Use fscanf to read two lines of integers - c

I want to ask something that I write in C.
I use the fopen() command to open and read a text file that contains only two lines. in
first line is an integer N number, and in the second line is the N integer numbers that the first line says.
-------------- nubmers.txt --------------
8 <-- we want 8 numbers for the 2nd line
16 8 96 46 8 213 5 16 <-- and we have 8 numbers! :)
but I want to take restrictions when the file openend.
the number N should be between 1 ≤ Ν ≤ 1.000.000. If not then show an error message. If the file is ok then the programm continue to run with another code.
Here is what I done until now:
int num;
fscanf(fp,"%d",&num); // here goes the fscanf() command
if(num<1 || num>1000000) // set restrictions to integer
printf("The number must be 1<= N <= 1.000.000",strerror(errno)); // error with the integer number
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
else // if everything works.....
printf("work until now"); // Everything works until now! :)
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
But the problem is that the restriction checks only for the first line number , it's correct though, but don't read the numbers in the second line.
What I mean is that :
Lets say that I have the number 10 in the first line.
The code will analyze the number, will check for restrictions and will proceed to the 'else' part
else // if everything works.....
printf("work until now"); // Everything works until now! :)
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
..and it will said that everything is working.
But what if I have 20 numbers in the second line? -when I need only 10
-------------- nubmers.txt --------------
16 8 96 46 8 213 5 16 8 9 21 5 69 64 58 10 1 7 3 6
So I hoped be as cleared as I could. My question is that I need a code in the program, besides the 1st restriction, that have also another one restriction under the first that will read the second line of the txt file with the numbers and check if there are as many numbers as the first line says!
How do I do that?
If you guys want any other declarations feel free to ask!
Hope I was clear with my problem :)

This will check the number of integers and report too many or not enough. The integers are not saved except for each one being read into the value. Do you want to store each integer?
fscanf(fp,"%d",&num); // here goes the fscanf() command
if(num<1 || num>1000000) // set restrictions to integer
printf("The number must be 1<= N <= 1.000.000",strerror(errno)); // error with the integer number
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
else // if everything works.....
int i = 0;
int value = 0;
while ( fscanf ( fp, "%d", &value) == 1) { // read one integer
i++; // this loop will continue until EOF or non-integer input
if ( i > num) {
printf ( "too many integers\n");
if ( i < num) {
printf ( "not enough integers\n");
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program

use a loop that takes the first num and checks is is the number of integers in next line:
int z = num;
if (getchar() == EOF)

Do it like this:
// next lines of code (restrictions). Then place the below code before getchar in the else
int temp[num+1];// space to store num integers to temp and 1 space to check for extra number
if(fscanf(fp,"%d",&temp[i]) != 1)// fscanf will automatically read 2nd line and store them in temp array
//error ! Less numbers in file !
if(fscanf(fp,"%d",&temp[num]==1) //if still numbers can be scanned
//Extra numbers found in line 2


How to read one line at a time from a data file and to perform calculations in it before moving to the next line in C Programming?

I'm a beginner at C programming and I would appreciate some help in order to understand the problem.
Alright so, I have a data file (input.dat) with data like this: (first line) 0 2 3 4 5; (second line) 1 2 3 5 4, (third line and so on...). I'm required to read the data one line at a time until the end of file and print it. This is what I have done so far:
int main(void)
float coeffs[5];
FILE *input; /* File pointer to the input file */
fopen_s(&input, "input.dat", "r"); /* Location of the input file */
int count = 0;
/* Loops to read data set*/
while (fscanf_s(input, "%f %f %f %f %f ", &coeffs[0], &coeffs[1], &coeffs[2], &coeffs[3], &coeffs[4]) != EOF)
printf("a=%.4f; b=%.4f; c=%.4f; d=%.4f; e=%.4f\n", coeffs[0], coeffs[1], coeffs[2], coeffs[3], coeffs[4]);
return 0;
This is showing all of the lines in the data file at once. But this is not what I want. I need to read one line at a time and perform some calculations and conditions for that one line first before I move to the next line. So how can I do that?
Next problem is, for the first line, I need to implement a loop from -10 to +10 with increment of 2 (to get 11 results in total). For example the program will read the first line, display it on the screen, then for the first value -10, the program will calculate and again display something . Then it will do the same for -8, then for -6 and so on until +10. After the 11 results are displayed, the program will then and ONLY then, move to the second line and so on. Hence for each line in the data file, the program will have 11 results. How can I use the loop function with increment of 2 to achieve these 11 results?
I would appreciate if anyone can provide me a simple layout of the structure of the codes which I've to write. NOTE: The formats are a bit different than other compilers as I must use Microsoft Visual Studio to do it.
Add your calculations to your while loop. You are reading one line at a time anyway.
If you want to loop from -10 to 10 with increments of 2, use a for loop.
for(count = -10; count <= 10; count = count + 2)
// Calculations

