C: Write to a specific line in the text file without searching - c

Hello I have file with text:
5 4
45 854
47 5
I need to write a text to a specific line. For example to the line number 4 (Doesn't matter whether I will append the text or rewrite the whole line):
5 4
45 854
14 new_text
47 5
I have found function fseek(). But in the documentation is written
fseek(file pointer,offset, position);
"Offset specifies the number of positions (bytes) to be moved from the location specified bt the position."
But I do not know the number of bites. I only know the number of lines. How to do that? Thank you

You can't do that, (text) files are not line-addressable.
Also, you can't insert data in the middle of a file.
The best way is to "spool" to a new file, i.e. read the input line by line, and write that to a new file which is the output. You can then easily keep track of which line you're on, and do whatever you want.

I will assume that you are going to be doing this many times for a single file, as such you would be better indexing the position of each newline char, for example you could use a function like this:
long *LinePosFind(int FileDes)
long * LinePosArr = malloc(500 * sizeof(long));
char TmpChar;
long LinesRead = 0;
long CharsRead = 0;
while(1 == read(FileDes, &TmpChar, 1))
if (!(LinesRead % 500)
LinePosArr = realloc(LinePosArr, (LinesRead + 500) * sizeof(long));
if (TmpChar == '\n')
LinePosArr[LinesRead++] = CharsRead;
return LinePosArr;
Then you can save the index of all the newlines for repeated use.
After this you can use it like so:
long *LineIndex = LinePosFind(FileDes);
long FourthLine = LineIndex[3];
Note I have not checked this code, just written from my head so it may need fixes, also, you should add some error checking for the malloc and read and realloc if you are using the code in production.


How to read one line at a time from a data file and to perform calculations in it before moving to the next line in C Programming?

I'm a beginner at C programming and I would appreciate some help in order to understand the problem.
Alright so, I have a data file (input.dat) with data like this: (first line) 0 2 3 4 5; (second line) 1 2 3 5 4, (third line and so on...). I'm required to read the data one line at a time until the end of file and print it. This is what I have done so far:
int main(void)
float coeffs[5];
FILE *input; /* File pointer to the input file */
fopen_s(&input, "input.dat", "r"); /* Location of the input file */
int count = 0;
/* Loops to read data set*/
while (fscanf_s(input, "%f %f %f %f %f ", &coeffs[0], &coeffs[1], &coeffs[2], &coeffs[3], &coeffs[4]) != EOF)
printf("a=%.4f; b=%.4f; c=%.4f; d=%.4f; e=%.4f\n", coeffs[0], coeffs[1], coeffs[2], coeffs[3], coeffs[4]);
return 0;
This is showing all of the lines in the data file at once. But this is not what I want. I need to read one line at a time and perform some calculations and conditions for that one line first before I move to the next line. So how can I do that?
Next problem is, for the first line, I need to implement a loop from -10 to +10 with increment of 2 (to get 11 results in total). For example the program will read the first line, display it on the screen, then for the first value -10, the program will calculate and again display something . Then it will do the same for -8, then for -6 and so on until +10. After the 11 results are displayed, the program will then and ONLY then, move to the second line and so on. Hence for each line in the data file, the program will have 11 results. How can I use the loop function with increment of 2 to achieve these 11 results?
I would appreciate if anyone can provide me a simple layout of the structure of the codes which I've to write. NOTE: The formats are a bit different than other compilers as I must use Microsoft Visual Studio to do it.
Add your calculations to your while loop. You are reading one line at a time anyway.
If you want to loop from -10 to 10 with increments of 2, use a for loop.
for(count = -10; count <= 10; count = count + 2)
// Calculations

c fscanf using and new line

I need to receive and put into variables text file.
For example:
challenge_2 22 2
challenge_3 33 3
challenge_4 44 1
challenge_5 55 3
challenge_6 66 3
challenge_1 11 1
room_2 1 22
room_1 3 11 44 66
room_3 3 55 33 11
room_4 4 22 44 55 66
I know that every one of the words (not line) is not more than 50 characters.
What will be the easy way to put each word in the appropriate (int,string...).
Also I need to know where the line is ending because the number of words in line is not constant.
I think fscanf is the most efficient, but I dont know how to use it for line ending and such...
I would love to see an example of using fscanf as I wanted.
Thanks in advance.
It's more efficient, because you do not know the format string to use fgets to return a line from the file, then to parse it yourself rather than using scanf.
An example would be like this:
FILE* file = fopen("somefile.txt", "r");
char buffer[51];
while (fgets(buffer, 50, file)) {
// Buffer now stores the line, lets see if it can be an integer.
int possible_num = 0;
// sscanf will return 1 if it read a possible integer from the buffer.
if (sscanf(buffer, "%d", &possible_num) == 1) {
// We read a number, so possible_num is now the number.
else {
// We read a string, buffer stores the string.
NOTE: The code will return a false positive if your string is something like "10hello", as sscanf will still read the 10. There are multiple ways of checking if a string is a valid integer out there in C, which I'm sure you will be able to find on StackOverflow, but this code should give you a place to get started.

