Permanent test db for App Engine Project in Android Studio - google-app-engine

When I test an app engine project on my local development server, the local db is recreated every time the project is built, the reason being that the db is located in the build directory and treated as part of the build.
This behavior makes perfect sense for running tests, but not during development. Can it be changed? Is there a setting to move the db or create it somewhere else?
I'm on Java with the following run/debug configuration:

Well according to the docs for Python or Java, you just need to use a "datastore_path" flag (for python), or do nothing, for java.
AFAIK, this should work, I never saw my java devserver datastore deleted to be honest, unless I go and manually delete "local_db.bin" in my "WEB-INF/appengine-generated" folder.

I did it in Java! Just user --generated_dir at command line!
Thank you #tomrozb ... Here is his answer: Custom datastore location on local machine with App Engine


What is meant by "staging instances" in this GCloud Debugger doc?

What is meant by "staging instances" of your application in this Google Cloud Debugger doc? As per this question it seems that only the default version of an application can be used with Google Cloud Debugger. Does Google simply intend that you can use this with the default version of a separate application which you dedicate to your staging environment?
Google Cloud Debugger can be used with any module or any version of your running application. The question you referred to is obsolete.
Many projects setup a module/version or simply another project to be used as their 'staging instance' to test their code before pushing to the production instance. There is no one way to implement a 'staging instance'.
The term staging in programming mostly refers to the term development.
In the app engine, you can have multiple instances of your application. One in Production environment(one instance) and other in a Staging environment(another instance).
So production means that its a version currently running or available to the public. Staging means that it is running only for testing purposes (usually new features) before its being deployed to the public
Google saying:
You can use the Cloud Debugger on both production and staging instances of your application
Simply means that you can you the Cloud Debugger on both the Production and Staging(Development) version of your application.

Can I have multiple versions deployed on openshift?

For a research project I am comparing PaaS providers. I'm however not sure about the following. On App Engine I can have multiple live versions of my application. If I have a new version and I deploy it I can reach it on a non-default url like: I can use that url to test it while running on the PaaS. Once I'm happy with the result I will change the default version and my visitors will also see the changes.
I am wondering if Openshift has something simular? Only thing I found so far is that it deploys on git push and if it fails to build it will leave the old version live. This of course still leaves a risk for functional errors. If I then still have to install a test-server locally I am still doing system administration and it would be nice if this can be prevented.
How is this best resolved when using openshift?
Edit: I did found this article:
Is that the way to or are there other common ways to do this?
The best way to re-create the google functionality would be to run a dev/qa instance on a separate gear and add those git repositories as remotes to your local git working copy, then you can git push to any environment for testing before you deploy to production.

Restore app-engine entities locally

Hi guys I've dumped (made a backup) of my Appengine datastore entities,following this tutorial, now I wonder if there is a way to restore the data locally ? so I can do some test and debug.
In windows, the datastore is in the directory
In OSx this question can help you
In this directory are storade the datastore.db (the local storage), change the name (the app should not be running, and if is locked, kill all the python process)
Now go to the appengine dashboard
click in your app link
click in Blob Viewer (i'm assumming that you did the backup into a blobstore)
click in the file name
click in download
rename the file to datastore.db
copy to the previous path
start the app
Remote API (as koma mentions) is the main GAE-documented approach, and it's a good approach. Alternatively, you can download the entities using the cloud download tool, write your own store reader/deserializer, and execute it within your dev server local instance: Read the part about the New Approach...
While these options are not automatic and require engineering, I really wanted to point out the side effect of doing this: We have been facing performance issues in the local development server for months now, specifically when the datastore has more than 1,000 entities with over 50 indexes. Just search for "require_indexes slow" and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I'm sure you have a solid reason to import lots of data locally for testing and debugging, just wanted to let you know your application will perform extremely slow, and debug mode will be impossibly slow; we can't even use debug mode with our setup anymore.
If you want to get some test data in your local db, you could copy some using the remote api

My GAE python development datastore is never persisted to a file

I have just started using GAE (Python 2.7 SDK 1.6.4) , I have set up a
simple test project using Pydev (latest version) in eclipse (indigo)
on Windows XP (SP3).
It all works fine, my app can record data in the datastore and the blobstore
and then retrieve it, but when I stop the development server and start
it again the data in the datastore is lost. This is not the case for
the blobstore which is retaining blobs fine and I can see the
blobstore folder that gets created in C:\Temp
I did the sensible thing and look back through old posts and found
that most people who have this problem solve it by changing the
location of the datastore file, so I used the following parameters;
I moved the blobstore at the same time as you can see.
The blobstore still works, and now the blobstore folder is created in
myproject folder as expected. The datastore file is still not created
however, and when I stop and restart the development server the data
is still lost.
The dev server startup logs include the following entry
WARNING 2012-04-20 10:49:04,513] Could not
read datastore data from C:\myworkspace\myproject\datastore
So I know it is trying to create the datastore in the correct place.
Finally I lifted the whole eclipse workspace folder and copied it to
another computer with exactly the same setup except it is running
Windows 7 instead of Windows XP.
Everything works fine there - both the datastore file and blobstore
folder are now created where I expect them to be.
I have set up eclipse, python, gae, my project and my eclipse launch
file in exactly the same way on two computers, it works on one and
not the other. Maybe XP is something to do with it but to be honest I
think that's unlikely.
The only other clue I have come up with is that a recent change to the
GAE development server stopped writing to the datastore file after
every change and only flushes on exit, this problem may be closely related to mine;
App Engine local datastore content does not persist
However adding the following to my code did not help at all.
from import dev_appserver
import atexit
So it's not down to incorrect termination sequence either as far as I
can tell although it may be that I was just added it in the wrong place (I'm am new to python).
Anyway I am stumped and I would be really grateful for suggestions you
guys can come up with.
It's probably and a bug. Hopefully a fix will be available soon.
did you try:
Path at which all local files (such as the Datastore, Blobstore files, Google Cloud Storage Files, logs, etc) will be stored, unless overridden by --datastore_path, --blobstore_path, --logs_path, etc.
found at

is there a way to download my application code from GAE

I accidently deleted my application code from my own machine, however it's running on Google App Engine (GAE), is there a way I could download it from there?
app engine actually recently added the ability for the developer who uploaded a given app version to download its source code:
You cannot do this unless you have prepared your app ahead of time properly. There is a chance the trick described by Nick in the duplicate question here might work for you. Otherwise, I would suggest using source control like git or svn.
