only 'tag names' (as per documentation)
wondered what do u feel would be the best approach to change it. One approach I thought about is to create custom HTML tags. for example:
<span class="btn btn-large" id="add-to-bag">Add to bag</span>
<a2b style="display:none;"><span class="btn btn-large" >Add to bag</span></a2b>
Any thoughts? other ideas?
Essentially, and as-noted by #kevin-b:
// find('#id')
//find('.classname'), assumes you already have the starting elem to search from
Note: If you're looking to do this from your controllers you may want to have a look at the "Using Controllers Correctly" section in the developers guide and refactor your presentation logic into appropriate directives (such as <a2b ...>).
angualr uses the lighter version of jquery called as jqlite which means it doesnt have all the features of jQuery. here is a reference in angularjs docs about what you can use from jquery.
Angular Element docs
In your case you need to find a div with ID or class name.
for class name you can use
var elems =$element.find('div') //returns all the div's in the $elements
or you can use much simpler way by query selector
it is not as flexible as jQuery but what
If elem.find() is not working for you, check that you are including JQuery script before angular script....

How should I handle forms in CakePHP?

I'm studying CakePHP. I read a CakePHP book, and web tutorials, but I still don't get some basic things:
I see people always create a form in View with $form->create. Can I use an HTML form like normal, or must do exactly like people do?
When a form is created in login.ctp with this code:
echo $form->create('User', array('method' => 'POST', 'action' => 'login'));
echo $form->input('email');
echo $form->input('password');
echo $form->input(array('type' => 'submit'));
echo $form->end('Login');
When I click the submit button, will the data be passed to the function login() in the Controller class?
Edited :
I tried this :
$this->Form->input("stuId",array('class'=>'inputField', 'placeholder'=>'SVxxxxxxxx'));
$this->Form->input("stuName",array('class'=>'inputField', 'name'=>'stuName'));
But it show nothing ? what is the problem :(
But it show nothing ? what is the problem :(
You have to use echo as in your first code snippet:
echo $this->Form->create("Test");
echo ...
You can use HTML for anything you want, but you'd be losing a big advantage of the CakePHP framework. The Cake HTML and form helpers help to future-proof your code. You also get the benefit of Cake's implementation of best practices in web coding. I fully recommend using those helpers.
The form data is passed to $this->request->data.
Yes, the parameters will be passed to login method.
I see $form being used in the form there, it appears you are using older version of cakephp (if $form has been instantiated with $this->Form then you are fine)
The FormHelper does lot of automagic for us and it also provides us means for added security.
I would reckon you to go with The Blog tutorial

CakePHP Elements - how to put javascript?

I've just started using cakephp elements and they're awesome (I used to use include).
I have an element gallery and an element called comments (for a certain page) and for them I have some javascript code attached to both of them. Do you have any suggestions on how I could include that javascript code in the element? If I simply add it like that it will load javascript before loading the html after the element and I don't think it's very wise.
You could put the Javascript code directly into the element file, or put the Javascript code in into your webroot folder, <cake directory>/app/webroot/js/ and include the file in your layout by using the HTML helper:
echo $html->script("myCode");
If you're worried about the Javascript code executing before the page has completely loaded, then use window.onload or $(document).ready() if you're using JQuery.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have JS specific to a page loading in the header when you call a certain element, but that the JS could be different for each element. You also want the JS to be referenced at the beginning of your HTML document.
This is actually quite easy to do. Just make sure that you have <?php echo $scripts_for_layout; ?> in you <head> tag in the layout you are using.
Then, within the element, just do:
<?php $this->Html->script("js_file", array("inline"=>false)); ?>
js_file is the name of your JavaScript file in app/webroot/js/. In this case, the file would be called js_file.js but you must leave off the .js when referencing it as above.
It doesn't matter where abouts in the element file you put this because the "inline"=>false part ensures it won't actually appear at that stage in the code. Instead, it will appear in the <head> wherever you put <?php echo $scripts_for_layout; ?> in your layout.
In cakephp 3 instead of array('inline' => false) you should use array('block' => true) if anyone is looking for that answer like I was.

CakePHP passing parameters to action

Hi im kinda new in cakephp and having a lot of trouble adjusting.. Here's my biggest problem ..
Im trying to pass a parameter to an action, it does load, but when my script goes from the controller to the view, and goes back to the controller again, its gone.
function add($mac = 0)
$temp= $this->Person->find('first', array('conditions' => array('smartphones_MAC' => $mac)));
$id= $temp['Person']['id'];
$this->Union->set('events_id', $id+1);
$this->Union->set('people_id', $id);
VIEW CODE (This is a menu, i only have one button right now)
<legend>SELECCIONE SU ALERTA</legend>
echo $form->create('Event');
echo $form->submit('EMERGENCIA MEDICA',array('name'=>'medico'));
echo $form->end();
When you create the form you don't include the additional url parameters or the fields as inputs. Without either of these the parameters will vanish as they are not part of the new request. You can append additional parameters to the form submission url with
$form->create('Event', array(
'url' => array('something', 'somethingelse')
This will create a form that points at /events/add/something/somethingelse.
I'm no big fan of using some helpers (like $html) or some methods (like $form's create() and end()). I kinda didn't get your problem, but I think it might be that you have to make a POST request to the same url you are actually into.
<form method="GET" action="<?=$this->here ?>">
Maybe you should give a further explanation of what you are trying to achieve.
You might want to try using named parameters.
I asked a similar question which you might find helpful:
cakephp adding record with some parameters fixed
