Importing jSON Array into Hive/Hadoop - arrays

I'm using the HortonWorks Hadoop Sandbox and I have imported a jSON string into a table, as per this guide however I run into trouble as my string contains an array which is not handled well by json_tuple(). I have tried the expolode() function, but that returns the following error:
"Error occurred executing hive query: OK FAILED: UDFArgumentException explode() takes an array or a map as a parameter"
What does that mean exactly and how can I fix it? Would the problem be with the format of the table? I just followed as per the guide above and created the table with:
value STRING
LOCATION '/user/hue/games'
The value I am trying to explode is an array like this:
Any help very much appreciated!

The explode() hive function takes a hive array or map, and you gave it a String value. json_tuple() worked in the guide because it made your string into a map.
You'll want to convert your json array into a format that hive can accept, or use one of the JSON SerDes or something of that nature in order to query the way you want.
JSON SerDe for Hive that supports JSON arrays


Big query nested json strings to arrays then new tables

Bigquery Database
I've got a webhook that's pushing to my big query table. The problem is it has lots of nested json strings which are brought in as strings. I ultimately want to make each column with these json strings into their own tables but I'm getting stuck because I can't figure out how to get them unnested and into an array.
[{"id":"63bddc8cfe21ec002d26b7f4","description":"General Admission", "src_currency":"USD","src_price":50.0,"src_fee":0.0,"src_commission":1.79,"src_discount":0.0,"applicable_pass_id":null,"seats_label":null,"seats_section_label":null,"seats_parent_type":null,"seats_parent_label":null,"seats_self_type":null,
Here's the sample return from the original source and below is a screenshot of what I'm working with.
[Current Database
I've tried a number of things but the multiple nestings and string to array issue are really hampering everything I've tried.
I'm honestly not sure exactly what output/structure is best for this data set. I assume that each of the json returns probably just needs to be its own table and I can reference or join them based off that first "id" value in the json strings but I'm wide open to suggestions.
You can use a combination of JSON functions, and array functions to manipulate this kind of data.
JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY can convert the JSON formatted string into an array, UNNEST then can make each entry into rows, and finally JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR can pull out individual columns.
So here's an example of what I think you're trying to accomplish:
with sampledata as (
select """[{"id":"63bddc8cfe21ec002d26b7f4","description":"General Admission", "src_currency":"USD","src_price":50.0,"src_fee":0.0,"src_commission":1.79,"src_discount":0.0,"applicable_pass_id":null,"seats_label":null,"seats_section_label":null,"seats_parent_type":null,"seats_parent_label":null,"seats_self_type":null,"seats_self_label":null,"rate_type":"Rate","option_name":null,"price_level_id":null,"src_discount_price":50.0,"rate_id":"636d6d5cea8c6000222c640d","cost_item_id":"63bddc8cfe21ec002d26b7f4"},{"id":"63bddc8cfe21ec002d26b7f4","description":"General Admission", "src_currency":"USD","src_price":50.0,"src_fee":0.0,"src_commission":1.79,"src_discount":0.0,"applicable_pass_id":null,"seats_label":null,"seats_section_label":null,"seats_parent_type":null,"seats_parent_label":null,"seats_self_type":null,"seats_self_label":null,"rate_type":"Rate","option_name":null,"price_level_id":null,"src_discount_price":50.0,"rate_id":"636d6d5cea8c6000222c640d","cost_item_id":"63bddc8cfe21ec002d26b7f4"}]""" as my_json_string
select JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(f,'$.id') as id, JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(f,'$.rate_type') as rate_type, JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(f,'$.cost_item_id') as cost_item_id
from sampledata, UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(my_json_string)) as f
Which creates rows with specific columns from that data, like this:

How to convert a Hive array<struct> to string?

The field I have in Hive has the following structure:
array<struct<`field1`:string, `field2`:string, `field3`:array<string>, `field4`:timestamp>>
What I need is to get the JSON string out of it.
the simple case to string did't work. I then tried the brickhouse UDF (to_json) but it was throwing many errors .. probably because it's not up-to-date.
Is it ever possible?

How can I parse JSON arrays in postgresql?

I am using PostgreSQL 9.5.14, and have a column in a table that contains JSON arrays that I need to parse for their contents.
Using a select I can see that the structure of the JSON is of this kind:
SELECT rule_results from table limit 5;
I have been unable to create an SQL command to give me the values of the rule_key keys.
I've attempted to use the documentation for json-functions in postgresql to find a solution from
SELECT rule_results::json->'rule_key' as results from table;
This gives me null values only.
SELECT jsonb_object_keys(rule_results::jsonb) from table;
This results in the error msg "cannot call jsonb_object_keys on a scalar", which seems to mean that the query is limited to a single row.
This looks simple enough, an array with key:value pairs, but somehow the answer eludes me. I would appreciate any help.
demo: db<>fiddle
Different solutions are possible. It depends on what you are expecting finally. But all solutions would use the function json_array_elements(). This expands every element into one row. With that you can do whatever you want.
This results in one row per value:
value -> 'rule_key'

SQL Server: How to Get Large amount of JSON from Store Procedure

I've created one store procedure that returns the JSON. But it not return complete JSON only limited JSON returned. I used "For JSON auto" after Select statement. Have any Solution to get all JSON?
if you are using any Cast or covert operations. Use VARCHAR(MAX) instead of VARCHAR().
I have seen this issue in such cases.
Also if you are using the print output, then it is possible that the text might get truncated, but you can use the Select or Output parameter instead.
make the output parameter of type nvarchar(max)
or check this link :
Format Query Results as JSON with FOR JSON (SQL Server)
This might help
I found my solution here: (same as above, but a specific section)
The issue was that I thought SQL Server was returning a single row/cell of JSON data because that is how SSMS displayed it. The truth is that it chops it into multiple rows.
I was retrieving the data in .NET using ExecuteScalar(), but I needed to use ExecuteReader(), and concatenate all rows together. Once I did that, I could deserialize the JSON without issue.

How to use Large Object in PostgreSQL to yeild a image field?

How does creating a large object work? Does there need to be a client, because all I am hoping to do is have an image be one column.
I am typing the following commands after creating my table but I just get an error about the path not being correct for the image (even though I have it starting right from the C drive).
CREATE TABLE image (name text,
raster oid);
INSERT INTO image (name, raster)
VALUES ('beautiful image', lo_import('C:Documents/etc/motd'));
I am not running any C code, am I suppose to do that or does this automatically create the object Large Object?
If I am suppose to run some C code where would I do it with respect to PostgreSQL?
Can I do what I want all with PostgreSQL syntax? Is there another way to approach including images as a field?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
According to PostgreSQL documentation, there's two ways to handle large objects (considering Java JDBC):
To use the bytea data type you should simply use the getBytes(), setBytes(), getBinaryStream(), or setBinaryStream() methods.
LargeObject API.
Also, you can covert your image to a base64 string and then insert it directly using, for instance, PgAdmin:
CREATE TABLE image_table (name varchar(255), DATA bytea);
INSERT INTO image_table
VALUES ('my_image.jpg',
decode('paste your byte array string here', 'base64'));
Full sample code here.
