Setting up a Polymer in App Engine - google-app-engine

I would like to set up Polymer in App Engine. I would prefer to be using Go to do this if it's even necessary? For data storage I would like to use MongoDB. Does this sounds like a feasible set up for a web-app that acts as a front facing information portal, taking product sales, as well as providing business admin functionality?

There is an experimental Go runtime for App Engine, although it has restrictions, like all App Engine runtimes. Make sure you're familiar with those restrictions before committing.
You can't run MongoDB on App Engine, but you can of course do so on Compute Engine; in fact it's available through Click to Deploy.
You may also like to look at Managed VMs for more flexibility.
As far as client-side frameworks are concerned, you can use what you like: Polymer, Angular, Bootstrap... it's up to you.


Deploy non-web Java application

I have a relatively small Java app, which I'd like to move over to the Google App Engine. It runs in the console, with no user input needed after the initial startup. I researched a bit on how to deploy it, but all tutorials seem to focus on Java web apps, when I don't really need that. Is it possible to deploy my app if it's not a web app?
App Engine is probably the wrong GCP platform for you - you'd probably be better served just deploying your jar directly onto a Google Compute Engine node. GAE is pretty explicitly oriented around web applications and you'd need to do a bunch of configuration in order to have it work for your use case.
Does your non-web Java app handle web requests? If not, it seems difficult to imagine that you would be able to reach your deployed app and use it for any purpose, once deployed. Your Java app should be able to handle requests, to make deployment worthwhile, and the deployed app useful.
You may find out about how your app should handle requests by reading the How Requests are Handled documentation page.

What Google hosting should I choose for a Node.js and React website?

I want to be able to host my website on google servers, i would like to design the website using react along with node js in the backend, from my current research it seems that google app engine is the way to go.
Am i on the right path or should i be looking at another avenue.I don't expect the site to intake a lot of traffic so a low cost plan would be ideal, a free plan would be amazing if possible if possible.
I also read that google dns could be used for a website which seems pretty convenient, how exactly do i go about this?
Your on the right path. Goole app engine flexible environment is the ideal choice for you. Since you want your backend to run in Nodejs it's very simple to run Nodejs in Google app engine. Google also give you free $300 for the free trial and you can use it for 12 months.
Read more about the pricing in here
Read more about Nodejs in Google app engine flexible here

Google Cloud projects, how are they supposed to work as organizational units?

Google Cloud's structure related to "projects" has me really confused.
On the one hand all GCP services are encapsulated in a "project" right? So I think, OK I'll create something like "test", "stage", and "prod" projects. All my applications can be tested in "test" and eventually move to "prod" when they are ready to go live. Also, I can have SQL,bigquery,bigtable and whatever else in the test project that developers can hack on without having to worry about effecting production.
But I can only have one app engine app per project? How does that work? I can see how in app engine you have different versions so if I have one project per app engine app the test/staging mechanism is in that app's project, but what about the other GCP services?
If I have a bigtable or bigquery or something on storage multiple apps need to access what "project" do I put that stuff in?
Do I still have a "test","stage","prod" project for my services (where my DBs, storage, etc live), but then also create separate projects for each app engine app?
If multiple apps need to access something, it can live in one of the app's projects- that doesn't make sense.
Edit: google does have some good docs about how projects and services can be organized
While you can only have one App Engine app per project, an App Engine app can host multiple services, each of which has several versions of code deployed.
You can configure resources in one project to allow access to users/apps outside that project. See, for example Setting ACLs for how you can allow multiple projects to access a Cloud Storage bucket. Similar cross-projects access can be configured for most if not all Google Cloud resources/services/apps - but you need to check the respective docs for each of them to see the specific details each of them may have.
With this in mind it's really up to you to organize and map your apps and resources into projects.

Finding a backend for an agularjs app for gae

I am building an angular app and the next step is to put it on GAE and I was wondering what backend should I use. I have my html pages ready I just need now to set up a backend so I can store and retrieve data for my little project. An information on this would be great. I don't think I would need to use jinja for this.
Well, as you say, Angular will be used for UI. For the backend, GAE being PaaS, it gives you number of services. One of the services is persistence. It's done using either the Data Store Service (NoSQL) or Google Cloud SQL. You can also make REST API around your persistence and business logic in the backend using Google Cloud Endpoints that you can use in JavaScript client.
To develop the backend and make use of these services you have many options: PHP, Python, Java, Go, ... . You can pick the one you like and more familiar with.
If you decide to use Java, you may want to take a look at Objectify. It makes your persistence code simpler and clearer than using the Data Store API directly. Also Google Plugin for Eclipse will make it much easier for you.
Note that although I used links here for services in Java, there are similar pages for python and other languages too. So you can use the same services in your favorite language.

Best front-end for GAE Google App Engine in Go

which is the best front-end solution for a GAE app. developed in Go?
the question is about choosing a solution that merges well with the GAE, as an example if I use GAE in Java I would pick up GWT, and I want to know how other people are using the GAE with Go;
why this question:=
the reason I'm asking this is that I want to understand if, today, there is an advisable path to follow in designing a web application that uses GAE with go when I have to choose something for the front-end ..and I'm trying to figure it out before digging into a useless 'reinventing the wheel coding mode'.
You can take a look at Gorilla web toolkit, is has been designed with App Engine in mind.
