Having conflict with Django URL and Angular Route - angularjs

I am currently working on a project using Django and Angular. I am trying to implement Django's Password-Reset app, which seems pretty easy to set up. I followed the instructions and I ran into a peculiar issue that is caused by Angular's routing. I am trying to link to a FormView using
Forgot password?
But it seems that Angular's routing keeps picking up the literal translation of the link'password_reset_recover'%20%%7D
This of course causes a routing error to pop up.
Is there anyway I can link to this view without Angular interfering?

Looks like the problem is that Django is not parsing your URL tag in the template. Might want to look into that rather than into Angular
Could you check the a tag in your Developer tools and see what it says? Chances are that it says exactly what the URL is pointing to.i.e. /%7B%%20url%20'password_reset_recover'%20%%7D
Have you added password_reset_recover in your root urls.py?


Add an additional page to an Angular SPA

The Scenario
I'm developing the front-end (CSS only) of an Angular SPA.
I'm not especially familiar with Angular routing.
I'd like to add a standalone page containing Bootstrap components just for development purposes (yes, I know this means it won't be a single page application anymore). This way I have one unified view with all the components so I don't have to switch back and forth while working on the CSS. It also acts as documentation for the Bootstrap for the other devs to refer to.
What I've tried
I originally added a bootstrap.html page to the app folder, alongside the app's index.html This worked at first, but has now stopped working. What would be the best/standard way to achieve something like this?
Update: I've managed to fix some of the JS errors, so the page is up and running again. My question remains though: "is there a way of adding a standalone page that is considered standard/best practise, or is it literally just add a separate HTML page at the app root?"
If you use a target='_self' in your linking anchor tag, this should force a full page reload, and that will avoid the angular routing - which is where I expect your request is getting hijacked (by design).
Answering your updated question
Not to my knowledge, since (as you correctly pointed out) this mixes the SPA design pattern.

Polymer with AngularJS using partial view

This isn't a problem question, but a theory/possibility question. I have made a polymer portfolio site with a list of image links that points to a html page in my file directory for example /projects/test.html. The problem that I have is that every time I click on the link it loads the new page because I have it as a separate html.
I read AngularJS can provide partial view. So if I can combine angular, I can keep my website header and just load the content of the links into the partial view.
I was wondering if this is doable, and do I have to fully install angular and change the file structure or can I just import AngularJS file and code from there?
Also AngularJS does provide routing which I will love as it make my url cleaner.I am just asking so I don't have to waste time if this attempt will not work.
Yes, all of this is easily achievable with Angular; you will not need to modify Angular. A couple things to get you going. This won't make sense right now but come back once you've dug in a little.
For prettier urls set $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
You will want your server to serve all 404s for text/html requests to return your Angular application (probably /index.html on your server). This is so that if someone goes to https://mycoolsite.com/projects/neato (which exists in your Angular app, but NOT on the server) your Angular application will load and the router will display the correct route.

Removing the hashtag from AngularJS when working with SailsJS

I'm getting really frustrated with configuring the Routing on our app, which is using sailsJS and angularJS.
The problem is, that the browser doesn't know about angular, so any request like /login returns a 404 Error from sails. I need a solution, to keep the sails routes from the angular ones,
One solution would be to disable html5Mode, but i really don't like the look of URLs with the /#/ which is typical for angular.
I have researched a lot on this and haven't yet found a good answer or maybe a working project for this.
Is what I am trying to do even possible right now?
If you're using HTML5 mode with Angular, then you need to configure your web server (in this case SailsJS) to respond with your index.html file for requests to /login or any arbitrary routes.
If you navigate directly to http://localhost:3000/login in your web browser (assuming you're running Sails on localhost:3000), Sails needs to respond with your index.html so that your Angular app can bootstrap and then display the appropriate route. Then, subsequent links that the user clicks on in your app will be intercepted directly by the Angular router instead of Sails directly.
Angular has documentation about making HTML5 mode work correctly here.
Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all your links to entry point of your application (e.g. index.html). Requiring a <base> tag is also important for this case, as it allows Angular to differentiate between the part of the url that is the application base and the path that should be handeled by the application.

AngularJS $route service undesirable hash issue

I'm working on a big project. This project already has complicated structure. Most pages are generated on server-side with Twig.
Now we move the project to AngularJS.
It is not possible to use angular-way routing on whole project just now. But somewhere, it is necessary.
And here comes our trouble.
If I add 'ng-app' in html tag, for example, on some pages angular add hash in url.
And what is strange for me, that it's not everywhere.
On start page (project/profile9868766), url is clear as it is. But on some other (project/community/list), angular does something like that: project/community/list/#list .
And it is extremely undesirable.
There are no any angular routes, configured in $route service yet.
Please, help me to find out what causes that behavior, and what should i do to make all the things to go right way.
I want to add ng-app in html tag and not get any troubles with existing code, that may use hashes. And I want to use angular directives, controllers and other stuff, including $location service to set and track hashes on some pages. And later move everything to Angular and only after that start using Angular routes.
PS: English is not my native language, sorry about some weird constructions and mistakes. ))
Make sure to turn on html5mode
But the hash is inevitable on non-html5 browser.
The latest version of angular (v1.0.7) seems to have fixed this issue.

Bookmarking and page reloads with Backbone.js and pushState

I've been trying to get various routes bookmarkable within my app, and this is possible if I don't have pushState enabled. A user can enter mysite.com/#/view/30 and the proper view renders.
However, if I were to enable pushState and go to mysite.com/view/30 I receive a parse error (navigating there via the root page works fine).
I'm currently utilizing the Backbone.js Boilerplate using Require.js, and the parse error is appearing in my config.js file. I'm fairly certain the issue isn't with Require but I'm not completely sure. Frankly, I don't necessarily know what code to paste here either because I believe I'm more lacking a fundamental understanding a difference between hashbangs vs. pushState.
I've read up on the HTML5 feature, however the answer to my specific question still eludes me.
The page with your Backbone router on does not exist at the path you are pointing to in your pushState. The pushState is purely to change the URL representation. You'd have to do some server config changes to route all of your requests back to a main index file.
