Use of FAR* in C++11 - c

Firstly, I have read:
A. What does "const char far* inStrSource" mean?
From which I know that FAR pointer in a segmented architecture computer, is a pointer which includes a segment selector, making it possible to point to addresses outside of the current segment.
B. what is FAR PASCAL?
From this one I know: 'FAR is a fall back to 16-bit days when heap memory was was segmented. NEAR data was limited in size and faster, FAR was allowed to be larger but more expensive.'
I have been given an old C/C++ code to translate to C++11 which uses short FAR* heavily. The short FAR* type will not resolve in VS2013 (using C++11), so my question is should I be replacing the short FAR* data type [I know the answer is probably 'definitely'], if so what with? If not, how can I get this to resolve?

Just get rid of them altogether and let the compiler deal with it.
If you wish to erase them all from your code, with a context-aware IDE (any decent IDE should do that) you can :
#define FAR /*nothing*/;
Replace identifier FAR with an empty identifier;
Delete the remaining #define.

Yes, you should delete it since you're no longer working on a segmented memory architecture, I assume. On any modern system, the concept expressed as short FAR * is now expressed as short *, i.e. just a plain "pointer to short" type.
Don't mess around with the preprocessor, that just adds confusion.
Simply use any capable text editing system (your IDE or text editor are good first-hand choices) to delete the text.
Remember to search for the string FAR using all-upper case, with a case-sensitive search, and enabling any "whole word match only" flag to lessen the risk of false matches. Do a replace for an empty string, effectively editing out the FAR words from the code.


Sub-string representation — length or pointer to last byte?

Imagine parsing a string and wanting to extract a sub-string. To represent this sub-string, I see two ways:
// 1. represent it using a start pointer and a length
struct { char *start; size_t length; };
// 2. represent it using two pointers, start and end
struct { char *start; char *end; };
// or it could as well be returned by a function:
char *find_substring(char *s, size_t s_len, size_t *substring_len);
char *find_substring(char *s, size_t s_len, char **substring_end);
Is there a reason to prefer one form over the other? Is it only down to preferences? I don't see it affecting performances as one can be translated into the other using a simple addition/subtraction but I might be wrong.
The context is an HTTP request parser if that changes anything. I used the first one but I'm curious if the second one brings anything to the table as I have seen it used in picohttpparser.
Is there a reason to prefer one form over the other?
One could choose optimization and speed of execution as the measure of preference over on the other.
If more often you append data on the end, then *end++ would be faster over start[length++].
If more often you get the length of the string, then just length would be faster then end - start.
Remember about rules of optimization. The only real answer comes from profiling your code.
Is it only down to preferences?
I advise to prefer the more appropriate representation to the problem you are trying to model, based on how readable it is, how easy it is to use it and find bugs in it, which comes down to personal preference.
We could also inspect existing implementations. In C, all(all?) C standard functions and in POSIX like strbuf, aiocb, XSI messages queues, iovec use pointer+integer to represent a memory region. I think all C++ implementations of std::vector, like glibc std::vector or llvm vector, use pointers internally, but one can expect they be optimized for push_back() operations.
Generally I lean over to use pointers. When operating on size_t you have to handle overflow and underflow and negative/too big values or converting from pointer difference ptrdiff_t to size_t. Such problems kind-of disappear with pointers - a pointer is either valid, or not, you need only bound check using < > operators if you may in-/decrement it or not. However when writing an external api, I would use size_t, as C programmers are used to represent memory region using that convention.
In most cases this would be down to personal preference. I guess most people choose the first representation. But depending what you plan to do with that substring the second implementation may be better performance-wise.
With the second implementation you have to be specific about where end points to: is it the last character still in substring or the first character beyond substring.
The first way is preferred way. For example, consider that you have to deal with very large strings. Then it will not remain a simple allocation of bytes. In that case you have to represent it in a more complicated manner.
The second way leaks the information about internal representation of string while the first does not.