Leading Zeroes not showing up in c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Extra leading zeros when printing float using printf?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying recreate a sample LC-3 simulator as an assignment, and part of that is to have a 4 digit integer. My code is as follows:
while (read_success != NULL && !done) {
// If the line of input begins with an integer, treat
// it as the memory value to read in. Ignore junk
// after the number and ignore blank lines and lines
// that don't begin with a number.
words_read = sscanf(buffer, "%04d", &value_read);
// if an integer was actually read in, then
// set memory value at current location to
// value_read and increment location. Exceptions: If
// loc is out of range, complain and quit the loop. If
// value_read is outside -9999...9999, then it's a
// sentinel -- we should say so and quit the loop.
if (value_read < -9999 || value_read > 9999)
printf("Sentinel read in place of Memory location %d: quitting loop\n", loc);
else if (value_read >= -9999 && value_read <= 9999)
cpu -> mem[loc] = value_read;
printf("Memory location: %02d set to %04d \n", loc, value_read);
cpu -> count++;
value_read = NULL;
if (loc > 99)
printf("Reached Memory limit, quitting loop.\n", loc);
read_success = fgets(buffer, DATA_BUFFER_LEN, datafile);
// Gets next line and continues the loop
I am reading values from an sdc file with the following values:
The problem is that 0345 shows up as 345, i want 645 to be 0645, and so on.
I tried formatting %d based on a post I saw related to this, but it is not working. Any professional insight?
Edit: I did use %04d to start, but that did not work.
If you want leading zeros to be displayed, use %04d in your printf format.
The 0 is a flag used with d (among others) that says to pad on the left with zeros.

Reading (and printing) the frequency of an integer in another file

I have to read text in from a file, then prompt for a value and search the file for this number. Once the file is read all the way through, I have to print the initial position and the number of times it appears. Obviously I do not just want the answer, but rather where my program went wrong because I am blind to it as of now.
My source code looks like this:
int count, number, value;
printf("What number are you looking for? ");
FILE *fp = fopen("","r");
count = 0;
while (!feof(fp)) {
if (number == value) {
printf("The number %d appears first at position %d in the file",value,number);
printf("The number %d appears %d time(s)",value,count);
return 0;
The data file I am reading from is:
3 8 33 75 25 10 41 8
55 10 1 0 10
10 18
However, when I run the program it returns:
What number are you looking for? 10
The number 10 appears first at position 18 in the file
The number 10 appears 5 time(s)
What number are you looking for? -5
The number -5 appears first at position 18 in the file
The number -5 appears 0 time(s)
Any ideas? Again, I am not looking for the straight answer, rather a way for me to look for these issues both now and in the future.
After coming out from while loop number is always the last number i.e. 18
irrespective of number you are looking for.
The line fscanf(fp,"%d",&number); reads the number of each line and when loop terminates the number is assigned as 18.
Also read : “while( !feof( file ) )” is always wrong ?
Do something like following:
int pos = -1, curr_lno = 0 ; // Keep track of position
while (fscanf(fp,"%d",&number) == 1)
++curr_lno ;
if (number == value)
pos = ( pos == -1 ) ? curr_lno : pos ;
if ( count > 0 )
printf("The number %d appears first at position %d in the file",value, pos );

C reading file using ./a.out<filename and how to stop reading

In my class today we were assigned a project that involves reading in a file using the ./a.out"<"filename command. The contents of the file look like this
16915 46.25 32 32
10492 34.05 56 52
10027 98.53 94 44
13926 32.94 19 65
15736 87.67 5 1
16429 31.00 58 25
15123 49.93 65 38
19802 37.89 10 20
but larger
My issue is that any scanf used afterwards is completely ignored and just scans in what looks like garbage when printed out, rather than taking in user input. In my actual program this is causing an issue with a menu that requires input.
How do I get the program to stop reading the file provided by the ./a.out"<"filename command?
also I stop searching at -1 rather than EOF for the sake of not having an extra set of array data starting with -1
-1 0 0 0
in my real program the class size is a constant that is adjustable and is used to calculate class averages, I'd rather not have a set of 0's skewing that data.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i = 0,j = 1,d,euid[200],num;
int tester = 0;
float hw[200],ex1[200],ex2[200];
if( tester == -1)
j = 0;
euid[i] = tester;
for(d = 0;d < 50;d++) /*50 because the actual file size contains much more than example*/
printf("euid = %d\n",euid[d]);
printf("hw = %f\n",hw[d]);
printf("ex1 = %f\n",ex1[d]);
printf("ex2 = %f\n",ex2[d]);
printf("input something user\n");
printf("This is what is being printed out -> %d\n",num);
return 0;
I'm having the exact same problem. Tried every method I could find to eat the remaining input in the buffer, but it never ends.
Got it to work using fopen and fscanf, but the prof. said he prefers the code using a.out < filename
Turns out this is in fact not possible.

Reading text files with strtol in C line by line

OK so I've got this function which finds the average of all numbers in a file:
float averageOfNumbers(FILE *fp_in)
int n=0,S=0;
char red[1024];char *ptr;
int p_a_h;
float sr;
ptr =red;
while(p_a_h = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10)){
return sr;
It works fine when there are only numbers in the file but if it finds anything other than a digit, the program will crash. How can I make it so that the program ignores other symbols. For example here is a text file:
wdadwa 321 1231 das 421124 1 wdasdad 4 1412515
sad14312 yitiyt453534 3554312 sad -2 -53 -12 -231 ##!
#!312 -2 241 -46343 sada 21312 65454
Average should be: 310422
Add an additional check in the if condition.
p_a_h==0 && (strlen(ptr)>1 || (strlen(ptr)==1 && ptr[0]!='0'))
I am making use of the fact that strtol returns 0L if the conversion is invalid(if the string contains non-digit characters). But checking for this alone, also skips if the actual string contains 0. I leave the rest to understand it yourself.
