Use int or char in arrays? - c

Suppose I have an array in C with 5 elements which hold integers in the range [0..255], would it be generally better to useunsigned char, unsigned int or int regarding performance? Because a char would be only one byte, but an int is easier to handle for the processor, as far as I know. Or does it mostly depend on how the elements are accessed?
EDIT: Measuring is quite difficult, because the code belongs to a library, and the array is accessed external.
Also, I encounter this problem not only in this very case, so I'm asking for a more general answer

While the answer really depends on the CPU and how it handles loading storing small integers, you can assume that the byte array will be faster on most modern systems:
A char only takes 1/4 of the space that an int takes (on most systems), which means that working on a char array takes only a quarter of the memory bandwidth. And most codes are memory bound on modern hardware.

This one is quite impossible to answer, because it depends on the code, compiler, and processor.
However, one suggestion is to use uint8_t insted of unsigned char. (The code will be the same, but the explicit version conveys the meaning much better.)
Then there is one more thing to consider. You might be best off by packing four 8-bit integers into one 32-bit integer. Most arithmetic and bitwise logical operations work fine as long as there are no overflows (division being the notable exception).

The golden rule: Measure it. If you can't be bothered measuring it, then it isn't worth optimising. So measure it one way, change it, measure it the other way, take whatever is faster. Be aware that when you switch to a different compiler, or a different processor, like a processor that is introduced in 2015 or 2016, the other code might now be faster.
Alternatively, don't measure it, but write the most readable and maintainable code.
And consider using a single 64 bit integer and shift operations :-)


Comparison uint8_t vs uint16_t while declaring a counter

Assuming to have a counter which counts from 0 to 100, is there an advantage of declaring the counter variable as uint16_t instead of uint8_t.
Obviously if I use uint8_t I could save some space. On a processor with natural wordsize of 16 bits access times would be the same for both I guess. I couldn't think why I would use a uint16_t if uint8_t can cover the range.
Using a wider type than necessary can allow the compiler to avoid having to mask the higher bits.
Suppose you were working on a 16 bit architecture, then using uint16_t could be more efficient, however if you used uint16_t instead of uint8_t on a 32 bit architecture then you would still have the mask instructions but just masking a different number of bits.
The most efficient type to use in a cross-platform portable way is just plain int or unsigned int, which will always be the correct type to avoid the need for masking instructions, and will always be able to hold numbers up to 100.
If you are in a MISRA or similar regulated environment that forbids the use of native types, then the correct standard-compliant type to use is uint_fast8_t. This guarantees to be the fastest unsigned integer type that has at least 8 bits.
However, all of this is nonsense really. Your primary goal in writing code should be to make it readable, not to make it as fast as possible. Penny-pinching instructions like this makes code convoluted and more likely to have bugs. Also because it is harder to read, the bugs are less likely to be found during code review.
You should only try to optimize like this once the code is finished and you have tested it and found the particular part which is the bottleneck. Masking a loop counter is very unlikely to be the bottleneck in any real code.
Obviously if I use uint8_t I could save some space.
Actually, that's not necessarily obvious! A loop index variable is likely to end up in a register, and if it does there's no memory to be saved. Also, since the definition of the C language says that much arithmetic takes place using type int, it's possible that using a variable smaller than int might actually end up costing you space in terms of extra code emitted by the compiler to convert back and forth between int and your smaller variable. So while it could save you some space, it's not at all guaranteed that it will — and, in any case, the actual savings are going to be almost imperceptibly small in the grand scheme of things.
If you have an array of some number of integers in the range 0-100, using uint8_t is a fine idea if you want to save space. For an individual variable, on the other hand, the arguments are pretty different.
In general, I'd say that there are two reasons not to use type uint8_t (or, equivalently, char or unsigned char) as a loop index:
It's not going to save much data space (if at all), and it might cost code size and/or speed.
If the loop runs over exactly 256 elements (yours didn't, but I'm speaking more generally here), you may have introduced a bug (which you'll discover soon enough): your loop may run forever.
The interviewer was probably expecting #1 as an answer. It's not a guaranteed answer — under plenty of circumstances, using the smaller type won't cost you anything, and evidently there are microprocessors where it can actually save something — but as a general rule, I agree that using an 8-bit type as a loop index is, well, silly. And whether or not you agree, it's certainly an issue to be aware of, so I think it's a fair interview question.
See also this question, which discusses the same sorts of issues.
The interview question doesn't make much sense from a platform-generic point of view. If we look at code such as this:
for(uint8_t i=0; i<n; i++)
array[i] = x;
Then the expression i<n will get carried out on type int or larger because of implicit promotion. Though the compiler may optimize it to use a smaller type if it doesn't affect the result.
As for array[i], the compiler is likely to use a type corresponding to whatever address size the system is using.
What the interviewer was fishing for is likely that uint32_t on a 32 bitter tend to generate faster code in some situations. For those cases you can use uint_fast8_t, but more likely the compiler will perform optimizations no matter.
The only optimization uint8_t blocks the compiler from doing, is to allocate a larger variable than 8 bits on the stack. It doesn't however block the compiler from optimizing out the variable entirely and using a register instead. Such as for example storing it in an index register with the same width as the address bus.
Example with gcc x86_64: The disassembly is pretty painful to read, but the compiler just picked CPU registers to store anything regardless of the type of i, giving identical machine code between uint8_t anduint16_t. I would have been surprised if it didn't.
On a processor with natural wordsize of 16 bits access times would be the same for both I guess.
Yes this is true for all mainstream 16 bitters. Some might even manage faster code if given 8 bits instead of 16. Some exotic systems like DSP exist, but in case of lets say a 1 byte=16 bits DSP, then the compiler doesn't even provide you with uint8_t to begin with - it is an optional type. One generally doesn't bother with portability to wildly exotic systems, since doing so is a waste of everyone's time and money.
The correct answer: it is senseless to do manual optimization without a specific system in mind. uint8_t is perfectly fine to use for generic, portable code.

