Backbone Multiple Collection Fetch and Rendering - backbone.js

I am developing a Backbone application.
I have a view named as "Dashboard". In this dashboard View, I will be fetching two collections of data; one for the List of recent articles from the articles table and the other for the list of Authors from the authors table.
Please note that I have two different tables in mySQL Database, I use SlimPHP Api to make queries and retrieve data.
I am also using Handlebars templating Javascript library to compile the HTML.
My Question is that what is the best approach to make the two queries and then send both collections data to the Handlebars compile which will create the HTML (after looping through collection models) and eventually be taken into render function.
Here is what I have tried so far (Dashboard View Javascript File):
I tried to fetch two models data and pass it into the render function on line # 17 on jsFiddle:
this.$el.html(this.template(this.collection, this.topAuthorsCollection));
But this does not work.

Try this:
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.topAuthorsCollection, 'reset', this.render);
this.topAuthors = new topAuthorsModel();
this.topAuthorsCollection = new topAuthorsCollection({model: this.topAuthors});
reset: true,
success: function() {
this.topAuthorsCollection.fetch({reset: true})

You can use promises. My personal favourite in such a scenario is jQuery.when
//Do stuff here
Updated fiddle -


Returning nested model from backbone via signalr drops attribute property

I am working on a backbone/signalr POC. I have very simple models working and I can create them client side and retrieve them via signalr.
The problem is this:
If I create a client side version of a model with a nested model I can access the attributes like this:
When I retrieve the model from signalr via
the model comes back but now to access the nested model properties I need to use
the attributes level on the nested model is dropped, so this causes template rendering to fail
How do I get around this? Am I doing something wrong? I am new to signalr/backbone.
BTW, I am using the backbone.signalr nuget package.
this is because when you are using fetch(), the server returns only one JSON object with the model attributes and the attributes of the nested models. for example, the server returns:
id: "1",
name: "Model",
nestedModel: {
id: "12",
name: "nestedModel"
backbone is not smart enough to figure out that nestedModel is actually a "model". It treats "nestedModel" as an attribute on Model. (it's just a regular JSON object, not a backbone object)
that's why this:
does not work.
to make it work, you have to instantiate nestedModel as a Backbone Model. so after fetch is done: (assuming your nestedModel is an instance of NestedModel)
model.fetch().done(function() {
model.set('nestedModel', new NestedModel(model.get('nestedModel')));
You can make backbone does this for you automatically by overwriting the parse() method.
in your model:
var NestedModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
//your nested model methods
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
//do other model stuff
parse: function(response) {
response.nestedModel = new NestedModel(response.nestedModel);
return response;
this should make your statement work.
but usually I'd use
for more info about parse, see here:
and to apply this pattern in all other models with more flexibility, you probably wanna read this:

Backbone, RequireJS - Collection JSON

I want to load JSON data from file and load into a Collection.
define(['backbone', 'model'], function(Backbone, Model) {
return Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Model,
url: 'data/data.json'
The problem now seem to be the data is collected after the render function is executed the first time. So if I comment out the render function and make the template update from the success function, it works, but this is of course not the proper way of doing it. Any better ideas?
will probably solve your problem. Never use the collection itself when forwarding data to template.
If you're using handlebars or mustache, you should event use :
this.template({col : this.coll.toJSON()})
it's usually good practice to not use an array as root element for context.

How do I iterate a Backbone Firebase Collection?

I currently started using Firebase as my backend solution for persistance.
I found it easy to create new objects and persist it to Firebase with Backfire with a simple
The issue comes when I try to get a Firebase collection from the server.
For example when i try
I get this output:
=> {length: 0, models: Array[0], _byId: Object, _events: Object, constructor: function…}
Which result in an empty models array
=> []
After some searching, I figured out that Backbone Collections aren't yet loaded at the time I try to log it to the console (see this previous question).
I also tried using
model: Todo,
firebase: new Backbone.Firebase("https://<your-namespace>")
To explicitly call fetch from the server and use success callback with no success either.
My question is: How can I get the Firebase Collection and populate the DOM from it?
When you call Backbone.Firebase.Collection.add, it does not get added to the collection synchronously. Rather, it sends the request to Firebase and then waits for the return event. See the code here
Thus, if you immediately try to read the collection, you will see zero elements. However, if you try something like this:
collection.once('add', function() { console.log(collection.length); });
You'll see the element you have added.
Remember that we're dealing with real-time data here, so when you want to populate the DOM, you shouldn't think in terms of a single transaction, but instead rely on events and take everything as you get it (in real time).
So to populate the DOM, do something like this in your view:
render: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.rowAdded);
rowAdded: function(m) {
/* use `m` here to create your new DOM element */
Additionally, you'll probably want to check out a nice binding library like ModelBinder to help you deal with the constantly changing DOM, so you don't have to re-invent any wheels.
It seems you have to use a Backbone.Firebase.Collection and not a Backbone.Collection which will tell you that your calls to fetch or sync are silently ignored.
Also, Backbone.Firebase's got a read and a readall methods that should get you started. It seems Backbone.Firebase.Collection doesn't inherit this method, but I'm not sure though.
As Kato stated in his comment, it seems you don't have to do anything. Just use Backbone.Backfire.Collection and Backbone.Backfire.Model.

