CakePHP Overide getCrumbList - cakephp

How can I go about overiding CakePHP's code without creating it manually myself? I'm attempting to customise the getCrumbList function.
The lastClass option is applying a class to the 'li' tag sucesfully, but I'd also like to remove the link/ ahref altogether for the last tag.
Function generating crumbs
echo $this->Html->getCrumbList(array('class' => 'breadcrumb', 'lastClass' => 'active'), 'Home');
Output of getCrumbList
<ul class="breadcrumb"><li class="first">Home</li><li>Scheduler</li><li class="active">Downloaded Playlists</li></ul>

Simple solution - You dont include the URL in addCrumb. Doh!


Problem with output from the database yii2

I have in the database the path to the files that i want to get outputed.
<audio src="/yii2-biblioteca/frontend/web/uploads/audio/lya1.mp3" controls type="audio/mpeg">
and i am using:
for the output.
I used the same thing for images and it's ok, it works, but for the audio and for the pdf embed not so much.
At the beginning the pdf worked, i changed some things with a js funtion, it was not suppos to have a negative impact. I reversed all back to when it was good, but it's not working now.
the pdf exemple: <embed src="/yii2-biblioteca/frontend/web/uploads/pdf/dying.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%" />
Yii2's HTMLPurifier wrapper takes a second argument:
echo HtmlPurifier::process($html, [
// options go here
For <embed>, you should be able to use the HTML.SafeEmbed setting:
echo HtmlPurifier::process($html, [
'HTML.SafeEmbed' => true,
Unfortunately, for <audio>, the underlying problem here is that HTML Purifier isn't HTML5-aware, which is going to make adding that a lot more complicated.
There are user-supplied patches to allow HTML Purifier to understand HTML5, but as far as I know, none has been audited and so it's hard to say what this will do to the security of your site. (Arguably, HTML Purifier with userland supplied HTML5 definitions is still better than no HTML Purifier at all, though.)
I've given some rough instructions about how to make HTML Purifier (the library itself, not its Yii2 wrapper) aware of only the <audio> tag over on another question. Quoting the relevant pieces:
You'll have to look at the "Customize!" end-user documentation, where it will tell you how to add tags and attributes that HTML Purifier is not aware of.
To quote the most vivid code example from the linked documentation
(this code teaches HTML Purifier about the <form> tag):
Time for some code:
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionID', 'enduser-customize.html tutorial');
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1);
$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); // remove this later!
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
$form = $def->addElement(
'form', // name
'Block', // content set
'Flow', // allowed children
'Common', // attribute collection
array( // attributes
'action*' => 'URI',
'method' => 'Enum#get|post',
'name' => 'ID'
$form->excludes = array('form' => true);
Each of the parameters corresponds to one of the questions we asked. Notice that we added an asterisk to the end of the action attribute to
indicate that it is required. If someone specifies a form without that
attribute, the tag will be axed. Also, the extra line at the end is a
special extra declaration that prevents forms from being nested within
each other.
Once you've followed those instructions to make your purifying routine
aware of <audio>, adding the tag <audio> to your configuration
whitelist will work.
So, in brief, if you want to be able to purify just <audio> tags without losing them altogether, you're going to have to do some research on the tags' capability and add the information to HTML Purifier.
You could base your code on what you can find in xemlock/htmlpurifier-html5's HTML5Definition.php file if you don't want to work on it from scratch.

CakePHP 2:3 : How can I add fadeIn delay time in cakephp.

I have tried this effect by cakephp js helper,it's working fine.Here I have tried several ways to add fadeIn delay time,but I have field.
How can I add fadeIn delay time in this effect ?
In order to create basic effects of javascript or jquery using cakephp is you may use this
JsHelper::effect($name, $options = array());
Example would be.
$this->Js->get('#sending')->effect('fadeIn', array('speed' => 'slow');
But I would suggest just code your script in plain Javascript/Jquery because it's more flexible than using the built-in JsHelper in cakephp due to limited functions and it's easy to use. Just include your script in your View.
Example using JQuery:
<?php echo $this->Html->script('your_script_name'); ?>
and in your your_script_name.js
Hope I have helped you man.
Cf docs:
You have an array "$options" with a "speed" key

How to generate 'a href="javascript:void(0)"' like link in cakephp?

How to generate 'a href="javascript:void(0)"' like link in CakePHP?
I make an application, the content will insert into the editor textarea when user click a list of image. I add a class to these images and write some code in the javascript file. Everything is going well.
But the link of the image is a URL address, but not 'href="javascript:void(0)' like URL. Anyone could tell me how to make it in CakePHP?
Thanks in advance!
echo $this->Html->link(
You can either set a path to the image or use the Html helper to generate the image tag code. The second parameter will set the href.
Don't believe there is any dynamic way, however when you are creating your form element you can set it in the options array 'href' => 'javascript:void(0)'

Drupal 7: Modifying menu HTML output?

I am trying to modify the HTML output in a Drupal 7 theme that I am creating.
Basically, instead of the < li >s containing just plain < a >s with text, I want to include some additional HTML inside the < a >.
I know that it's possible to modify the HTML created by the menus in Drupal. I can see the following call in page.tpl.php:
<?php print theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
'links' => $main_menu,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'main-menu',
'class' => array('links', 'clearfix'),
'heading' => array(
'text' => t(''),
'level' => 'h2',
'class' => array('element-invisible'),
)); ?>
which apparently calls the theme function, which creates the output. One way to modify the output would be to modify the theme_links function in, right?
I also know that you can put a hook in template.php to override the function which creates the HTML. I can't figure out how to create the actual override function. Can somebody point me in the right direction, please?
What you would do is implement a hook to modify the output, not modify the "" file directly.
For example, the accepted answer on this page: Drupal Override Custom Menu Template
And as a general rule, when you want to modify the output of something, either implement a hook (in a module or in the template.php of the active theme) or use a template with a predefined file name when such a case exists (when no template already exists, you can also modify the list of template suggestions using a module or the theme).

CakePHP passing parameters to action

Hi im kinda new in cakephp and having a lot of trouble adjusting.. Here's my biggest problem ..
Im trying to pass a parameter to an action, it does load, but when my script goes from the controller to the view, and goes back to the controller again, its gone.
function add($mac = 0)
$temp= $this->Person->find('first', array('conditions' => array('smartphones_MAC' => $mac)));
$id= $temp['Person']['id'];
$this->Union->set('events_id', $id+1);
$this->Union->set('people_id', $id);
VIEW CODE (This is a menu, i only have one button right now)
<legend>SELECCIONE SU ALERTA</legend>
echo $form->create('Event');
echo $form->submit('EMERGENCIA MEDICA',array('name'=>'medico'));
echo $form->end();
When you create the form you don't include the additional url parameters or the fields as inputs. Without either of these the parameters will vanish as they are not part of the new request. You can append additional parameters to the form submission url with
$form->create('Event', array(
'url' => array('something', 'somethingelse')
This will create a form that points at /events/add/something/somethingelse.
I'm no big fan of using some helpers (like $html) or some methods (like $form's create() and end()). I kinda didn't get your problem, but I think it might be that you have to make a POST request to the same url you are actually into.
<form method="GET" action="<?=$this->here ?>">
Maybe you should give a further explanation of what you are trying to achieve.
You might want to try using named parameters.
I asked a similar question which you might find helpful:
cakephp adding record with some parameters fixed
