Convert UserControl to ResourceDictionary - wpf

I'd like to try out this globalization thing in WPF:
Unforunately the second step got me already it says: convert UserControl to ResourceDictionary
How can I make this happen?

First you create a simple UserControl and name it however you like.
Then you open the .xaml file and change <UserControl to <ResourceDictionary.
Then you have to open de .xaml.cs file of the UserControl and add the two attributes (the ones between brackets []) to the class:
[ExportMetadata("Culture", "en-US")]
public partial class EnglishLanguage : ResourceDictionary
public EnglishLanguage()
And add this using reference to the list of usings:
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
The compiler will notify you that ExportMetadata, Export and the using reference could not be resolved. That's because you need to add the reference to the composition DLL to your project manually.
In the solution explorer under you project, right click References and click Add reference. A list of available DLL files will pop up under Assembly - Framework.
Check the box for System.ComponentModel.Composition, click OK and build your project.
Now you're all set ;)


The type 'Window' does not support direct content

I have a WPF solution built with VS 2015 composed of several projects. Suddenly I started receiving a warning in design mode stating the following:
The type 'Window' does not support direct content.
I understand how some controls do not support direct content, but System.Windows.Window should. I get the same warning with UserControl, and as far as I know, any other control that typically supports direct content.
Everything compiles and runs fine, but having the blue underlines through all of my XAML is bothersome. Has anyone else come across this?
Below is a screenshot:
Make sure you reference System.Xaml. Clean and rebuild the project. Works on VS 2015 Update 1.
At least in a WPF IronPython project, adding the System.Xaml reference to the project solved the problem for me:
An important thing to note here is that adding seemingly any reference will make the problem go away temporarily -- until Visual Studio is restarted. System.Xaml, on the other hand, appears to keep the problem at bay. I even tried removing the reference, whereafter the problem returned upon restarting Visual Studio.
For me this error was happening because I added a WPF Window to a class library project.
For some reason (unknown by me), Visual Studio doesn't give us the option to select the WPF Window template from the "Add New Item..." dialog box if the project was not created as a WPF Application. Instead, it only offers the option to add a WPF User Control. Because of that, I selected the User Control template for the new item, and then edited the source code to make the XAML to become a Window object rather than a User Control.
<!-- The new item was created as an UserControl, but what I needed was a Window object. -->
<!-- Changed it to Window and made other necessary adjustments. -->
The problem was actually in the code-behind. Since it was created as an User Control, the window partial class was inheriting from UserControl, like the following:
public partial class MyWindow : UserControl
public MyWindow ()
To fix it I just had to remove the inheritance, making my window class inherith from nothing, like this:
public partial class MyWindow
public MyWindow ()
After removing the inheritance, Visual Studio didn't show the error "The type 'Window' does not support direct content." anymore.
on behalf of #mark Richman I edited the Itemtemplate to automatically Reference "System.Xaml".
Just in case some is interested:
can be found in: "[VS InstallDir]\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\VisualBasic\WPF\[InputLocale]\WPFWindow"
Add System.Xaml and UIAutomationProvider references to your project, after that clear solution and then build again
in Visual studio 2019 :
I searched for ( System.Xaml.dll )
and I added it as a reference
its worked well
found it in this location:
" C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.8 "

WPF error message: Partial declaration must not specify different base classes

Why do I have this error message for a UserControl:
Partial declaration of
MyNamespace.MyUserControl must not
specify different base classes
Just because I inherited from another UserControl class I created in another namespace whereas this other namespace is referenced in the XAML as
Little to go on here, but this usually happens when the code behind and the xaml file do not inherit from the same base class.
Since we do not have all the details concerning your problem,
I'll create a situation that will cause the same exception to be thrown,
this might help you understand your problem.
As an example, just create new WPF application using Visual Studio,
The XAML might look something like this:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow" .....>
The code behind would then contain something like this:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
//Code here
Note the 'partial' modifier here. It means this class (MainWindow) might
not be defined in a single file but spread out across multiple files,
in this case the XAML (.xaml.cs) and the CS (.cs) files.
Now add a new UserControl to the solution. It will be named UserControl1.
Without making any changes to the XAML, change the code behind for the MainWindow:
public partial class MainWindow : UserControl1
//Code here
Now you'll get the exception you questioned about.
Look for something like this in your code, if you still can't find a solution,
please provide more code.
look to both your .cs and .xaml files at this parts
in .xaml file :
<Window x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ...... </Window>
in .cs file :
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : Window
//code here
Now if u wanna change Window to UserControl
<Window x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ....... </Window>
<UserControl x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ....... </UserControl>
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : Window
//code here
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : UserControl
//code here
- i hope it`s useful :) .
I wanted to add this piece of information. In Visual Studio 2017, There is a bug which I haven't had time to dig into with much depth, but it causes this error. (from the OP)
Overview: When declaring a partial class as an x:Class for a resource xaml file, it will cause this error, and after removing the declaration, the error will persist.
To reproduce this bug, (or if you are here because you are getting this error message)
Step 1: Create a new WPF Project.
Step 2: Create a new Resource File
Step 3: Change the resource files name-space to the projects main namespace (remove the bit at the end.)
Step 4: In the resource files declaration/header section, add an x:Class declaration specifying your MainWindow (default startup window object) as the Class for that resource file. (EG: x:Class=MainWindow)
Step 5: Clean/Rebuild Solution
Step 6: You should now be getting this error from the OP. So remove the x:Class Declaration from your header on the Resource File, and save/clean/rebuild the project.
If the bug was reproduced, the error should remain, even though you have removed the x:Class declaration from the resource file.
The only solution I could find for this bug, is to delete the projects Bin folder, and any other folder with builds in it.
After deleting them, Clean/Rebuild your project, and the error should be gone.

