Unable to connect to sql database server - sql-server

Yesterday, I installed SQL Server 2008 on my PC. It was working perfectly, but now when I am trying to connect to the database engine, it generates this error:

Try using this.
This will only work if you are trying to connect to the database on the same machine. If you are writing software to connect to a remote database, you will need to work out what the connection string needs to be. This website may help you. ConnectionStrings


sql database engine is not working anymore, cant connect

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for my project.I had a database and I could connect to it every time.Now, every time I try to connect to the database engine, it gives me the error from the image.I don't know what to do..It worked perfectly last week.
Start the services SQL Server and SQL Server Browser
Can you try by using . in servername? I guess the name isn't correct

App not working on other PC without SQL Server

I have created an app in Visual Studio using VB.Net and SQL Server database and the app is running fine on my PC but when I use this app on another PC it runs fine but wherever is database required it gives me error. Please let me know do I need to install SQL Server on those PC where I want to use this app? Or is there any other alternate way?
Please help I'm a beginner at programming.
It sounds like your application is using the SQL Server Native Client for its connections. You can read more about it here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/aa937733.aspx
In short, you'll need to have people install the client on their machine, or use a different method to connect to the database.

Acessing Remote SQL Server from Visual FoxPro Application

Dear StackOverflow readers i would like your kind attention towards my one of the problem:
I have a Visual Foxpro application, in which i am accessing a remote SQL Server's Stored Procedure. Everything is working fine when I am installing the SQL Express 2008 in my Client Machine along with the FoxPro Application.
But when I am not installing the SQL Server On client Machine along with the visual FroxPro Application then I am getting a error " SQL Connect Error", Cannot Make Connection.
Is their any way that i don't have to install the whole SQL Express on client machine and i can only install the required libraries.
You should not have to install SQL Express itself, but at least ensure that you have the ODBC / OleDB providers for SQL Express. These can use SQL-Server connection which are somewhat common to already be on the machine.
As for your connection string, are you connecting via the fully qualified \server\database hosting information?
Just for grins, you could go through the machine's
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Data Sources ODBC
and try to manually create an ODBC connection to the SQLExpress server you are trying to do via your VFP application. If you can't connect through that, then neither will VFP. Take the VFP app out of the equation and just test for the connection.

Connection is busy with results for another hstmt in delphi

i have developed a application in Delphi using Paradox and bde , now am migrating it into sql server 2008,
i have a lot of table and query components in every form, so am just create user DNS in ODBC manager with 'Sql Server - Driver' , and configure with BDE(connect sql server via BDE),
The problem is , while am working in some form, the error raised like
Connection is busy with results for another hstmt
Am tried with Sql native clinet , but i gives lot of troubles for me, so am using sql-server driver,
please any one help me to fix this problem, or give a steps to migrate paradox to sql server wihtout using 3rd party componets and ado,,,,
Try to set MARS_Connection=yes for your DSN.
SQL Server Driver has few issues when it works with SQL Server 2008. So, consider to use SQL Native Client 10.

How to Connect to MS SQL Server in Objective-C/Cocoa on Mac?

I need to write a Mac Objective-C/Cocoa app that connects to a remote MS SQL Server. How to do it?
Also, how to run SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE in this connection?
Some quick Googling reveals the MacSQL Framework, which claims to support SQL Server.
