How to test accordion using Protractor? - angularjs

Sometimes my user reports that accordion in my application is not working . So i want test whether the accordion is working or not working. I am using Angular js in frontend. Currently i am testing using protractor e2e framework.
My accordion markup looks like
before clicking the accordion division
<div id="accordion"></div>
after click
<div id="accordion-expand">
so the change is id
I find difficult while identifying css change in protractor. is there any other way to test this?

Try this:
// Given
var accordion = element('accordion'));
// When;
// Then
Hope this helps.


angular material menu-bar demo not reproducible

the angular md-menu-bar demo shows a nested Menu under new. Check the code from the demo on codepen here:
As you can see, from the codepen, the nested menu opens on hover, but in the HTML you can see the button element has a ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()" function. I cannot see how to this even works. Am also failing to get the side arrow to appear for the submenu.
Are people able to replicate this demo? My code is a follows:
md-menu(md-position-mode="target-right target", md-offset="0 40", width="4")
button.ts-chart-icon.refresh-icon.glyphicon.glyphicon-certificate(ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()", md-menu-origin)
md-tooltip(md-delay="0") Add Overlay
md-button(disabled="disabled", ng-if="!chartConfig.series") Add 50D Moving Average
md-button(ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()") Add 50D Moving Average
md-menu-content(ng-show="chartConfig.series", width="5")
md-menu-item(ng-repeat="s in chartConfig.series")
md-button(ng-click="handleAdd50DMA_(s)") {{ }}
I upgraded from angular-material 0.10.1 to 0.11 and it is working fine now.

Angular ui bootstrap accordion "only open one at a time" not working

I have an accordion (expandable / collapsible) using Angular UI Bootstrap which has three panels.
I don't want the user to be able to open multiple panels at a time. The documentation give this option
<accordion close-others="oneAtATime">
With this in the controler
$scope.oneAtATime = true;
But I'm still able to open multiple panels at a time. What am I missing?
use it like this
<accordion close-others = "true">
Check this plunker
If these changes are not giving you expected results, then something else is not correct in your program, check the dependencies and create a plunker and post the link

Protractor test for Ionic framework modal click not working

I am building an app with Ionicframework in which I have a modal with a list of directives. I am now writing some protractor E2E tests and all was going well until I had to click on one of the directives.
The error I get is:
UnknownError: unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (185, 212). Other element would receive the click: <div class="modal-backdrop active">...</div>
This could have something to do with the animation of the modal sliding in, so I found this 'solution':
it 'is very annoying', ->
members = element.all(By.css('member')) # The directives are: <member >
EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions
if members.first()
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(members.first()), 5000).then ->
element.all(By.css('member')).each (member) ->
I still get the error however.
'Tricks' like browser.sleep(2000) have also not worked so far.
Does anyone know how I can get it to work?
As always when asking a question like this you are forced to cut down everything to the basics and start thinking out of the box (at least your own box).
The solution:
element(By.cssContainingText('member .member-name', "Mark Twain")).click()
This is because Angular pops-out a div from the directive and binds all events on this. .member-name is a p inside of the member and clicking that apparently does the trick.

AngularJS typeahead with protractor

I'm trying to use protractor to implement some e2e tests.
I'd like to simulate user interaction with the autocomplete typeaheaded control.
I can't find a way to select (click) one element from the autocomplete list.
Some suggestions?
I'm using AngularJSv1.3.3 and Bootstrap v3.3.0.
This worked for me:
// type into the typeahead
// uib-typeahead uses match in matches...
element.all(by.repeater('match in matches')).get(0).click();

Angular JS with jQuery plugin in Supersized

Anyone managed to integrated supersize with angular js?
I tried creating a directive and placing the following code inside a directive
//params :
supersize did work in creating the
<ul id=supersized" .... >
However my screen isn't displaying supersize's full screen slideshow. Any idea why?