Unable to read from a file in Turbo C [duplicate]

I need to serialize a C struct to a file in a portable way, so that I can read the file on other machines and can be guaranteed that I will get the same thing that I put in.
The file format doesn't matter as long as it is reasonably compact (writing out the in-memory representation of a struct would be ideal if it wasn't for the portability issues.)
Is there a clean way to easily achieve this?
You are essentially designing a binary network protocol, so you may want to use an existing library (like Google's protocol buffers). If you still want to design your own, you can achieve reasonable portability of writing raw structs by doing this:
Pack your structs (GCC's __attribute__((packed)), MSVC's #pragma pack). This is compiler-specific.
Make sure your integer endianness is correct (htons, htonl). This is architecture-specific.
Do not use pointers for strings (use character buffers).
Use C99 exact integer sizes (uint32_t etc).
Ensure that the code only compiles where CHAR_BIT is 8, which is the most common, or otherwise handles transformation of character strings to a stream of 8-bit octets. There are some environments where CHAR_BIT != 8, but they tend to be special-purpose hardware.
With this you can be reasonably sure you will get the same result on the other end as long as you are using the same struct definition. I am not sure about floating point numbers representation, however, but I usually avoid sending those.
Another thing unrelated to portability you may want to address is backwards compatibility by introducing length as a first field, and/or using version tag.
You could try using a library such as protocol buffers; rolling your own is probably not worth the effort.
Write one function for output.
Use sprintf to print an ascii representation of each field to the file,
one field per line.
Write one function for input.
Use fgets to load each line from the file.
Use scanf to convert to binary, directly into the field in your structure.
If you plan on doing this with a lot of different structures,
consider adding a header to each file, which identifies what kind of structure
it represents.

Modifying gcc compilation to improve embedded Flash size

I am running out of Flash on my Cortex-M4 device. I analysed the code, and the biggest opportunity to reduce code size is simply in predefined constants.
- Example
const Struct option364[] = {
{ "String1", 0x4523, "String2" },
{ "Str3", 0x1123, "S4" },
{ "String 5", 0xAAFC, "S6" }
The problem is that I have a (large) number of (short) strings to store, but most of them are used in tables - arrays of const structs that have pointers to the const strings mixed with the numerical data. Each string is variable in size, however I still looked at changing the struct pointer to hold a simple (max) char array instead of a pointer - and there wasn't much difference. It didn't help that the compiler wanted to start each new string on a 4-byte boundary; which got me thinking...
If I could replace the 4-byte char pointer with a 2-byte index into a string table - a predefined linker section to which index was an offset - I would save 2 bytes per record right there, at the expense of a minor code bump. I'd also avoid the interior padding, since each string could start immediately after the previous string's NUL byte. And if I could be clever, I could re-use strings - or even part-strings - for the indexes.
But moreover, I'd change the 4 + 2 + 4 (+ 2) alignment to 2 + 2 + 2 - saving even more space!
- Consideration
Of course, inside the source code the housekeeping on all those strings, and the string table itself, would be a nightmare... unless I could get the compiler to help? I thought of changing the syntax of the actual source code: if I wanted a string to be in the string table, I would write it as #"String", where the # prefix would flag it as a string table candidate. A normal string wouldn't have that prefix, and the compiler would treat it as normal.
So to implement this I'd have to write a pre- pre-compiler. Something that would process just the #"" strings, replacing them with "magic" 16-bit offsets, and then output everything else to the real (pre)compiler to do the actual compilation. The pre-pre-compiler would also have to write a new C file with the complete string table inside (although with a trick - see below), for the compiler to parse and provide to the linker for its dedicated section. Invoking this would be easy with the -no-integrated-cpp switch, to invoke my own pre-pre-processor that would in turn invoke the real one.
- Issues
Don't get me wrong; I know there are issues. For example, it would have to be able to handle partial builds. My solution there is that for every modified C file, it would write (if necessary) a parallel string table file. The "master" C string table file would be nothing more than a series of #includes, that the build would realise needed recompiling if one of its #includes had changed - or indeed, if a new #include was added.
The upshot would be an executable that would have all the (constant) strings packed into a memory blob of no larger than 64K (not a problem!). The code would know that index would be an offset into that blob, so would add the index to the start of the string table pointer before using it as normal.
My question is: is it worth it?
- Pros:
It would save a tonne of space. I didn't quantify it above, but assume a saving of 5%(!) of total Flash.
- Cons:
It would require the build process to be modified to include a bespoke preprocessor;
That preprocessor would have to be built as part of the toolchain rather than the project;
The preprocessor could have bugs or limitations;
The real source code wouldn't compile "out of the box".
I have donned my asbestos suit, so... GO!
This kind of "project custom preprocessor" used to be faily common back in the days when memory was pretty constrained. It's pretty easy to do if you use make as your build system -- just a custom pattern or suffix rule to run your preprocessor.
The main question is if you want to run it on all source files or just some. If only a couple need it, you define a new file extension for source files that need preprocssing (eg, .cx and a .cx.c: rule to run the preprocessor). If all need it, you redefine the implicit .c.o: rule.
The main drawback, as you noted, is that if there's any sort of global coordination (such as pooling all the strings like you are trying to do), changing any source file needing the preprocessor will likely require rebuilding all of them, which is potentially quite slow.

