AngularJS $route service undesirable hash issue - angularjs

I'm working on a big project. This project already has complicated structure. Most pages are generated on server-side with Twig.
Now we move the project to AngularJS.
It is not possible to use angular-way routing on whole project just now. But somewhere, it is necessary.
And here comes our trouble.
If I add 'ng-app' in html tag, for example, on some pages angular add hash in url.
And what is strange for me, that it's not everywhere.
On start page (project/profile9868766), url is clear as it is. But on some other (project/community/list), angular does something like that: project/community/list/#list .
And it is extremely undesirable.
There are no any angular routes, configured in $route service yet.
Please, help me to find out what causes that behavior, and what should i do to make all the things to go right way.
I want to add ng-app in html tag and not get any troubles with existing code, that may use hashes. And I want to use angular directives, controllers and other stuff, including $location service to set and track hashes on some pages. And later move everything to Angular and only after that start using Angular routes.
PS: English is not my native language, sorry about some weird constructions and mistakes. ))

Make sure to turn on html5mode$location
But the hash is inevitable on non-html5 browser.

The latest version of angular (v1.0.7) seems to have fixed this issue.


Angular templates and cache invalidation

I am working on a project that uses Angular1, we hit the problem where when we change an html template the users will not see the change until a hard refresh is performed. Ideal would be to have the cache service to check a timestamp and invalidate the cached file. As an example now I edited a template used by the $stateProvider.
My questions is what solutions or best practices are used to solve the problem?
P.S since our JS files are combined in 1 file we fixed the problem there by appending a timestamp in the script tag from our PHP backend
Interesting question! We've had the same issue in a project that uses Angular1.x. We solved it using angular-cache-buster.
It basically helps you put a httpInterceptor. All you need is have ngCacheBuster in module dependency injection, and inject httpRequestInterceptorCacheBusterProvider in the .config of your app to set the match list.
For example,
httpRequestInterceptorCacheBusterProvider.setMatchlist([/.*api.*/], true);
this tells it to cache everything except REST api requests. You can learn more about the configuration here.

Having conflict with Django URL and Angular Route

I am currently working on a project using Django and Angular. I am trying to implement Django's Password-Reset app, which seems pretty easy to set up. I followed the instructions and I ran into a peculiar issue that is caused by Angular's routing. I am trying to link to a FormView using
Forgot password?
But it seems that Angular's routing keeps picking up the literal translation of the link'password_reset_recover'%20%%7D
This of course causes a routing error to pop up.
Is there anyway I can link to this view without Angular interfering?
Looks like the problem is that Django is not parsing your URL tag in the template. Might want to look into that rather than into Angular
Could you check the a tag in your Developer tools and see what it says? Chances are that it says exactly what the URL is pointing to.i.e. /%7B%%20url%20'password_reset_recover'%20%%7D
Have you added password_reset_recover in your root

Is AngularRoute.js is Mandatory for routing in Angular js

i am new to angular js .
Please help me.
i readed some blogs on angular views and route and i implemented the code for view and route .
the code was not working. As I include angularoute.js to code then it works fine for me .
But in all the blogs they are not including the angularoute.js to code.
So my question is that is route logic was removed from angular.js or i am doing something wrong.
In angular 1.0, routing was part of the core angular.js module. Since 1.2, they've made it an external module, in an external file. What you're doing is thus fine, and the blogs you read have probably been written before angular 1.2, or neglected to precise that this additional file had to be added.
The official documentation is quite clear about it, though:
First include angular-route.js in your HTML:
<script src="angular.js">
<script src="angular-route.js">
I strongly suggest you to use aungular-ui-router. Basically it's the same as angular-route but it has much much more features. There are the nested views option, also you can pass parameters over different states. You can easily assert in which state you are and based on that change the view or do something else. Another aswe feature is that you can have multiple named view on a single page which means you can load different templates on this page. The documentation is pretty awesome with this one as well. You might want to take a look. Also when you have some issues you better paste some code so people could see where could something possibly be wrong.
The Angular UI - 3rd party lib.

Links not working with angular $location in HTML5 mode in a Rails 4.1 app

The biggest problem is that I even don't really know how to describe the problem I'm asking about. It's the first time in more then a decade of wed development.
I'm working on a Rails 4.1.1 app and using angularjs pretty extensively, though I don't know it well yet. And everything seemed to be working fine up to the moment when I tried to add some browser history manipulation to my app (e.g. changing the displayed url when listing though a paginated list so that that url can be copied and distributed). To do this I added a config to my app.
#app.config ($locationProvider) ->
And then in my angular controller added the $location binding like this
$scope.$watch 'pagination.cur', (newVal) ->
$scope.loadNews newVal
(this is ment to change the url in the browser searchbox when the user goes from one page to another).
That workes well, the url does change appropriately, but all the sudden all the html links on the page got broken. I mean litteraly. I click any link on the page (even outside the controller div), the url in the serchbox changes appropriately, but the turbolinks toes not fire the Ajax request to get the new page content. If I then refresh the page, it loads the correct page.
I know it's really weird. What's weirder, that I don't get any JavaScript errors or anything unusual.
The only way I found to get the links working again - is to remove that initial config.
But when I do it, the $location falls back to hashtag syntax, wich is really not at all what I want.
My only assumption is that there could be some kind of a conflict between angular $location service and turbolinks when handling browser history, but even if that's right, I have no idea how to get around it. And I really need that kind of manipulation, 'cause I'm going to be using it alot in this and other apps.
I really don't know, what other information on this problem may be usefull, don't hasitate to ask for updates. I'll post whatever I can.
P.S. Btw, can this kind of manipulation be done by means of turbolinks? 'Cause it's exactly the same thing turbolinks does when changing the displayed url after page body reload, but I can't find any documentation on its public API for that.
Have no idea what's the source of the problem yet, but it seems to be not related to the turbolinks gem. Removing turbolinks requirements from the application.js file does not change anything.
Using $window.history.pushState instead of $location.path solves the functionality problem, but does not explain the initial bug.

How to disable routing in angularjs?

I have a single page application that really just has one single page. There's just the one view that has lots of javascript/ajax logic done with angularjs, but there's no routing to other views involved.
Therefore I'd like to git rid of the hashbang (#/) at the end of the url. Can I somehow turn off angularjs routing completely?
Btw: I know about Htm5Mode, but I want it to work in all browsers.
If you don't have a $routeProvider defined, there will be no routing, and therefore no hash in your url.
