How to update record in windows phone 8 - windows-phone-8-sdk

I am developing windows phone 8 app.
I am having textbox and buttons and image in listbox.
When I added data to above columns then on click on button I am saving data in windows azure.
This is working fine.
when I click on image I am geting its index and all values related to it.
Now i can change these values if wants. and when click on button update query should get fire for selectes index.
How to find update query for selected index in WINDOWS PHONE 8
when click on button I want to fire update queryfor updating values of textbox in windows azure database.

IMobileServiceTable table = App.MobileService.GetTable();
var account = table.Where(o=>o.YOUR_INDEX_FIELD).Take(1).ToListAsync();
List list = await account;
await table.UpdateAsync(list[0]);
Add async keyword when defining the class for particular table.


How can I load a chart table with a default value in Google Data Studio?

I'm working on a Google Data Studio page which pulls data from a Google Sheet.
The use case of this page is to display the data from a row (from the Google Sheet) based on a selection made from a filter (single select dropdown).
When the Google Data Studio page loads, by default, it loads all the data from the source and displays it on the chart tables, however I would like to display a blank page and the data should load only after a selection is made from the filter dropdown.
There is a simple way to solve this problem. In the drop-down filter settings, in the "default selection" field, you can enter text by default that does not match any of the possibilities of the list items will be displayed in the drop-down list. It might be something like "-".
Thus, defining a default selection that does not exist in the list, it will start by default selected and will not correspond with any existing field, causing no information to be displayed in the table.

Macro won't select value in ComboBox

I'm working on an asset management database for my company. Part of its function will be to track where loaner computers go. So I have built a 2 level navigation form (NavigationFRM).
What I would like to happen is when you select a tab on the the top of the form, it automatically fills in information on the sub form of the form. To do this:
I have created an embedded macro that will select a value on a hidden combo box;
After update event on the combo box will fill out information on the form.
The problem is the macro works and sets the value of the combo box, but that's it. It doesn't trigger a change of info in the other fields.
I'm told that I have to a re-query on the combo box, but I can't access it as it's on a sub form. If I could get the macro to access that combo box and re-query the data, then I could move on.
Main form = NavigationFRM
sub navigation form = LoanerFRM1
Combo box = LoanerSelectCMBO
Please let me know of any other info you may need to assist.

how to create empty editable row when user click add button using ext js5.1

How to create empty editable row when user click add button.![enter image description here][1]
i am new to ext js,here iam sharing my requirement.i tried in related retirement in search engines.i didn't get any code.
below i am sharing requirement image.
here my requirement is when user click "addlayer" button the editable new row will cretaed.After user enter layerid,polictnum,limit values click "calculate losses" button calculate the partof,attachment,expectedlosses values.and how to impleemnt edit and delete button.
any one please share related code.
here i am using visual studio 2012
Here is a sample code:
var grid = this.lookupReference('grid reference'), // you can even do it differently if grid component or it's view is passed to your handler function
store = grid.getStore(); // get the store
var rec = store.insert(0, {}); // insert an empty record to your store
grid.getPlugin('celleditor').startEdit(0, 0); // enable editing at the first column of the new record in your grid.

How to update values to the Dataset

I'm working on windows form project, added service based library and created a table in it.
Just by dragging the table from the DataSources window i get the textboxes which show the values in the table.
When i start debugging, the form window appears and i enter values and click the save button on the top.
Sometimes it thrown exception.(Db is read-only). After changing permission, now when i click save button, nothing happens and in the table i find no new values.
Where is the problem?

Inline add/edit/delete data in views in Drupal 7

I am trying to create a content type (say Meter). Each Meter consists of a "Meter Reading". This meter reading content contains three fields, say title, date range and usage. I have a Panel page where I display all the Meter Readings related to a parent Meter. I have displayed the Meter Readings in a tabular format.
I want the user to be able to add new Meter Readings without going to the default Meter Readings creation page. Rather than the default form kind of page, the user should be able to enter the data in the table view provided and it should be automatically saved into the project itself.
So, I want the functionality to be like:-
Display all the meter readings with two links, i.e., Edit and Delete,
When the user clicks on Edit link, the meter reading row should become editable and the user should be able to make the changes inline in the same table,
In the footer there should be a link for adding a new meter reading and when the user clicks on it, a new blank row should be added dynamically to the table and the user should be able to make a new entry into it.
Is there a module in Drupal 7 for doing so?? I have already tried out several modules for this such as SlickGrid, jQGrid and jEditable
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Am afraid am not aware about a module that does all that out of the box. But in case you carry on with custom coding you can have a look at the following:
Edit and Delete options per row in views
Use Views Megarow. For working example you can have a look at how its used in commerce backoffice. Please note that you need to write the form structure ( FORM api ) for the quick edit form in a custom module. The Views Megarow takes care of ajax populating the edit form, its submission in client side, and refreshing the original row after the response from server.
When the user clicks on Edit link, the meter reading row should become editable and the user should be able to make the changes inline
in the same table.
Views Megarow doesn't support inline editing. But another module as suggested by #nmc does it. Its editablefields. But it doesn't have any edit/delete button. You click on the text directly ( provided user has appropriate permission to edit the field data ) in view.
In case you are going to use editablefields, then you would have to add another delete button in view, which one confirmation would redirect to the page that triggered delete action.
Since delete button would redirect to a default confirmation page, you may want to code a custom delete action which may override this.
In the footer there should be a link for adding a new meter reading and when the user clicks on it, a new blank row should be
added dynamically to the table and the user should be able to make a
new entry into it.
I suggest creating a small ajax form. Create a "Add Meter Reading" button in it, which on submission would create a meter reading node in the server. The ajax form should have parent information in a hidden field ( i.e. the Meter id). The ajax response for this form could be another script to load/refresh the view on client side.
Client side code to refresh the view can be found in Views Autorefresh submodule in Views Hacks.
If using views megarow you would have to add another jquery function on ajax response after view is refreshed - Trigger edit button.
Otherwise you may have to add some classes or theme to newly created rows in view to bring them to focus.
It is important that the entire views refreshes, so that drupal behaviours are attached to the newly created entry in table.
I don't know if there is one module which will meet all your needs but you may be able to use some in combination.
Views Bulk Operations (VBO) - has Drupal 7 support
This module augments Views by allowing bulk operations to be executed
on the displayed rows. It does so by showing a checkbox in front of
each node, and adding a select box containing operations that can be
applied. Drupal Core or Rules actions can be used.
editablefields - Drupal 7 version in dev
This module allows CCK fields to be edited on a node's display (e.g.
at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit). It
also works within views etc. Anywhere a 'formatter' can be selected,
you can select editable (or click to edit).
editview - no Drupal 7 support yet but I thought I would mention it in case you're able to adapt the code yourself
Editview is a plugin for the Views module. It allows you to create a
view in which the nodes are editable, and new nodes can be created.