How do I design MarionetteJS ItemView to properly show loading message?

First off - I am a MarionetteJS noob.
I am having trouble making an ItemView display a loading message or throbber while it is being fetched. This is especially problematic when this ItemView is being displayed from a deep link in Backbone's history (i.e. the ItemView is the first page of the app being displayed since the user linked directly to it). I want to indicate that the page is loading (fetching), preferably with a simple view, and then show the real templated view with the fetched model.
I have seen other answers on SO like Marionette.async, (which has been deprecated) and changing the template during ItemView.initalize().
Anybody (Derrick?) got any suggestions or best practices here?
I am getting the model from the collection using collection.get(id), not using model.fetch() directly.
After thinking about this, the real question is where should this be implemented:
I could change my controller to see if the model exists in the collection (and if the collection is loaded) and decide which view to show accordingly. this seems like a lot of boilerplate everywhere since this could happen with any ItemView and any controller.
I could change my ItemView initialize to test for existence of the model (and a loaded collection), but same comment here: every ItemView could have this problem.
This is what I ended up with, in case anybody else want this solution:
app.ModelLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
constructor: function(){
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
Backbone.Marionette.Layout.prototype.constructor.apply(this, args);
// we want to know when the collection is loaded or changed significantly
this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset sync", this.resetHandler);
resetHandler: function () {
// whenever the collection is reset/sync'ed, we try to render the selected model
if (this.collection.length) {
// when there is no model, check to see if the collection is loaded and then try to get the
// specified id to render into this view
this.model = this.collection.get(;
getTemplate: function(){
// getTemplate will be called during render() processing.
// return a template based on state of collection, and state of model
if (this.model){
// normal case: we have a valid model, return the normal template
return this.template;
} else if (this.collection && this.collection.isSyncing) {
// collection is still syncing, tell the user that it is Loading
return this.loadingView;
} else {
// we're not syncing and we don't have a model, therefore, not found
return this.emptyView;
And here is how to use it:
// display a single model on a page
app.Access.Layout.CardLayout = app.ModelLayout.extend({
regions: {
template:"CardLayout", // this is the normal template with a loaded model
loadingView:"LoadingView", // this is a template to show while loading the collection
emptyView:"PageNotFoundView", // this is a template to show when the model is not found
onRender : function() { blah ); blah );
For the ItemView
I think you can add a spinner in your initialize function, I really like spin.js because its pretty easy and simple to use, and you can hide the spinner in the onRender function of the Itemview
For The CollectionView
in the CollectionView you could handle it like this....
Take a look at the solution that Derick posted..
I'd suggest using jQuery deferreds:
Start fetching your data, and store the return value (which is a jQuery promise)
Instanciate your content view
Show your loading view
When the promise is done, show the view containing the content
I've talked about implementing this technique on my blog:
The issue with the solution linked by Rayweb_on, is that your loading view will be displayed any time your collection is empty (i.e. not just when it's being fetched). Besides, the ItemView doesn't have an emptyView attribute, so it won't be applicable to your case anyway.
Based on your updated question, you should still be able to apply the concept by dynamically specifying which template to use:
Then, when/if the data has been fetched successfully, trigger a rerender in the view.