What type I should use for fastest calculation speed?

I am making a 2D shooter game, and thus I have to stuff in a array lots of bullets, including their position, and where they are going.
So I have two issues, one is memory use, specially writing arrays that don't place things out of aligned and results in lots of padding or alignment that makes the speed of calculations suck.
The second is speed of calculation.
First this mean between choosing integers or floats... For now I am going with integers (if someone think floating point is better, please say so).
Then, this also mean choosing a variant of that type (8 bits? 16 bits? C confusing default? The CPU word size? Single precision? Double precision?)
Thus the question is: What type in C is fastest in modern processors (ie: common x86, ARM and other popular processors, don't worry about Z80 or 36bit processors), and what type is more reasonable when taking speed AND memory use in account?
Also, signed and unsigned has differences in speed?
EDIT because of close votes: Yes, it might be premature optimization, but I am asking not only about CPU use, but memory use (that might vary significantly), also I am doing the project to exercise my C skills, it is some years I don't code in C, and I thought to have some fun and find limits and stretch them, and also learn new standards (last time I used C it was still C89).
Finally, the major motivation of asking this question was just hacker curiosity when I found out some new interesting types (like int_fast*_t) existed in newer standards.
But if you still think this is not worth asking, then I can delete the question and go peruse the standards and some books, learn by myself. Then if others one day have the same curiosity, it is not my problem.
I would say an int should be the most comfortable for your CPU. But the C standard does have:
The typedef name int_fastN_t designates the fastest signed integer
type with a width of at least N . The typedef name uint_fastN_t
designates the fastest unsigned integer type with a width of at least
So in theory you could say things like: "I need it to be at least 16 bits so I shall use int_fast16_t". In practice that might translate to a plain int.
I suspect it is premature to think about these before you actually hit a performance issue that you can try to work around. I think it is better to solve problems when they occur than to try to think of an elusive super-solution that could solve all future possible issues.
Single precision floating point add and multiply is as fast as as 32 bit integer arithmetic in all modern processors (x86,ARM,MIPS), i.e. one result per clock cycle. Calculating positions and velocity in space is a lot easier with floating point arithmetic, so use floats. Single precision floats are 32 bits, and are the same size as the most efficient integer type on 32 bit CPUs.

Faster to use Integers as Booleans?

