angular js template with routing and translate refusing to work - angularjs

I am new to angular and it seems very interesting
I am creating a template for a promotional page and struggling to understand what is causing an issue on it - half of the script stopped working...
My fiddle is in here see >
fiddle example
or Plunker
I have working example without route...
Can you advice me how to fix this issue please

First of all, i'd suggest you to separate your project to different files based on best practises
Secondly, 'config, controller, factory' etc are methods of angular.module object. So you need to retrieve it first like
or use some variable.


Remove cached templates from ng-include in angular

how to remove caching from files that are used as templates in
I tried to using $templateCache.removeAll();
but its not working
Is there any way we can clear cache in angular when the application loads?
$templateCache.removeAll() should really work.
You could try running $cacheFactory('templates').removeAll(); - but that is really what $templateCache.removeAll() is doing behind the scenes.
What does the surrounding implementation look like / in what context are you calling this method? Would it be possible for you to setup a plunker/fiddle for the case?
I had this trouble and I solved by adding a time parameter to a all URLs on my project, like path/to/file.html?t=4487664434
You can get the date ticks with the javascript funcion getTime(), from Date class.

Is AngularRoute.js is Mandatory for routing in Angular js

i am new to angular js .
Please help me.
i readed some blogs on angular views and route and i implemented the code for view and route .
the code was not working. As I include angularoute.js to code then it works fine for me .
But in all the blogs they are not including the angularoute.js to code.
So my question is that is route logic was removed from angular.js or i am doing something wrong.
In angular 1.0, routing was part of the core angular.js module. Since 1.2, they've made it an external module, in an external file. What you're doing is thus fine, and the blogs you read have probably been written before angular 1.2, or neglected to precise that this additional file had to be added.
The official documentation is quite clear about it, though:
First include angular-route.js in your HTML:
<script src="angular.js">
<script src="angular-route.js">
I strongly suggest you to use aungular-ui-router. Basically it's the same as angular-route but it has much much more features. There are the nested views option, also you can pass parameters over different states. You can easily assert in which state you are and based on that change the view or do something else. Another aswe feature is that you can have multiple named view on a single page which means you can load different templates on this page. The documentation is pretty awesome with this one as well. You might want to take a look. Also when you have some issues you better paste some code so people could see where could something possibly be wrong.
The Angular UI - 3rd party lib.

Angularjs: Multiple file-uploader in a single page

I am facing lot of problem in while using more than 1 file uploader in single page. There is any directive for this? because I didn't find it. By the way I am using Bruno Angularjs uploader Directive and tried to change multiple but getting problem while form submitting beacause all uploaders sharing same model so thats why I was not able to get all the values at a time only one can be access.
So if anyone have some solution or suggestion for this, please share with me.
There is a good jquery ajax uploader which is available in angualar js version also.
Please check here

AngularJS $route service undesirable hash issue

I'm working on a big project. This project already has complicated structure. Most pages are generated on server-side with Twig.
Now we move the project to AngularJS.
It is not possible to use angular-way routing on whole project just now. But somewhere, it is necessary.
And here comes our trouble.
If I add 'ng-app' in html tag, for example, on some pages angular add hash in url.
And what is strange for me, that it's not everywhere.
On start page (project/profile9868766), url is clear as it is. But on some other (project/community/list), angular does something like that: project/community/list/#list .
And it is extremely undesirable.
There are no any angular routes, configured in $route service yet.
Please, help me to find out what causes that behavior, and what should i do to make all the things to go right way.
I want to add ng-app in html tag and not get any troubles with existing code, that may use hashes. And I want to use angular directives, controllers and other stuff, including $location service to set and track hashes on some pages. And later move everything to Angular and only after that start using Angular routes.
PS: English is not my native language, sorry about some weird constructions and mistakes. ))
Make sure to turn on html5mode$location
But the hash is inevitable on non-html5 browser.
The latest version of angular (v1.0.7) seems to have fixed this issue.

Adding an ng-click event inside a filter

I'm fairly new to Angular but I've been using it the past few weeks and have managed to work out most of the problems I've come across. This one however has me stumped.
I have an app that pulls in tweets from Twitter then - using an angular filter - pulls out all the urls and styles them as links. This part works fine but the client decided that links from Twitter were't safe so they wanted a disclaimer to fire every time a link was clicked. Simple enough - I hijacked the link and swapped the href for an ng-click="openLink('url')". This is where the problem occurred - the ng-click doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure the problem has something to do with $compile() - I've had similar issues before - but I have no idea when or where to call it.
I've created a Plunkr that is a lite version of what I'm after. The link at the top isn't loaded in dynamically and fires the alertUrl() function fine, but all the links generated by the filter fail.
I'm probably missing something really simple but it's been bugging me a while now so any help will be massively appreciated.
Well you are correct that the html\content that you emit needs to be compiled for angularjs to resolve the alert function.
I have changed your plunker, and inject a compile directive (from here)
See it in action here
The basic idea here is to compile the content produced from twitter feed dynamically.
<p compile="tweet.text | convertLinks"></p>