Tcl String function that does "shimmering" ruined my customized tcl type defined in c

I have defined a customized tcl type using tcl library in c/c++. I basically make the Tcl_Obj.internalRep.otherValuePtr point to my own data structure. The problem happens by calling [string length myVar] or other similar string functions that does so called shimmering behaviour which replace my internalRep with it's own string structure. So that after the string series tcl function, myVar cannot convert back! because it's a complicate data structure cannot be converted back from the Tcl_Obj.bytes representation plus the type is no longer my customized type. How can I avoid that.
The string length command converts the internal representation of the values it is given to the special string type, which records information to allow many string operations to be performed rapidly. Apart from most of the string command's various subcommands, the regexp and regsub commands are the main ones that do this (for their string-to-match-the-RE-against argument). If you have a precious internal representation of your own and do not wish to lose it, you should avoid those commands; there are some operations that avoid the trouble. (Tcl mostly assumes that internal representations are not fragility, and therefore that they can be regenerated on demand. Beware when using fragility!)
The key operations that are mostly safe (as in they generate the bytes/length rep through calling the updateStringProc if needed, but don't clear the internal rep) are:
substitution into a string; the substituted value won't have the internal rep, but it will still be in the original object.
comparison with the eq and ne expression operators. This is particularly relevant for checks to see if the value is the empty string.
Be aware that there are many other operations that spoil the internal representation in other ways, but most don't catch people out so much.
[EDIT — far too long for a comment]: There are a number of relatively well-known extensions that work this way (e.g., TCOM and Tcl/Java both do this). The only thing you can really do is “be careful” as the values really are fragile. For example, put them in an array and then pass the indexes into the array around instead, as those need not be fragile. Or keep things as elements in a list (probably in a global variable) and pass around the list indices; those are just plain old numbers.
The traditional, robust approach is to put a map (e.g., a Tcl_HashTable or std::map) in your C or C++ code and have the indices into that be short strings with not too much meaning (I like to use the name of the type of value followed by either a sequence number or a serialisation of the pointer, such as you might get with the %p conversion in sprintf(); the printed pointer reveals more of the implementation details, is a little more helpful if you're debugging, and generally doesn't actually make that much difference in practice). You then have the removal of things from the map be an explicit deletion operation, and it is also easy to provide operations like listing all the known current values. This is safe, but prone to “leaking” (though it's not formally a memory leak if you provide the listing operation). It can be accelerated by caching the lookup in a Tcl_Obj*'s internal representation (a cheap way to handle deletion is to use a sequence number that you increment when you delete something, and only bypass the map lookup if the sequence number that you cache in the intrep is equal to the main sequence number) but it's not usually a big deal; only go to that sort of thing if you've measured a bottleneck in the lookups.
But I'd probably just live with fragility in my own code, and would just take care to ensure that I never bust the assumptions. The problem is really that you're being incautious about how you use the values; the Tcl code should just pass them around and nothing else really. Also, I've experimented a fair bit with wrapping such things up inside a TclOO object; it's far too heavyweight (by the design of TclOO) for values that you're making a lot of, but if you've only got a few of them and you're wanting to treat them as objects with methods, this can work very well indeed (and gives many more options for automatic cleanup).

Linux kernel: why do 'subclass' structs put base class info at end?