From a memory access standpoint... is it worth attempting an optimization like this?
int boolean_value = 0;
//magical code happens and boolean_value could be 0 or 1
//do something
Instead of
unsigned char boolean_value = 0;
//magical code happens and boolean_value could be 0 or 1
//do something
The unsigned char of course takes up only 1 byte as apposed to the integers 4 (assuming 32 bit platform here), but my understanding is that it would be faster for a processor to read the integer value from memory.
It may or may not be faster, and the speed depends on so many things that a generic answer is impossible. For example: hardware architecture, compiler, compiler options, amount of data (does it fit into L1 cache?), other things competing for the CPU, etc.
The correct answer, therefore, is: try both ways and measure for your particular case.
If measurement does not indicate that one method is significantly faster than the other, opt for the one that is clearer.
From a memory access standpoint... is
it worth attempting an optimization
like this?
Probably not. In almost all modern processors, memory will get fetched based on the word size of the processor. In your case, even to get one byte of memory out, your processor probably fetches the entire 32-bit word or more based on the caching of that processor. Your architecture may vary, so you will want to understand how your CPU works to gauge.
But as others have said, it doesn't hurt to try it and measure it.
This is almost never a good idea. Many systems can only read word-sized chunks from memory at once, so reading a byte then masking or shifting will actually take more code space and just as much (data) memory. If you're using an obscure tiny system, measure, but in general this will actually slow down and bloat your code.
Asking how much memory unsigned char takes versus int is only meaningful when it's in an array (or possibly a structure, if you're careful to order the elements to take care of alignment). As a lone variable, it's very unlikely that you save any memory at all, and the compiler is likely to generate larger code to truncate the upper bits of registers.
As a general policy, never use smaller-than-int types except in arrays unless you have a really good reason other than trying to save space.
Follow the standard rules of optimization. First, don't optimize. Then test if your code needs it at some point. Then optimize that point. This link provides an excellent intro to the topic of optimization.

Fastest integer type for common architectures

The stdint.h header lacks an int_fastest_t and uint_fastest_t to correspond with the {,u}int_fastX_t types. For instances where the width of the integer type does not matter, how does one pick the integer type that allows processing the greatest quantity of bits with the least penalty to performance? For example, if one was searching for the first set bit in a buffer using a naive approach, a loop such as this might be considered:
// return the bit offset of the first 1 bit
size_t find_first_bit_set(void const *const buf)
uint_fastest_t const *p = buf; // use the fastest type for comparison to zero
for (; *p == 0; ++p); // inc p while no bits are set
// return offset of first bit set
return (p - buf) * sizeof(*p) * CHAR_BIT + ffsX(*p) - 1;
Naturally, using char would result in more operations than int. But long long might result in more expensive operations than the overhead of using int on a 32 bit system and so on.
My current assumption is for the mainstream architectures, the use of long is the safest bet: It's 32 bit on 32 bit systems, and 64 bit on 64 bit systems.
int_fast8_t is always the fastest integer type in a correct implementation. There can never be integer types smaller than 8 bits (because CHAR_BIT>=8 is required), and since int_fast8_t is the fastest integer type with at least 8 bits, it's thus the fastest integer type, period.
Theoretically, int is the best bet. It should map to the CPU's native register size, and thus be "optimal" in the sense you're asking about.
However, you may still find that an int-64 or int-128 is faster on some CPUs than an int-32, because although these are larger than the register size, they will reduce the number of iterations of your loop, and thus may work out more efficient by minimising the loop overheads and/or taking advantage of DMA to load/store the data faster.
(For example, on ARM-2 processors it took 4 memory cycles to load one 32-bit register, but only 5 cycles to load two sequentially, and 7 cycles to load 4 sequentially. The routine you suggest above would be optimised to use as many registers as you could free up (8 to 10 usually), and could therefore run up to 3 or 4 times faster by using multiple registers per loop iteration)
The only way to be sure is to write several routines and then profile them on the specific target machine to find out which produces the best performance.
I'm not sure I really understand the question, but why aren't you just using int? Quoting from my (free draft copy of the wrong, i. e. C++) standard, "Plain ints have the natural size suggested by the architecture of the execution environment."
But I think that if you want to have the optimal integer type for a certain operation, it will be different depending on which operation it is. Trying to find the first bit in a large data buffer, or finding a number in a sequence of integers, or moving them around, could very well have completely different optimal types.
For whatever it's worth, I did a small benchmark. On my particular system (Intel i7 920 with Linux, gcc -O3) it turns out that long ints (64 bits) are quite a bit faster than plain ints (32 bits), on this particular example. I would have guessed the opposite.
If you want to be certain you've got the fastest implementation, why not benchmark each one on the systems you're expecting to run on instead of trying to guess?
The answer is int itself. At least in C++, where 3.9.1/2 of the standard says:
Plain ints have the natural size
suggested by the architecture of the
execution environment
I expect the same is true for C, though I don't have any of the standards documents.
I would guess that the types size_t (for an unsigned type) and ptrdiff_t (for a signed type) will usually correspond to quite efficient integer types on any given platform.
But nothing can prove that than inspecting the produced assembler and to do benchmarks.
Edit, including the different comments, here and in other replies:
size_t and ptrdiff_t are the only typedefs that are normative in C99 and for which one may make a reasonable assumption that they are related to the architecture.
There are 5 different possible ranks for standard integer types (char, short, int, long, long long). All the forces go towards having types of width 8, 16, 32, 64 and in near future 128. As a consequence int will be stuck on 32 bit. Its definition will have nothing to do with efficiency on the platform, but just be constrained by that width requirement.
If you're compiling with gcc, i'd recommend using __builtin_ffs() for finding the first bit set:
Built-in Function: int __builtin_ffs (unsigned int x)
Returns one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit of x, or if x is zero, returns zero.
This will be compiled into (often a single) native assembly instruction.
It is not possible to answer this question since the question is incomplete. As an analogy, consider the question:
What is the fastest vehicle
A Bugatti Veyron? Certainly fast, but no good for going from London to New York.
What is missing from the question, is the context the integer will be used in. In the original example above, I doubt you'd see much difference between 8, 32 or 64 bit values if the array is large and sparse since you'll be hitting memory bandwidth limits before cpu limits.
The main point is, the architecture does not define what size the various integer types are, it's the compiler designer that does that. The designer will carefully weigh up the pros and cons for various sizes for each type for a given architecture and pick the most appropriate.
I guess the 32 bit int on the 64 bit system was chosen because for most operations ints are used for 32 bits are enough. Since memory bandwidth is a limiting factor, saving on memory use was probably the overriding factor.
For all existing mainstream architectures long is the fastest type at present for loop throughput.

