Connection is busy with results for another hstmt in delphi - sql-server

i have developed a application in Delphi using Paradox and bde , now am migrating it into sql server 2008,
i have a lot of table and query components in every form, so am just create user DNS in ODBC manager with 'Sql Server - Driver' , and configure with BDE(connect sql server via BDE),
The problem is , while am working in some form, the error raised like
Connection is busy with results for another hstmt
Am tried with Sql native clinet , but i gives lot of troubles for me, so am using sql-server driver,
please any one help me to fix this problem, or give a steps to migrate paradox to sql server wihtout using 3rd party componets and ado,,,,

Try to set MARS_Connection=yes for your DSN.
SQL Server Driver has few issues when it works with SQL Server 2008. So, consider to use SQL Native Client 10.


LocalDB Separate Install Connection String

Our tool uses SQL Server 2012 LocalDB to store data. This as installed by the MSI, not full express. Users recently moved to new machines using other applications that connect via SQL Server 2019.
My understanding is that installing SQL Server LocalDB on top of an installation of SQL Server 2019 shouldn't cause an issue, being as how SQL Server Express installs as a named instance by default.
My concern when I look at connection strings, however, is that mine doesn't identify the server instance quite in the way I've seen recommended, only the Data Source:
Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=True;AttachDbFileName=C:\Database\Database.mdf;Connection Timeout=10000
This does connect, in case there's doubt. But referencing, I see recommended this:
Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:\MyFolder\MyData.mdf;
In my mind, Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0 is already a clear designation of the instance, but I'm unsure what happens when SQL Server Express installs after SQL Server.
What should I look out for? Do I need to replace Data Source with Server? Will I need to change any part of (localdb)\v11.0 to account for the order SQL Server Express has been installed in compared with SQL Server?
Updating the connection string by replacing 'Data Source' with 'Server' works. The question still remains, how will LocalDBs installing second affect what follows Server=?

Connecting to SQL server using SQL Client and DSN

Would it be possible to connect to SQL server using DSN however using SqlClient rather than ODBC.
As a matter of fact we have to upgrade a legacy VB6 component however we have to keep the user suitability same ie the users are connecting to database using a DSN.
I would like to avoid ODBC if it would be possible to connect using SqlClient.
Any comments, examples would be appreciated.
Basically the answer is no. Either use ODBC or OLEDB.

MS SQL Server (2008 R2) Error 18452 with Access 2010

I am working on an Access accdb project and I have all my tables linked to MS SQL Server 2008 R2 via ODBC.
I have one screen with a sub form that always gives me this error message when I enter it:
I've done some research and it it supposed to be related to the server's authentication method, but if all my tables are linked the same way, why does it happen?
What's even more weird is that if I refresh my table's connections via the linked table manager, everything works fine for some time, and then I get the same error again. I look through my code to see if I play with any connection string, but I don't.
Any thought/ideas? Any (educated) guess you have will be appreciated :)
Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio
Right-click the Server name, select Properties > Security
Under Server Authentication, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode.
The server must be stopped and re-started before this will take effect.

Acessing Remote SQL Server from Visual FoxPro Application

Dear StackOverflow readers i would like your kind attention towards my one of the problem:
I have a Visual Foxpro application, in which i am accessing a remote SQL Server's Stored Procedure. Everything is working fine when I am installing the SQL Express 2008 in my Client Machine along with the FoxPro Application.
But when I am not installing the SQL Server On client Machine along with the visual FroxPro Application then I am getting a error " SQL Connect Error", Cannot Make Connection.
Is their any way that i don't have to install the whole SQL Express on client machine and i can only install the required libraries.
You should not have to install SQL Express itself, but at least ensure that you have the ODBC / OleDB providers for SQL Express. These can use SQL-Server connection which are somewhat common to already be on the machine.
As for your connection string, are you connecting via the fully qualified \server\database hosting information?
Just for grins, you could go through the machine's
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Data Sources ODBC
and try to manually create an ODBC connection to the SQLExpress server you are trying to do via your VFP application. If you can't connect through that, then neither will VFP. Take the VFP app out of the equation and just test for the connection.

Connecting to SQL Server using Delphi and dbExpress

I use RAD Studio 2010 including latest updates 4 and 5, my database is SQL Server Express.
I set up a TSQLConnection but it won't connect, error message is "DBX-Error: the driver could not be initialized correctly. A client library may be missing, may not be installed correctly, or may have the wrong version" (error messagetranslated from German).
Connecting to the database via TADOConnection works fine with both ADO drivers ("Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" and "SQL Native Client").
Can anybody give me a hint how to connect via dbExpress?
you need to install the sql native client, if you read the read me that comes with RAD studio 2010 its says that it is a requirement for connecting to sql server 2000/2005/2008
I’ve also discovered that in dbxdrivers.ini they haven’t added the proper option for MSSQL 2000/2005 you need to edit the top bit to add in MSSQL9=1
[Installed Drivers]
you can then select MSSQL9 as a dbExpress option and it should also appear in data explorer as well
I had a similiar issue with Delphi XE2 ad SQL Server 2005. I uninstalled and installed several versions (including MSSQL 2008 R2) of SQL Native Client to no avail. But adding MSSQL9=1 to the ini file worked.
Maybe this thread on the EDN (Embarcadero Developer Network) can be helpful.