Backbone Design

I'm just getting started with Backbone. I went through the first two PeepCode screencasts which were great and now I'm digging in on a quick detached (no server side) mock-up of a future app.
Here's what I'm looking to build (roughly). A series of five text boxes - lets call these Widgets. Each Widget input, when selected, will display a pane that shows Tasks associated with the Widget and allow the user to create a new Task or destroy existing Tasks.
At this point, I'm thinking I have the following models:
The following collections:
The following views (this is where it gets hairy!)
- Presents a collection of Widgets
- sub-view of WidgetListView to render a specific Widget
- Presented when the user selects a Widget input
- Ability to create a new Task associated with selected Widget
- Presents a collection of Tasks for the given widget
- Displays Task detail - sub-view of TaskListView
Assuming that's reasonable, the trick becomes how to display a TaskPaneView when a WidgetView is selected. And futhermore, how that TaskPaneView should in turn render TaskCreateViews and TaskListViews.
The real question here is: Does one cascade render events across Views? Is it permissible for a Root view to know of sub-views and render them explicitly? Should this be event-driven?
Apologies if this is an open-ended question, just hoping someone will have seen something similar before and be able to point me in the right direction.
Definitely make it event driven. Also, try not to create views that are closely coupled. Loose coupling will make your code more maintainable as well as flexible.
Check out this post on the event aggregator model and backbone:
The short version is you can do this:
var vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
and use vent.trigger and vent.bind to control your app.
Pre p.s.: I have made a gist for you with the code that I wrote below:
I agree with the pub/sub ('Observer pattern') that is suggested by the other answers. I would however also use the power of Require.js along with Backbone.
Addy Osmani has written a few GREAT! resources about Javascript design patterns and about building Backbone applications:
The cool thing about using AMD (implemented in Require.js) along with Backbone is that you solve a few problems that you'd normally have.
Normally you will define classes and store these in some sort of namespaced way, e.g.:
MyApp.controllers.Tasks = Backbone.Controller.extend({})
This is fine, as long as you define most things in one file, when you start adding more and more different files to the mix it gets less robust and you have to start paying attention to how you load in different files, controllers\Tasks.js after models\Task.js etc. You could of course compile all the files in proper order, etc, but it is far from perfect.
On top of this, the problem with the non AMD way is that you have to nest Views inside of each other more tightly. Lets say:
MyApp.classes.views.TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
// do stuff
MyApp.views.App = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#app',
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.task_list = new MyApp.classes.views.TaskList();
render: function(){
}); = new MyApp.views.App();
All good and well, but this can become a nightmare.
With AMD you can define a module and give it a few dependencies, if you are interested in how this works read the above links, but the above example would look like this:
// file: views/TaskList.js
define([], function(){
var TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
//do stuff
return new TaskList();
// file: views/App.js
define(['views/TaskList'], function(TaskListView){
var App = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#app',
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render: function(){
return new App();
// called in index.html
Require(['views/App'], function(AppView){ = AppView;
Notice that in the case of views you'd return instances, I do this for collections too, but for models I'd return classes:
// file: models/Task.js
define([], function(){
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
//do stuff
return Task;
This may seem a bit much at first, and people may think 'wow this is overkill'. But the true power becomes clear when you have to use the same objects in many different modules, for example collections:
// file: models/Task.js
define([], function(){
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
//do stuff
return Task;
// file: collections/Tasks.js
define(['models/Task'], function(TaskModel){
var Tasks = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: TaskModel
return new Tasks();
// file: views/TaskList.js
define(['collections/Tasks'], function(Tasks){
var TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function(){
_.each(Tasks.models, function(task, index){
// do something with each task
return new TaskList();
// file: views/statistics.js
define(['collections/Tasks'], function(Tasks){
var TaskStats = Backbone.View.extend({
el: document.createElement('div'),
// Note that you'd have this function in your collection normally (demo)
getStats: function(){
totals = {
all: Tasks.models.length
done: _.filter(Tasks, function(task){ return task.get('done'); });
return totals;
render: function(){
var stats = this.getStats();
// do something in a view with the stats.
return new TaskStats();
Note that the 'Tasks' object is exactly the same in both views, so the same models, state, etc. This is a lot nicer than having to create instances of the Tasks collection at one point and then reference it through the whole application all the time.
At least for me using Require.js with Backbone has taken away a gigantic piece of the puzzling with where to instantiate what. Using modules for this is very very helpful. I hope this is applicable to your question as well.
p.s. please also note that you'd include Backbone, Underscore and jQuery as modules to your app too, although you don't have to, you can just load them in using the normal script tags.
For something with this kind of complexity, I might recommend using Backbone Aura, which has not yet had a stable release version. Aura essentially allows you to have multiple fully self-contained Backbone apps, called "widgets," running on a single page, which might help disentangle and smooth over some of your model/view logic.
From a classical MVC perspective, your views respond to changes in their associated models.
//initialize for view
initialize : function() {
this.model.on("change", this.render(), this);
The idea here is that anytime a view's model is changed, it'll render itself.
Alternatively or additionally, if you change something on a view, you can trigger an event that the controller listens to. If the controller also created the other models, it can modify them in some meaningful way, then if you're listening for changes to the models the views will change as well.
Similar answer to Chris Biscardi's. Here's what I have:
You create a global var Dispatcher (doesn't have to be global as long as it can be accessed from the scope of Backbone app):
Dispatcher = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Dispatcher will help you execute subscribed callbacks with events that are not particularly triggered by changes in models or collections. And cool thing is that Dispatcher can execute any function, inside or outside Backbone app.
You subscribe to events using bind() in a view or any part of the app:
Dispatcher.bind('editor_keypress', this.validate_summary);
Then in another view or part of the app you trigger new event using trigger():
The beauty of using a dispatcher is its simplicity and ability to subscribe multiple listeners (e.g. callbacks in different Backbone views) to the same event.