Word and Double Word integers in C

I am trying to implement a simple, moderately efficient bignum library in C. I would like to store digits using the full register size of the system it's compiled on (presumably 32 or 64-bit ints). My understanding is that I can accomplish this using intptr_t. Is this correct? Is there a more semantically appropriate type, i.e. something like intword_t?
I also know that with GCC I can easily do overflow detection on a 32-bit machine by upcasting both arguments to 64-bit ints, which will occupy two registers and take advantage of instructions like IA31 ADC (add with carry). Can I do something similar on a 64-bit machine? Is there a 128-bit type I can upcast to which will compile to use these instructions if they're available? Better yet, is there a standard type that represents twice the register size (like intdoubleptr_t) so this could be done in a machine independent fashion?
Any reason not to use size_t? size_t is 4 bytes on a 32-bit system and 8 bytes on a 64-bit system, and is probably more portable than using WORD_SIZE (I think WORD_SIZE is gcc-specific, no?)
I am not aware of any 128-bit value on 64-bit systems, could be wrong here but haven't come across that type in the kernel or regular user apps.
I'd strongly recommend using the C99 <stdint.h> header. It declares int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, and uint64_t, which look like what you really want to use.
EDIT: As Alok points out, int_fast32_t, int_fast64_t, etc. are probably what you want to use. The number of bits you specify should be the minimum you need for the math to work, i.e. for the calculation to not "roll over".
The optimization comes from the fact that the CPU doesn't have to waste cycles realigning data, padding the leading bits on a read, and doing a read-modify-write on a write. Truth is, a lot of processors (such as recent x86s) have hardware in the CPU that optimizes these access pretty well (at least the padding and read-modify-write parts), since they're so common and usually only involve transfers between the processor and cache.
So the only thing left for you to do is make sure the accesses are aligned: take sizeof(int_fast32_t) or whatever and use it to make sure your buffer pointers are aligned to that.
Truth is, this may not amount to that much improvement (due to the hardware optimizing transfers at runtime anyway), so writing something and timing it may be the only way to be sure. Also, if you're really crazy about performance, you may need to look at SSE or AltiVec or whatever vectorization tech your processor has, since that will outperform anything you can write that is portable when doing vectored math.