Reading instructions from a text file

I need help with reading instructions from a text file. So for example:
Let's say this is my text file:
a 38
s 20
a 10
s 10
'a' stands for add, 's' stands for subtract, and the number separated by a tab is the number I want to either add or subtract from a total. So I want my program to read this line by line and perform the operation specified.
Example: If my total starts at 0, I want the program to read "a tab 38" on the first line and add 38 to the total, and then move on to the next line and read "s tab 20" on the second line and subtract 20 from the total. So on and so forth.
I know how to get the program to read the file, but I'm not sure how to get it to recognize the a/s, the tab, and the number, and then keep doing it for each line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'm really stuck.
use fscanf(yourfileptr, "%c\t%d", &instruction, &operand) to get the instruction and the operand. then you can simply add or subtract the operand according to the instruction character.
Maybe you can try this . Code I haven't checked properly but that should be the line of coding. This is inside main function code.
FILE *fp;
char buff[255];
char numBuff[10];
int a;
int val = 0;
char op;
int len;
fp = fopen("/tmp/test.txt", "r");
while(fgets(buff, 255, file) != NULL){
len = strlen(buff);
strncpy (numBuff, buff+2, len-2);
numBuff[len-2] = '\0';
a = atoi(numBuff);
if(buff[0] == 's'){
val -= a;
}else if(buff[0]=='a'){
val += a;

C reading file using ./a.out<filename and how to stop reading

In my class today we were assigned a project that involves reading in a file using the ./a.out"<"filename command. The contents of the file look like this
16915 46.25 32 32
10492 34.05 56 52
10027 98.53 94 44
13926 32.94 19 65
15736 87.67 5 1
16429 31.00 58 25
15123 49.93 65 38
19802 37.89 10 20
but larger
My issue is that any scanf used afterwards is completely ignored and just scans in what looks like garbage when printed out, rather than taking in user input. In my actual program this is causing an issue with a menu that requires input.
How do I get the program to stop reading the file provided by the ./a.out"<"filename command?
also I stop searching at -1 rather than EOF for the sake of not having an extra set of array data starting with -1
-1 0 0 0
in my real program the class size is a constant that is adjustable and is used to calculate class averages, I'd rather not have a set of 0's skewing that data.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i = 0,j = 1,d,euid[200],num;
int tester = 0;
float hw[200],ex1[200],ex2[200];
if( tester == -1)
j = 0;
euid[i] = tester;
for(d = 0;d < 50;d++) /*50 because the actual file size contains much more than example*/
printf("euid = %d\n",euid[d]);
printf("hw = %f\n",hw[d]);
printf("ex1 = %f\n",ex1[d]);
printf("ex2 = %f\n",ex2[d]);
printf("input something user\n");
printf("This is what is being printed out -> %d\n",num);
return 0;
I'm having the exact same problem. Tried every method I could find to eat the remaining input in the buffer, but it never ends.
Got it to work using fopen and fscanf, but the prof. said he prefers the code using a.out < filename
Turns out this is in fact not possible.

Adding characters to the middle of a file without overwriting the existing characters in C

I am quite rusty with C and system calls and pointers in general, so this is a good refresher exercise to get back on track. All I need to do is, given a file such as this:
YYY.txt: "somerandomcharacters"
Change it to be like this:
YYY.txt: "somerandomabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzcharacters"
So all that is done is some characters added to the middle of the file. Obviously, this is quite simple, but in C you must keep track and manage the size of the file in advance before adding the additional characters.
Here is my naive try:
//(Assume a file called YYY.txt exists and an int YYY is the file descriptor.)
char ToBeInserted[26] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
//Determine the current length of YYY
int LengthOfYYY = lseek(YYY, 0, 2);
if(LengthOfYYY < 0)
printf("Error upon using lseek to get length of YYY");
//Assume we want to insert at position 900 in YYY.txt, and length of YYY is over 1000.
//1.] Keep track of all characters past position 900 in YYY and store in a char array.
lseek(YYY, 900, 0); //Seeks to position 900 in YYY, so reading begins there.
char NextChar;
char EverythingPast900[LengthOfYYY-900];
int i = 0;
while(i < (LengthOfYYY - 900)) {
int NextRead = read(YYY, NextChar, 1); //Puts next character from YYY in NextChar
EverythingPast900[i] = NextChar;
//2.] Overwrite what used to be at position 900 in YYY:
lseek(YYY, 900, 0); //Moves to position 900.
int WriteToYYY = write(YYY, ToBeInserted, sizeof(ToBeInserted));
if(WriteToYYY < 0)
printf("Error upon writing to YYY");
//3.] Move to position 900 + length of ToBeInserted, and write the characters that were saved.
lseek(YYY, 926, 0);
int WriteMoreToYYY = write(YYY, EverythingPast900, sizeof(EverythingPast900));
if (WriteMoreToYYY < 0) {
printf("Error writing the saved characters back into YYY.");
I think the logic is sound, mostly, although there are much better ways to do it in C. I need help on my C pointers, basically, as well as the UNIX system calls. Does anyone mind walking me through how to properly implement this in C?
That's the basic idea. If you had to really conserve RAM and the file was a lot bigger you'd want to copy block by block in reverse order. But the simpler way is to read the entire thing into memory and rewrite the entire file.
also, I prefer the stream functions: fopen, fseek, fread. But the file descriptor method works.
