why in Cake PhP Controller index function needed? - cakephp

why there is mandatory index function in cake php and how we can make an other function in a class, because i made a class in a controller and and also made a function which is index function but when i want to changes that function name there is an error? Kindly tell me if any one knows about it?Why we need to make index function and how to define that and how to make a new function in same class? I have also search but could find any satisfactory answer.
Here are some links
CakePHP check if user is logged in inside a view

Its not mandatory to have an index() function in the controller and cake will never ever generate error for this. Index function is only made, so that anyone hitting your controller without any action never sees the error related to framework.
Its a good practice to have index() function in classed and index.html or index.php file to avoid directory access.

It is not mandatory to have index function in the controller, but if no action exist then by default cake search for index function, because by default index is searched by browser.


CakePHP index() vs view() and URL components

I am confused about the distinction and treatment of the index() and view() functions inside CakePHP 2.4.
Specifically, I am trying to modify a 3rd party API authored in CakePHP 2.4
Consider this Controller:
class EventsController extends AppController {
public function index() {
if ($this->request->params['named']) {
$conditions = $this->request->params['named'];
} else {
$conditions = array();
This allows me to construct a URL like http://myserver/api/events/index/StartTime >=:12/EndTime <=15.json and the StartTime and EndTime get passed into conditions when I do a find.
That's great.
Now that same Controller has this additional function:
public function view($id) {
This function seems to be called when I invoke a url like http://myserver/api/events/1234.json
I am trying to extend view with more parameters, just like index. For example, I'd like to invoke:
http://myserver/api/events/1234/MonitorId =:3.json and MonitorId =:3 gets passed as a parameter to handle in view. I don't want to add these into the function definitions - it can be anything.
If I try and do this, I get a "Controller" not found, but this same approach works in index()
Can someone help me achieve my goal and help explain what is going on?
(IF it helps, the full code of the controller is here)
As I can see, you are using CakePHP RESTful routing routes.php
index is used for listing all the resources e.g. all blog posts. URL /events/index is getting mapped to index method in controller automagically.
view is used for showing a specific resource which can be identified by some unique identifier like id or uuid e.g. specific blog post. URL /events/<some_identifier> gets mapped to view method
What you need to do is modify view definition to read all query string parameters that you pass in URL and call Model accordingly. By default. routes parses the first string after events in URL to resource ID and passes it as first argument to view method in controller. This is scaffolded code.
You can use named parameters $this->request->params['named'] in your view definition and construct your queries. No hard-coding.
It turns out that I need to explicitly call the view action to pass it more parameters.
So api/events/view/218245/AlarmFrames >=: 80.json works as intended and then I can get the parameters with $conditions = $this->request->params['named'];

How the set function works cakephp?

What is the logic behind cakephp set function, that the variable is available in view file after set from controller (How this happens?)
Here is the code for the set function:
CakePHP's set function
To fully understand it you should also read the render function. In CakePHP views are assumed to have the same name as the public function so it's not common to see render in the controller as you would see a lot, for example, in Yii Framework.
CakePHP's render function

Setting permissions in cakephp Pages controller

I followed Andrew Perkins excellent tutorial on setting up permissions in CakePHP 2.0.
My question, however, relates to how to use the allow and deny method in the Pages controller. Currently I have $this->Auth->allow('display') which allows all methods in the Pages controller to be view.
What if I only want the home page allowed but the rest denied? How do I code that?
Thanks in advance.
Make sure you have copied the PageController.php to your app/Controller folder. Then, add a beforeFilter callback method and set access based on the passed page parameter:
public function beforeFilter() {
// Use $this->request->pass to get the requested page name/id
// Decide on access with $this->Auth->allow()
This should solve your problem.
You can find more information on request's lifecycle in CakePHP manual. That's pretty useful stuff.
Have you tried this code?
You can out it into your PageController or into your Controller directly
$views = array ('index'); //array of view that you want allow

CakePHP: Passing data to plugin

I have installed a plugin (SignMeUp) for the user registration, and according to the documentation the registration function inside my User Controller has to look something like this:
public function register() {
Looking at the $this->data array inside this function shows that everything is working fine. However, when I use
inside the registration() function of the plugin (the one I just directed my function to), the array is empty. Somehow the data doesn't get passed on. What could be the cause?
Resolved! This can be solved by replacing all the $this->data occurences in the SignMeUpComponent with $this->controller->request->data
It's a change from Cake 1.3 to Cake 2.x

cakePHP: I need to include a helper for when there is an error

I have made a helper class called Navigation that gets used on every page because it does stuff to my main navigation menu. So in order for this to work I have included the helper in my pages controller like so:
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Navigation');
however when there is an error like a missing view or something the helper can't be found and I get a reference to a non-object error that messes my page layout up. I'm guessing this is becuase an error page uses a different controller, however there isn't a file error_controller.php or anything in the controllers file. So my question is where do I need to declare the helper so it can be found by an error page. Would I need to make an error controller file or is there already a file that I can add it in to?
Any help would be much appreciated
If it's used on every page, why not add it to the AppController?
