WP 8.1 Searching for calendar control - calendar

I'm developing an app for windows phone 8.1, and now I need a calendar control like the calendar app of the phone. I've tried winrttoolkit for windows phone, but in that calendar I cannot write on the cells of the days. I want to write something inside the cells.
Anyone can help me? A free control or some code please!
Thanks a lot!

WinRT XAML Toolkit has the calendar ported from Silverlight Toolkit and has the source. You can check if it is possible to template it in such a way to have tap/editable days. Maybe someone has already done it for SLTK? You can check the commercial component libraries I list on the CodePlex page, but I think modding the one from the Toolkit is your best bet...


How add drag&drop items in Windows Phone silverlight app?

I have old app creted in Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0. I use RadDataBoundListBox (Telerik Controls) for list in app. I need add drag&drop function in my app.But it was not easy.
RadDataBoundListBox do not support drag&drop.
In Silverlight 8.0 work with drag&drop difficult and complex.It is only example drag&drop for list in WP Silverlight. But it does not suit me.
I can upgrade app to Wimndows Phone Silverlight 8.1. But ListView is not available for WP Silverlight 8.1. Which control should I choose for drag&drop and reorder?
I have a time limit. Please tell me the fast way to solve this problem.
I would recommend ListBox, reorder can easily be done using linq extension.
If you have an extremely large list you should be careful with listbox.
for drag and drop look at Drag and drop from list to canvas on windows phone with MVVM
Look at drag and drop in windows phone and https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/pakistan/2013/07/10/drag-drop-in-silverlight-for-windows-phone/
I searched for information about it for two days. Add full drag&drop for items in windows phone silverligth - It is inpossible. May be used reorder. It is a great control for wp silverligth(only reorder). I will update the project to windows phone 8.1.

Showing a Windows form in wpf

I'm working on some multi-touch Surface computers for my workplace (mainly for meetings and presentation), and not being wholly familiar with WPF, I was wondering if I might be able to put some Windows Forms in a Surface project so that several users could ostensibly use programs at the same time.
Is this possible?
I don't understand the reason why you want to include windows forms into a WPF project, but if that's all you want to do, check out this. WindowsFormsHost Class is used to manage WinForms things in WPF.
Please mark my reply as answer if it solves your problem.

Build similar Windows Phone 7 animated buttons

Does anyone know a tutorial an how the buttons from the main screen of the Windows Phone 7 were build in Silverlight ?
Take a look at the HubTile control from the wp7 toolkit. It might be what you are looking for. :)

WPF Calendar: Customize the control to show calendar week numbers

Currently i'm creating a Custom Calendar Control that inherits from the Standard WPF Calendar.
Thanks to Mr. Veeneman i got Highlighting for specific dates to work http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/ExtendingWPFCalendar.aspx.
Now i'm trying to add the weeknumbers to the left of the standard "days-block" but do not know how to accomplish this task.
Has anyone created a Custom Calendar with such a functionality willing to share his thoughts?
I try to avoid to use WPF Toolkit from Codeplex since i have had rather mediocre experiences with the toolkits for asp.net.
with kind regards
You mention the WPF Toolkit yourself, and which is what Charles Petzold has used to add week numbers: http://www.charlespetzold.com/blog/2009/10/Adapting-the-Calendar-Control-for-Week-Numbers.html
I am also looking for a way to add week numbers to the default WPF Calendar control. Is the principles of WPF Calendar different from WPF Toolkit Calendar?

Windows Phone 7 Charting/Graphing Controls

We're working on a Windows Phone 7 prototype application and we need a Graphing/Charting control to work with. We looked at the Silverlight Toolkit, which has some controls that look like they would work great. However, we can't get that to work. Whenever we add a control to the XAML from that toolkit, it will throw an exception when trying to load the XAML at runtime, even though it appears to work in the designer. I think that it's because there's some dependencies that the phone doesn't actually support.
Does anyone know how to fix the problem or know of charting software that works on Windows Phone 7?
Here's an example of code that doesn't work. We downloaded and installed the 4.0 beta of Silverlight Toolkit. Added the DLL as a reference. Added this to import the namespace:
then added this to make a chart:
the designer shows the pie perfectly, however when I try to compile and deploy it throws an exception saying that it can't find the MainPage.xaml. Which leads me to believe that MainPage.xaml isn't compilign correctly (not sure, as I'm still a newbie at Silverlight)
Here's the exception:
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred
Message=2255 An error has occurred. [Line: 36 Position: 2]
on this line:
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/Twitpic;component/MainPage.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
You can probably reuse some of the things provided by the silverlight toolkit, which is open source:
You might have to recompile some stuff against the win phone APIs, but it should work :-)
It looks like someone else has had the same issue as you and solved it by using the Silverlight Toolkit version 3
Just found these free WP7 charts: amCharts for Windows Phone 7
If you are looking for great charting on WP7, I suggest Visifire. Note that its a commercial offering. Has gesture support too! I've seen very less charting vendors who've optimized charting for mobile-form-factor like these guys do.
You can try MS Toolkit, if you are looking for free basic charts.
Playing around more, I was actually able to get Visifire to work. Just had to browse and add the reference to System.Windows.Browser. I don't know if this is the best way to make it work. But it'll do until the Silverlight Toolkit gets updated.
Macadamian team developed and gives for free a Chart Control. You can pick it up at http://themobileexperience.macadamian.com/2010/05/chart-control-for-windows-phone-7.html
Just a quick plug for my own graph control I recently released to open source:
Check it out, it scales to hundreds of thousands of points and responds to pinch,zoom,translate and tap gestures:
A couple of options worth a look.
David Anson's blog and thread posting on charting.
Chart Control for Phone
Why didn't I think of that in the first place? [Windows Phone 7 Charting example updated to include reusable, platform-consistent Style and Templates] - Delay's Blog
And a commercial offering.
Silverlight, WPF & WP7 Chart Controls
This one too
