Angular JS with jQuery plugin in Supersized - angularjs

Anyone managed to integrated supersize with angular js?
I tried creating a directive and placing the following code inside a directive
//params :
supersize did work in creating the
<ul id=supersized" .... >
However my screen isn't displaying supersize's full screen slideshow. Any idea why?


Material Design Lite input floating label not working after page navigation

I currently building a mobile hybrid application using Material Design Lite but I've encountered a slight issue. When I'm adding input field elements to my pages, the floating text or even the placeholder does not work correctly.
I'm using $stateProvider and $urlRouterProvider in my application for page navigation. Inside my index.html I have <div ui-view></div> in which I inject my views when my states change using <a ui-sref="home">Home</a> for example.
The problem I'm having is that if insert the following code into index.html outside of the ui-view of course:
<div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
<input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="text" id="sample3">
<label class="mdl-textfield__label" for="sample3">Text...</label>
The floating label works no problem. However, if I place the same code inside a view (external page that is later injected inside the ui-view element after page navigation occurs), the floating label does not work correctly. The label does not float up, and the text entered is unreadable.
There are no errors displayed in my console and I can't seem to figure out why it won't work. The JS files and CSS are loaded in correctly.
Hopefully someone can help me out with this.
Thanks everyone!
You have to upgrade the elements using "componentHandler.upgradeElements()"

Bootstrap Select Plugin does not render in Angular ui router ng-view

I use the Bootstrap Select Plugin to create an extended select with input field and multiple selectable options. I use it in an Angular 1.5.3 application set up with ui-router. It does not work in the view where I need it. The code I include in that view:
<select name="jobdomainTeamId"
class="form-control selectpicker"
style="display: none;"
ng-options=" as team.displayName for team in data.detailView.teams"
<option value="">No selection</option>
The attributes 'selectpicker' and 'data-live-search' should trigger Bootstrap to dynamically create a node that provides the extra functionality. But nothing happens when I add this to the Angular view - the select is not visible (style="display: none;").
But when I add the exact same code to index.html, commenting out the ng-view
<!--<div ui-view="body"></div>-->
Here the select works - extra DOM nodes are generated and functionality is as expected.
I included all necessary stuff - Boostrap.css, bootstrap-select.css,jquery-2.1.1.,bootstrap.js and
It occurred to me there might be a conflict between angular dependencies and Bootstrap - I include
Does anyone have a clue what might block Bootstrap css / js here??
Turns out that mixing JQuery + Bootstrap.js with Angular.js is asking for trouble.
Bootstrap (via JQuery) works by 'grabbing an element and modifying it'. Angular also modifies the DOM element - is an Angular directive (as well as an browser-native DOM element). What I tried to achieve is impossible this way and i ended up using an Angular library (ui-select) that does what I want.
you defined style='display:none' in your select so it's working as expected. if you want to hide it use the directive ng-hide instead, in some case you should use angular UI for specific actions
I was struggling with the same issue. This methods helped me. Hope it help someone else also
Install jquery on your angular project.
npm i --save-dev #types/jquery
import jquery to the component.
declare var $: any;
run the below code on ngOnInit
ngOnInit(): void {

What am i missing here? Angularjs ionic sliders

I am using the sliders in the ionic framework and everything is working great. This is my html:
<ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideHasChanged($index)" show-pager={{showPager}}>
Pretty straightforward, notice that i am using showPager to dynamically show and hide the pager.
And in the controller:
$scope.showPager = true
$scope.slideHasChanged = ($index) ->
if $index == 4
$scope.$apply ->
$scope.showPager = false
It does as expected sets showPager value to false when the index of the slide is 4 in the web console.
BUT it does not really hide it on the web page. IF i explicitly set showPager to false, it does not display in the browser as expected, but if i try the above stuff to dynamically hide it, it does not work.
What am i missing?
<ion-slide-box> directive does not observe show-pager attribute. So it will consider only the value which was at the time of directive initialization.
For your use-case, you can show/hide pager by putting ng-class directive on <ion-slide-box> directive and based on that class you can write css to show/hide the pager.
Check this example codepen for working example.

AngularJs ng-include IE doesn't show values from scope

I have a problem with the ng-include and the scope in Internet Explorer (10)
In Firefox and Chrome (Canary) it works perfect.
I have a main Controller which changes the templates and the title ($scope.title).
When I open the app the startpage.html is loaded into the ng-include and the title changes.
But all scope variables within the ng-include only show that (the html templates which are included have their own controllers):
But only in Internet Explorer.
Does anyone have a suggestion what it could be?
I had the same issue and it was an bugg with Angular and the placeholder attribute of a textarea. I used this code and then it started to work:
<textarea ng-attr-placeholder="Description"></textarea>

How to test accordion using Protractor?

Sometimes my user reports that accordion in my application is not working . So i want test whether the accordion is working or not working. I am using Angular js in frontend. Currently i am testing using protractor e2e framework.
My accordion markup looks like
before clicking the accordion division
<div id="accordion"></div>
after click
<div id="accordion-expand">
so the change is id
I find difficult while identifying css change in protractor. is there any other way to test this?
Try this:
// Given
var accordion = element('accordion'));
// When;
// Then
Hope this helps.
