Create database from existing table in sqlite - database

I have a table. For example:
How i can create in sqlite a new database with one command with the table temp?

Since your in sqlite, in the command line just type:
sqlite3 datbase_name.db
This will create a new database called database_name.db, now to create your table to this database just type:
sqlite3 database_name.db "CREATE TABLE .......;"
Type your create table statement inside the quotes.
For more info, please take a look at their documentation.

I think that would depend on the DBMS but this may be what you're looking for.
COPY Command Syntax
"COPY {FROM database | TO database | FROM database TO database} {APPEND|CREATE|INSERT|REPLACE} destination_table [(column, column, column, ...)] USING query"


Unable to see created database and table in hive in specified location

I created database using SQL in hive.
And I looked for the database using HDFS.
But I couldn't find database in HDFS.
In hive:
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse'/
hdfs dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse
There is nothing in warehouse.
In addition, I created a table in a specific database in hive.
But, using Hue, I could see the table in the default location.
I wanna insert the table into a specific database location.
id INT,
title STRING,
salary INT,
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/practice.db/prac';
I couldn't find the table prac in the database practice in Hue and HDFS.
How can I see the database in HDFS?
And I also wanna know how to see the table in the specific database location.
Try by specifying db name while creating hive table prac by default hive creates tables in default database.
hive> CREATE DATABASE practice LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/practice.db';
hive> CREATE TABLE `practice.prac` ( id INT, title STRING, salary INT, posted TIMESTAMP ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/practice.db/prac';
Try using below command:
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/practice.db';
hive by default uses '/user/hive/warehouse/' directory to create databases under this location. So while creating database, If you don't provide the location it will pick the database location like this '/user/hive/warehouse/practice.db'.
You can choose any location over hdfs until you have read and write permission over that location.

How to drop and recreate table in destination server?

Here is the scenario for which Iam trying to create a SSIS package using VS2013. We have SQLServer2014 servers - A & B.
From ServerA.Database1, need to copy data for few specific tables to ServerB.Database2.
But before copy, have to drop the table and recreate the table at destination (ServerB.Database2) using the table schema from source (ServerA.Database1) because of schema changes happening frequently. Need to schedule this weekly.
How to accomplish using SSIS (how to retrieve source table schema information in the ssis package so that it will be used to create a table at the destination) ? or any other way ?
Add an execute sql task and provide sql text 'Drop table tablename' and then create table tablename (variables and datatypes)
Below approach will require a Linked Server. No need to worry about table schema.
Drop table TargetServer.database.dbo.tablename
Insert * into TargetServer.database.dbo.tablename from SourceServer.database.dbo.tablename

Schema and call flow in Voltdb

what is the format of schema when we create a new table using Voltdb?
I'm a newbie. I have researched for a while and read the explanation in this
Please give me more detal about the schema format when I create a new table.
Another quesiton is What is the call flow of the system, since a request comes to the system until a response is create.
Which class/function does it go through in the system.
Since VoltDB is a SQL compliant database, you would create a new table in VoltDB just as you would create a new table in any other traditional relational database. For e.g.,
You can find all the SQL DDL statements that you can run on VoltDB here
1.Make file yourSchemaName.sql anywhere in the system. Suppose yourSchemaName.sql looks like this
FirstName VARCHAR(15),
LastName VARCHAR (15),
); sqlcmd in CLI inside folder where you have installed the voltdB.
if you haven't set the path then you have to type /bin/sqlcmd.
After firing the command, a simple way to load schema in your voltdB database is by typing /path/to/yourSchemaName.sql; command inside the sqlcmd utility and the schema named yourSchemaName.sql will be imported inside the database.
VoltdB is relational database,so Now you can use all of sql database queries inside this database.

how to update sqlite3 schema with data migration

I have a possibly peculiar data migration problem:
I have an existing and populated SQLite3 database.
I do receive a new schema for a (hopefully compatible) database.
Result should be a new database, built according to new schema, containing as much as possible of the old database content.
Given limitations in both SQLite3 ALTER statement and our workflow it is safe to assume:
normal case will be new columns are added to end of table.
added columns (fields) will either have a default or can be left NULL.
rarely some table will be added.
very rarely some table or column may be dropped.
no table/column renaming will happen.
no column reshuffling will happen.
NOTE: if the new schema is not compatible with the old one (i.e.: any of the above assumptions does not hold true) it's accepted to fail badly.
I tried this script (old database is data.sql3 and new schema is data.schema):
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
#compute old DB schema
sqlite3 ../data.sql3 .schema >old_s
#purge new schema for any initialization...
grep -v ^INSERT ../data.schema >data.schema
#... create a dew, empty DB...
sqlite3 new.sql3 <data.schema
#... and compute a standard schema
#(this is done to avoid typing differences)
sqlite3 new.sql3 .schema >new_s
#iff the schemas are different
if ! diff -q old_s new_s
#save old DB
mv ../data.sql3 .
#dump contents
sqlite3 data.sql3 .dump >old_d
#expunge all statements needed to recreate DB/Tables
#new_d contains only INSERT statements
grep -v -f old_s old_d >new_d
#add old DB content to new DB
sqlite3 new.sql3 <new_d
#move new DB in place
mv new.sql3 ../data.sql3
cd ..
This works to detect changes, but fails to repopulate the new database because .dump does not contain column names and thus insertion fails (missing value).
What I'm looking for is some way to force sqlite3 DB .dump to output INSERT statements containing all field names (normally it relies on position) or, it that's not possible, some way to tell sqlite3 DB <new_d to consider any undefined field as null or default (without failing).
Any other way to achieve the same result (without requiring knowledge of what, exactly, has been modified) would be equally welcome.
To be able to insert/import dumps with less columns into a table you can provide default values for the new, appended columns, or simply enable them to be set to NULL. The constraint clause is the same for CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE:
-- newColumn is set to a default value if not provided with INSERT
alter table myTable
add column newColumn INTEGER NOT NULL default 0;
-- newColumn may be NULL, which is the default if not provided with INSERT
alter table myTable
add column newColumn INTEGER;
-- It is also valid to combine NULL and DEFAULT constraints
alter table myTable
add column newColumn INTEGER default 0;
Note that in order for the INSERT statement to work with the new columns it must provide the column names.

Create a copy of a table within the same database with SSIS

I want to create a copy of a table, say TestTable, with a new name, say TestTableNew, in the same database with the use of an SSIS package. I've created a "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" for this with the source database specified as both the SourceDatabase and the DestinationDatabase. When I run this task, the original table TestTable is overwritten with a new -empty- TestTable.
This might well be something really obvious that I've overlooked, but can I somehow specify another name for the destination table somewhere in this transfer task? Or should I solve this in another way?
You can't use the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" to copy a table to the same database because there isn't an option to specify the new table name. You would be copying table "TestTable" to table "TestTable", which will fail because they both have the same name.
You can set the "DropObjectsFirst" property to true, but that will make you lose your original table and its data, which I think you did on your test, otherwise you would have received a failure message.
The best option here is to use an "Execute SQL Task" to create the structure of your TestTableNew based on your TestTable and then do a simple OleDBSource -> OleDBDestination transformation to load all the data from one table to another.
My knowledge of SSIS is very limited but I assume you can run sql commands passing in
parameters and therefore generating something like the following dynamically
select *
insert into TestTableNew
from TestTable
