WPF Binding: Throttle the binding list's updates - wpf

I am binding the xamdatagrid to a list.But since there are too many updates on the list GUI get stuck.How can I stop these updates and refresh the grid after an interval(say 500 ms).Will Reactive extension's throttle method be useful?

You can use the DeferRefresh to defer the binding update until you're done making modifications to the collection:
using (collection.DeferRefresh())
// Make changes to the collection
If the collection is being updated in real time, you could use a timer to update the binding at intervals:
private IDisposable _deferral;
private void refreshTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_deferral != null)
_deferral = collection.DeferRefresh();


How to listen to CollectionChanged event and execute some method

My viewmodel has two Collections, one is MainCollection and other is DerivedCollection. They are displayed using a control, so that when user interacts with the mouse, items can be added or removed from MainCollection, and DerivedCollection should be refreshed accordingly.
The first part (updating MainCollection) happens automatically via data-binding, but I don' know how can I hook RefreshDerivedCollection method to MainCollection.PropertyChanged event.
Both collections and the method live in the same viewmodel.
You can subscribe to MainCollection.CollectionChanged and refresh derived collection there:
MainCollection.CollectionChanged += this.OnMainCollectionChanged;
void OnMainCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// TODO: Handle main collection change here.

Wpf detect when notifypropertychanged has been fired

I would like for my ui to perform some functions whenever the bound data has been modified.
Is it possible for the view to execute some code after the notifychange event has been called (due to changes in the underlying model)
If your model implements INotifyPropertyChanged, you can subscibe to PropertyChanged event of it.
model.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Model_PropertyChanged);
void Model_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
and in the handler you can check which property is changed and do your work accordingly

RadBusyIndicator not showing PRISM/MEF/WPF from ViewModel

I am using MVVM/PRISM/MEF for my WPF application. It has one DataGrid with multiple records, and when one row is double clicked a separate view is added to region with multiple controls on it, the initialization of controls takes about 10 seconds for new screen, so thats why I want to show RadBusyIndicator during that time.
Following in the XAML
<!-- This is Main View -->
<!-- Module: MainModule, ViewModel: MainViewViewModel -->
<telerik:RadBusyIndicator IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}" BusyContent="{Binding BusyContent}">
<!-- All PRISM regions are here -->
Its view model is
class MainViewViewModel : ViewModelBase
public MainViewViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IRegionManager regionManager, IServiceLocator serviceLocator)
:base(eventAggregator, regionManager, serviceLocator)
#region BusyStateChanged
private void OnBusyStateChanged(bool newState)
IsBusy = newState;
And in other view when DataGrid row is double clicked ViewModelBase function is called, as follows
public class ViewModelBase
private NavigationItem global_navItem = null;
public virtual void OnNavigationItemChanged(NavigationItem item)
changeNav = true;
global_navItem = item;
//Firing event to change the state
//Using BackgroundWorker, but its not showing any Busy Indicator as well
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_RunWorkerCompleted;
void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
//Setting busy indicator to false
void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//DisplayView function is taking too long
if (global_navItem != null) this.DisplayView(global_navItem);
public void DisplayView(NavigationItem item)
//This call is taking long as it initializes the View
MyCustomeUserControl view = this.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<MyCustomeUserControl>(item.viewName);
view.Region = this.Region;
}catch(Exception e)
Events are being fired correctly and view is displayed correctly, but my problem is that Busy indicator is not shown at all, when I double click on DataGrid row the GUI become unresponsive, and after some time the new view appears. I am in doubt that this is problem of GUI thread being busy, but what can I do to avoid this, I have used BackgroudWorker already?
1- I am raising PropertyChanged event for IsBusy Property. and I have already tried all options for Thread in event subscription. i.e. Thread.BackgroundThread, Thread.UIThread and Thread.PublisherThread. but no change.
2- I have tested Thread.Sleep rather that DisplayView in bw_DoWork, and its showing RadBusyIndicator properly, so it means that GUI controls are being initialized in GUI thread, no matter I have created a BackgroundWorker for it.
Would the indicator appear if you use Thread.Sleep(5000) instead of this.DisplayView(global_navItem)?
I assume showing the view will use the UI thread and this will block the UI no matter you use a BackgroundWorker or not.
As it seems like your UI loading operation blocks the UI thread and so your BusyIndicator, you can try to host one of them in a different thread. An approach is explained in this article.
Finally I have found a solution. For reference following post can be seen. I have implemented a child chrome-less window with RadBusyIndicator using the approach discussed in this post.
Creating multiple UI Threads in WPF