I was reading the chapter in Beautiful Code on the Linux kernel and the author discusses how Linux kernel implements inheritance in the C language (amongst other topics). In a nutshell, a 'base' struct is defined and in order to inherit from it the 'subclass' struct places a copy of the base at the end of the subclass struct definition. The author then spends a couple pages explaining a clever and complicated macro to figure out how many bytes to back in order to convert from the base part of the object to the subclass part of the object.
My question: Within the subclass struct, why not declare the base struct as the first thing in the struct, instead of the last thing?
The main advantage of putting the base struct stuff first is when casting from the base to the subclass you wouldn't need to move the pointer at all - essentially, doing the cast just means telling the compiler to let your code use the 'extra' fields that the subclass struct has placed after the stuff that the base defines.
Just to clarify my question a little bit let me throw some code out:
struct device { // this is the 'base class' struct
int a;
int b;
struct usb_device { // this is the 'subclass' struct
int usb_a;
int usb_b;
struct device dev; // This is what confuses me -
// why put this here, rather than before usb_a?
If one happens to have a pointer to the "dev" field inside of a usb_device object then in order to cast it back to that usb_device object one needs to subtract 8 from that pointer. But if "dev" was the first thing in a usb_device casting the pointer wouldn't need to move the pointer at all.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Even advice on where to find an answer would be appreciated - I'm not really sure how to Google for the architectural reason behind a decision like this. The closest I could find here on StackOverflow is:
why to use these weird nesting structure
And, just to be clear - I understand that a lot of bright people have worked on the Linux kernel for a long time so clearly there's a good reason for doing it this way, I just can't figure out what it is.
The Amiga OS uses this "common header" trick in a lot of places and it looked like a good idea at the time: Subclassing by simply casting the pointer type. But there are drawbacks.
You can extend existing data structures
You can use the same pointer in all places where the base type is expected, no pointer arithmetic needed, saving precious cycles
It feels natural
Different compilers tend to align data structures differently. If the base structure ended with char a;, then you could have 0, 1 or 3 pad bytes afterwards before the next field of the subclass starts. This led to quite nasty bugs, especially when you had to maintain backwards compatibility (i.e. for some reason, you have to have a certain padding because an ancient compiler version had a bug and now, there is lots of code which expects the buggy padding).
You don't notice quickly when you pass the wrong structure around. With the code in your question, fields get trashed very quickly if the pointer arithmetic is wrong. That is a good thing since it raises chances that a bug is discovered more early.
It leads to an attitude "my compiler will fix it for me" (which it sometimes won't) and all the casts lead to a "I know better than the compiler" attitude. The latter one would make you automatically insert casts before understanding the error message, which would lead to all kinds of odd problems.
The Linux kernel is putting the common structure elsewhere; it can be but doesn't have to be at the end.
Bugs will show early
You will have to do some pointer arithmetic for every structure, so you're used to it
You don't need casts
Not obvious
Code is more complex
I'm new to the Linux kernel code, so take my ramblings here with a grain of salt. As far as I can tell, there is no requirement as to where to put the "subclass" struct. That is exactly what the macros provide: You can cast to the "subclass" structure, regardless of its layout. This provides robustness to your code (the layout of a structure can be changed, without having to change your code.
Perhaps there is a convention of placing the "base class" struct at the end, but I'm not aware of it. I've seen lots of code in drivers, where different "base class" structs are used to cast back to the same "subclass" structure (from different fields in the "subclass" of course).
I don't have fresh experience from the Linux kernel, but from other kernels. I'd say that this doesn't matter at all.
You are not supposed to cast from one to the other. Allowing casts like that should only be done in very specific situations. In most cases it reduces the robustness and flexibility of the code and is considered quite sloppy. So the deepest "architectural reason" you're looking for might just be "because that's the order someone happened to write it in". Or alternatively, that's what the benchmarks showed would be the best for performance of some important code path in that code. Or alternatively, the person who wrote it thinks it looks pretty (I always build upside-down pyramids in my variable declarations and structs if I have no other constraints). Or someone happened to write it this way 20 years ago and since then everyone else has been copying it.
There might be some deeper design behind this, but I doubt it. There's just no reason to design those things at all. If you want to find out from an authoritative source why it's done this way, just submit a patch to linux that changes it and see who yells at you.
It's for multiple inheritance. struct dev isn't the only interface you can apply to a struct in the linux kernel, and if you have more than one, just casting the sub class to a base class wouldn't work. For example:
struct device {
int a;
int b;
// etc...
struct asdf {
int asdf_a;
struct usb_device {
int usb_a;
int usb_b;
struct device dev;
struct asdf asdf;