I don't understand the syntax to inherit a wpf user control

I have read multiple posts on the subject but still cannot manage to make it work.
I want 2 user controls slidertype1 and slidertype2 which should inherit from slidercommontype, all are in same namespacecommon, can someone knows the syntax for this simple use case ?
Inspiring from
I tried:
<namespacecommon:slidercommontype x:Class="namespacecommon.slidertype1">
but I got namespacecommon:slidercommontyp doesn't exist in xml namespace.
As long as the base class doesn't have a XAML file associated with it, it's pretty easy. Trying to incorporate the visual aspect of the user control using XAML is not really a supported scenario.
Having said that, just create your class SliderCommonType (although I would call it SliderBase or something.)
namespace MyControls {
public class SliderBase : UserControl {
Then create your two controls based on it. I'll show one example and the other should be obvious.
<Local:SliderBase x:Class="MyControls.SliderType1"
And the code-behind would look like this:
namespace MyControls {
public class SliderType1 : SliderBase {
The key point being that your XAML file has to reference the base class which requires changing the <UserControl> element to <Local:SliderBase> which in turn requires a XAML namespace import.
When you add a UserControl using the default template, you can just change the code it creates to reflect the above changes. It's much easier than trying to create it from scratch.
One last thing to note - you will need your application to compile successfully before you can use the visual designer on your derived controls. This is because the designer needs to be able to instantiate SliderBase at design-time.

Error Cannot create an Instance of "ObjectName" in Designer when using <UserControl.Resources>

I'm tryihg to bind a combobox item source to a static resource. I'm oversimplfying my example so that it's easy to understand what i'm doing.
So I have created a class
public class A : ObservableCollection<string>
public A()
IKBDomainContext Context = new IKBDomainContext();
Context.Load(Context.GetIBOptionsQuery("2C6C1Q"), p =>
foreach (var item in SkinContext.IKBOptions)
}, null);
So the class has a constructor that populates itself using a domaincontext that gets data from a persisted database. I'm only doing reads on this list so dont have to worry about persisting back.
in xaml i add a reference to the namespace of this class then I add it as a usercontrol.resources to the page control.
<This:A x:Key="A"/>
and then i use it this staticresource to bind it to my combobox items reality i have to use a datatemplate to display this object properly but i wont add that here.
<Combobox ItemsSource="{StaticResource A}"/>
Now when I'm in the designer I get the error:
Cannot Create an Instance of "A".
If i compile and run the code, it runs just fine. This seems to only affect the editing of the xaml page.
What am I doing wrong?
When running in the designer the full application runtime is not available. However the designer doesn't just magically know how to mock the UI of a UserControl. Its Xaml is parsed and the objects described there are instantiated.
Its up to you to code your classes to cope with existence in a designer. You can use the static proeprty DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool to determine if your code is currently being used in a designer tool or not.
If in a designer you could deliver a set of test data rather than attempt to access a data service.
My problem is same as described above and i alse used DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool
but i can't open usercontrol in visual studio for designing purpose

Changing namespace of the WPF Project Template

When I modify the xaml's cs's I will have to go in and manually modify the corresponding *.g.cs file. And it seems to get overwritten every time I rebuild.
So my question is, what is the proper way to change the namespace on a WPF application that has been generated by the WPF project template?
Since the .g.cs files are generated from the .xaml files, besides changing the namespace in the .xaml.cs files, you also have to change the namespace in the .xaml files.
For example, the main window in one of my projects is declared like this in mainwindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="Penov.Playground.MainWindow">
The corresponding mainwindow.xaml.cs file contains:
namespace Penov.Playground
public class MainWindow
If I want to change the namespace from Penov.Playground, I need to change it in both places. This would result in a .g.cs files generated on the next build with the new namespace.
