is there a way to download my application code from GAE - google-app-engine

I accidently deleted my application code from my own machine, however it's running on Google App Engine (GAE), is there a way I could download it from there?

app engine actually recently added the ability for the developer who uploaded a given app version to download its source code:

You cannot do this unless you have prepared your app ahead of time properly. There is a chance the trick described by Nick in the duplicate question here might work for you. Otherwise, I would suggest using source control like git or svn.


How can the Google Cloud Datastore Emulator verify our datastore-index.xml?

We use the Google Cloud Datastore Emulator. It autogenerates indexes.yaml. But as we did with the old Google Plugin for Eclipse, we want to get missing-index messages in the local development environment, and not later in cloud deployment. So, we want the Emulator to use our manually-maintained datastore-indexes.xml
How do we configure the use of a specific datastore-indexes.xml in the Google Cloud Datastore Emulator? I don't see any relevant command-line switches in the help text.
My answer was based on the dev_appserver emulator, not the current one. After running some tests, it appears that the emulator only has endpoints for a subset of the Datastore API methods, and index building (nor export/import for that matter) are available.
Leaving my previous answer to avoid repeated answers with the same wrong info:
According to the docs, if autoGenerate="false" is in your datastore-indexes.xml, the development server should ignore the contents of WEB-INF/appengine-generated/datastore-indexes-auto.xml.
I think this might be what you're looking for, although I have not yet tested it.

Permanent test db for App Engine Project in Android Studio

When I test an app engine project on my local development server, the local db is recreated every time the project is built, the reason being that the db is located in the build directory and treated as part of the build.
This behavior makes perfect sense for running tests, but not during development. Can it be changed? Is there a setting to move the db or create it somewhere else?
I'm on Java with the following run/debug configuration:
Well according to the docs for Python or Java, you just need to use a "datastore_path" flag (for python), or do nothing, for java.
AFAIK, this should work, I never saw my java devserver datastore deleted to be honest, unless I go and manually delete "local_db.bin" in my "WEB-INF/appengine-generated" folder.
I did it in Java! Just user --generated_dir at command line!
Thank you #tomrozb ... Here is his answer: Custom datastore location on local machine with App Engine

My GAE python development datastore is never persisted to a file

I have just started using GAE (Python 2.7 SDK 1.6.4) , I have set up a
simple test project using Pydev (latest version) in eclipse (indigo)
on Windows XP (SP3).
It all works fine, my app can record data in the datastore and the blobstore
and then retrieve it, but when I stop the development server and start
it again the data in the datastore is lost. This is not the case for
the blobstore which is retaining blobs fine and I can see the
blobstore folder that gets created in C:\Temp
I did the sensible thing and look back through old posts and found
that most people who have this problem solve it by changing the
location of the datastore file, so I used the following parameters;
I moved the blobstore at the same time as you can see.
The blobstore still works, and now the blobstore folder is created in
myproject folder as expected. The datastore file is still not created
however, and when I stop and restart the development server the data
is still lost.
The dev server startup logs include the following entry
WARNING 2012-04-20 10:49:04,513] Could not
read datastore data from C:\myworkspace\myproject\datastore
So I know it is trying to create the datastore in the correct place.
Finally I lifted the whole eclipse workspace folder and copied it to
another computer with exactly the same setup except it is running
Windows 7 instead of Windows XP.
Everything works fine there - both the datastore file and blobstore
folder are now created where I expect them to be.
I have set up eclipse, python, gae, my project and my eclipse launch
file in exactly the same way on two computers, it works on one and
not the other. Maybe XP is something to do with it but to be honest I
think that's unlikely.
The only other clue I have come up with is that a recent change to the
GAE development server stopped writing to the datastore file after
every change and only flushes on exit, this problem may be closely related to mine;
App Engine local datastore content does not persist
However adding the following to my code did not help at all.
from import dev_appserver
import atexit
So it's not down to incorrect termination sequence either as far as I
can tell although it may be that I was just added it in the wrong place (I'm am new to python).
Anyway I am stumped and I would be really grateful for suggestions you
guys can come up with.
It's probably and a bug. Hopefully a fix will be available soon.
did you try:
Path at which all local files (such as the Datastore, Blobstore files, Google Cloud Storage Files, logs, etc) will be stored, unless overridden by --datastore_path, --blobstore_path, --logs_path, etc.
found at

Google App Engine access to code

Is it possible to access or download my code that is running on Google App Engine? For instance, say my hard drive crashes and I have not saved my code on any kind of external repository. Is there any way to recover?
No, it is not possible. You compile your code on your machine and ship up the compiled code.
If you have a source repository, always make sure that you have a backup.
GAE does not have a mechanism for you to download your binaries, so reverse engineering them is not possible except from your own copies.
Of course you could always host your project on GitHub or SourceForge
see also:
how to download google appengine (uploaded)application files
Can I restore my source code that has been uploaded into Google AppEngine?
How do I download the source code of a google app engine project?
Download source code of deployed GAE application
Get source of appengine published version
I can't find it now, but I remember reading a post where they were pretty specific about NOT being able to do that. The gist of it was that they were not a backup service and that you were responsible for backing up your own code.
There is a "datastore backup and restore" feature on the project roadmap though: I've skimmed over a few posts where people talk about ways to backup the database now without that the official sanctioned feature implemented... of course your datastore isn't your code.

Is it possible to deploy ColdFusion code on Google App Engine for Java?

Since ColdFusion is itself Java-based, I would imagine it's not too much of a stretch to suggest that CFML code could be deployed on Google App Engine.
BlueDragon is a commercial solution for deploying CFML code on Java servers.
It's described in this thread how someone got OpenBD (Blue Dragon) running on App Engine:
OpenBD on Google App Engine for Java
Are there any open source alternatives
that could be used for App Engine?
Railo is another obvious candidate here, and some people appear to be trying to tweak it for use on Google App Engine.
I am putting together some demos that run on Open BlueDragon, which in turn is running on Google App Engine. The list is small at the moment, but eventually it should give you a good idea of what is opssible with OpenBD and GAE.
Check out - Stax networks made by a former Allaire(r)?
Works great, supports coldfusion out of the You download a precompiled source file, put your stuff in, upload it and it all works, no fighting with it.
I know google app engine is quite restrictive, it will involve opening up the source and removing everything that attempts to write to the file system, and changing your database interaction.
You can checkout this thread and group as a resource for Open BlueDragon as well as the wiki. Looks like they have a branch already which is working towards GAE compatibility.
On the Railo side of the CFML open source pond you can reference this article from help compiling Railo on your own from the source.
Joining both of their respective google groups and asking questions should yield fruitful as well.
Good Luck!
