WPF Calendar: Customize the control to show calendar week numbers - wpf

Currently i'm creating a Custom Calendar Control that inherits from the Standard WPF Calendar.
Thanks to Mr. Veeneman i got Highlighting for specific dates to work http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/ExtendingWPFCalendar.aspx.
Now i'm trying to add the weeknumbers to the left of the standard "days-block" but do not know how to accomplish this task.
Has anyone created a Custom Calendar with such a functionality willing to share his thoughts?
I try to avoid to use WPF Toolkit from Codeplex since i have had rather mediocre experiences with the toolkits for asp.net.
with kind regards

You mention the WPF Toolkit yourself, and which is what Charles Petzold has used to add week numbers: http://www.charlespetzold.com/blog/2009/10/Adapting-the-Calendar-Control-for-Week-Numbers.html
I am also looking for a way to add week numbers to the default WPF Calendar control. Is the principles of WPF Calendar different from WPF Toolkit Calendar?


WP 8.1 Searching for calendar control

I'm developing an app for windows phone 8.1, and now I need a calendar control like the calendar app of the phone. I've tried winrttoolkit for windows phone, but in that calendar I cannot write on the cells of the days. I want to write something inside the cells.
Anyone can help me? A free control or some code please!
Thanks a lot!
WinRT XAML Toolkit has the calendar ported from Silverlight Toolkit and has the source. You can check if it is possible to template it in such a way to have tap/editable days. Maybe someone has already done it for SLTK? You can check the commercial component libraries I list on the CodePlex page, but I think modding the one from the Toolkit is your best bet...

Silverlight control for visualizing events over time?

We are looking at implementing a Silverlight project to provide users with visualization of events over time and so I have started to look for a control that will let me do so. The inspiration for our project is a visualization The Guardian has done: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2011/mar/22/middle-east-protest-interactive-timeline
So, can anyone think of a control/project that will allow us to do something like this?
Not quite as visually impressive as the Guardian example, but there's a WPF & Silverlight Timeline Control on Codeplex.
The Microsoft Expression Gallery might also have some additional examples.

WP7 color picker

Is there any color picker control for windows phone 7?
I know ColorPicker from Silverlight Contrib, but is it usable or have some sort of downside to use it on WP7?
I'm not aware of any color picker controls for WP7. The control from the Silverlight Contrib project should work if you compile the source code into a WP7 project. However, you need to take into consideration the touch-based user experience and that the recommended minimum touch point surface is 7mm square. Perhaps a ListPicker or LongListSelector based approach with pre-defined colors would be more suitable.
Check out application of List Picker for this purpose as outlined by David Anson here.
ListPicker? I hardly even know 'er! [A detailed overview of the Windows Phone Toolkit's ListPicker control] - Delay's Blog
I also understand ColorPicker from the Silverlight Contrib is fine for use on WP7 (refer James Ashley's comments).

Microsoft WPF Ribbon Calendar / DatePicker Control

I am looking for information on how to put a calendar/datepicker control into a WPF Ribbon. Has anyone done this before? What is the best way to implement this?
MS didn't think it was worth adding a calendar in the ribbon. I don't think it was much advantageous anyway. Having said that, it is good to have such a control. This should help
There is no DatePicker or Calendar control available with Ribbon controlset.
But you can add the WPF dataPicker control to it, but it will look odd there. I dont know why you need to add a Calendar or DatePicker control there.
Ribbons are generally suited for commands.

WPF Organization Tree/Chart Control or hookup?

Q1. Which would be the best resource or tutorial to setup a simple WPF Organization Chart or Tree for an organization object (self referencing).I would like to have a button when clicked which would show an organization chart (hierarchical) tree of the various departments and sub-department.I'm looking for a base to start code + control.
Q2.Are there any report software like Crystal Report or WPF that could render something like that?
Q1: 1 link from a blog Archived Version of above from Wayback
Another one from code project
Q2: Commercial printing control
You could take a look at Family.Show which has a very nice genealogical diagram. It's not an out of the box solution for making an organizational chart, but it's a good example how to do it. The source code is available on CodePlex.
A few years late but, Infragistics has an org chart WPF control as well.
Infragistics Org Chart