Loading the list of items asynchronously in a WPF listbox using Dispatcher

I am working on creating a WPF solution which uses MVVM pattern to load searched items in a search control asynchronously. The search control which is a WPF usercontrol is created with a textbox to enter search text and search button and a hidden listbox which would be visible when it loads the searched items list in it. This user control is in turn embedded into another WPF view which has a treeview of certain items. This view has a view model in which the logic to load the searched items of the tree view would be loaded in the search control. All the while, this has been happening synchronously without the use of any Dispatcher call. But, after a change request, I would like to make this happen asynchronously in a different thread using Dispatcher.
Could anyone please let me know how to get handle of the Dispatcher of the Search control in the view model class so as to call BeginInvoke on it using MVVM pattern wherein my View model is not aware of the view? Any clue would be highly appreciated.
public ObservableCollection<Details> CatalogSearchResults { get; private set; }
private void ExecuteSearchCommand(object parameter)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.ToString())) return;
searchtext = (string)parameter;
private void SetSearchResults()
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += LoadResults;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += this.LoadResultsCompleted;
private void LoadResults(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
IsSearchInProgress = true;
foreach (var category in _rootCategory.Recurse(FindChildren))
if (category.CommentDetails != null)
//limitation - there is no direct way to add range to observable collection.
//Using linq query would result in two loops rather than one.
foreach (var node in category.Details)
if (node.Name.IndexOf(searchtext, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
|| node.PrecannedText.IndexOf(searchtext, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
(ThreadStart)delegate { CatalogSearchResults.Add(node); });
IsSearchInProgress = false;
In the xaml, I am biding the Items property of the Search control to the CatalogSearchResults:
<ctrl:SearchControl x:Name="Ctrl" Grid.RowSpan="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top" ToolTip="Search" Command="{Binding SearchCommand}" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
CommandParameter="{Binding Text, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Items ="{Binding CatalogSearchResults}" > </ctrl:SearchControl>
Here's a simple implementation showing how to use BackgroundWorker to update objects on the UI thread while DoWork is running - in this example, there's a ListBox in the UI that's bound to FilteredItems, and ItemsSource is a property of the UserControl of type IEnumerable:
FilteredItems = new ObservableCollection<object>();
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_RunWorkerCompleted;
bw.ProgressChanged += bw_ProgressChanged;
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker bw = (BackgroundWorker) sender;
var result = ItemsSource
.Where(x => x.ToString().Contains(_FilterText));
foreach (object o in result)
// Pass each object found to bw_ProgressChanged in the UserState argument.
// This updates the UI as each item is found.
bw.ReportProgress(0, o);
void bw_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
// FilteredItems is bound to the UI, but it's OK to update it here because
// the ProgressChanged event handler runs on the UI thread.
private void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
Note that calling ReportProgress every time you find an item is pretty inefficient, as you're marshalling every item found across threads with an Invoke call. Depending on how long the filtering is actually taking, it may be better to accumulate a bunch of results and pass a List<object> to bw_ReportProgress instead of just a single object.
It depends on a lot of factors (and your description is a bit confusing), but I've given a lengthy answer here that may shed some light on the matter. Basically, using the dispatcher alone will not automatically make the code multi-threaded; you'll need some real multi-threading mechanism like BackgroundWorker or the Task Parallel Library. Depending on how you have things set up and on exactly what you do in the other thread, you may indeed need to invoke some actions on the dispatcher thread - however BackgroundWorker does this automatically in most cases so I'd go with that for simple things. The Task Parallel Library also has special handling for the dispatcher, you should find more info on that on MSDN or any TPL tutorial.
The best advice I'd give if you didn't deal heavily with multi-threading until now is to gather as much information as possible on it, because, as it has been said countless times until now, multi-threading is hard! :)
Modify as necessary. 'Items' is just an observableCollection of strings exposed from the VM
private void SetSearchResults()
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += LoadResults;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += this.LoadResultsCompleted;
private void LoadResultsCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
private void LoadResults(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
List<string> results = GetResults();
foreach (string result in results)
DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart)delegate { Items.Add(result); } //Dont worry about access to modified closure in this case
<ListBox ItemsSource={Binding Items}/>
All views in the application have the same dispatcher, you can access it with Application.Current.Dispatcher.
But anyway, you don't need the dispatcher to perform operations on a worker thread. You only need it to perform actions on the UI, because UI elements can only be accessed from the UI thread. But even then, you usually don't need to explicitly manipulate the dispatcher. You can update a property of your ViewModel from the worker thread, controls bound to this property will be updated alright, because the PropertyChanged event is automatically marshalled to the UI dispatcher.
What doesn't work is modifying an bound ObservableCollection<T> from a worker thread: you need to do it from the UI thread using Dispatcher.Invoke. You can also use a specialized ObservableCollection<T> that raises event on the UI thread.

WPF Routed events firing?

I have a WPF form with 3 buttons and have routed events on them, commands are binded on start...
private void InitCommandBinding(UIElement frameworkElement) {
CommandBinding commandBinding;
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.Save, Save_Executed, Save_CanExecute);
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.SaveAndClose, SaveAndClose_Executed, SaveAndClose_CanExecute);
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.Delete, Delete_Executed, Delete_CanExecute);
the details ui has code like
private void Delete_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
{do validations }
private void Delete_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
e.CanExecute = viewModel.IsValid(); (returns bool)
Validity enables and disables buttons etc.
The form has an instance of an object new or old and validations take place on the data
My issue is that the event just excute all the time and the form just hangs cause validation code does poll db etc to check....
how to I just get them to fire once when the form is loaded mmm....
If I understand you well it is only necessary to check the validity of the data at form load and the IsValid method is resource intensive?
Why don't you change the IsValid() method to an IsValid property and set this is in the Form_Loaded event?
The CanExute method will be checked any time the UI fires an event like TextChanged, LostFocus etc. So you better make such methods very lightweight.
