Reset ControlTemplate - wpf

I'm using some fancy WPF-based UI framework that defines ControlTemplates for all the basic controls. So if I have a ListBox, it is styled according to the theme of this framework.
I'd like to use a single ListBox that has a completely different style, and so I'd like to disable the ControlTemplate for this particular control only and build up a style from scratch.
I've tried setting the Template property to null on this control, as shown below, but it didn't work:
<Setter Property="Template" Value="{x:Null}" />
How can I reset the ControlTemplate for this control in order to get rid of the framework-specific styles and weave my own?

No need to resort to styles and setters if you only want to change the template for this one control:
<Rectangle Width="200" Height="20" Fill="Red"/>


How to "inject" style in a DataTemplate

I am trying to separate the DataTemplates from the Styles in my code.
I use DataTemplate to define, e.g. that the data should be displayed as two buttons and I use styles to define, e.g. that the background of those buttons should be green.
What I am trying to achieve is having a DataTemplate defined in one file and using that in multiple UserControls where the style comes from the UserControls.
Let's say I have the following style in the Resources of a UserControl:
<Style x:Key="ButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Green"/>
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red"/>
Another UserControl might have something similar with different colors.
Then, I have a ContentControl in that UserControl that will have some view model and some DataTemplate:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding SelectedViewModel}"
ContentTemplate="{Binding SelectedDataTemplate}"/>
The DataTemplate can be something as simple as this:
<DataTemplate x:Key="TwoButtonsTemplate">
<Button Content="One"/>
<Button Content="Two"/>
I would like the two buttons to have the ButtonStyle from the UserControl.Resources without directly referencing it. (So the DataTemplate can come from a different file or being able to use the DataTemplate in a similar context with another UserControl's style).
I tried to change the TargetType of ButtonStyle to ContentControl, assign the style to the ContentControl and set Foreground="{TemplatedParent Foreground}" on the Buttons, but in this way both Foreground will change when any of them (i.e. the ContentControl itself) is hovered.
Is there any way of "inheriting" a style in the DataTemplate or "injecting" the style from the UserControl?
P.S. I understand if I move the style into a separate file and reference that in the DataTemplate file I can simply use it as StaticResource, but that will couple the DataTemplate to that specific style and I won't be able to re-use it with other styles.
try DynamicResource:
<DataTemplate x:Key="TwoButtonsTemplate">
<Button Content="One" Style="{DynamicResource ButtonStyle}"/>
<Button Content="Two" Style="{DynamicResource ButtonStyle}"/>
when TwoButtonsTemplate template is instantiated in UserControl, which declares ButtonStyle resource, that resource will be found and applied to buttons.

WPF - change checkbox checkmark to image (or hide) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a custom WPF XAML style for check box images
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Can anyone know if there is a simple way to replace checkbox checkmark by image?
I have two images for "checked" and "unchecked" checkbox state. I don't know how to use them instead of checkmark.
I also tried to replace content with StackPanel and put Image and TextBlock inside. Images are switching by triggers. It works fine but I have no idea how to remove checkmark icon.
I googled a lot and found complicated solutions with tons of XAML (BulletDecorator etc). I personaly don't like to complicate my life and I believe there is a simplier solution.
You could simply define your own ControlTemplate for the Checkbox, in which you display your images instead of the default tick. You can find the default ControlTemplate for the Checkbox in the CheckBox Styles and Templates page on MSDN.
When defining your own ControlTemplate, it's often a good idea to start with the default. Get that working in your project and then you can start tweaking it to your liking. That way, it should keep all the default behaviours that users are used to from a Checkbox.
But this is WPF we're talking about here... with a little lateral thinking, it's easily possible to make several controls look like other controls. For example, here is a ToggleButton with a custom ControlTemplate that makes it look like a Checkbox, but with an Image that changes when you click on it instead of the normal tick mark:
<ToggleButton Content="I'm An Image CheckBox Label" Foreground="Black">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ToggleButton}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Setter Property="Image.Source"
Value="/AppName;component/Images/Image1.jpg" />
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsChecked,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=
{x:Type ToggleButton}}}" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Image.Source"
Value="/AppName;component/Images/Image2.jpg" />
<ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"
Margin="5,0,0,0" />
It would also be easy to convert this to a CheckBox as that also uses the IsChecked property... you could probably even just replace all instances of the word ToggleButton with the word Checkbox and it should work.

WPF form inheritances issue

I have some questions concerning the issue of form inheritance in WPF.
I have read that there is no visual inheritance in WPF Forms.
I would like to write my project as a base form, with other forms inheriting from it.
Some possible solutions were to use UserControl, and use it inside the son form.
The problem is that I have to define it again and again in every new form that inherits the base one.
Can I implement it another way, without defining it in the son-form?
You can use a style to handle this with less markup than a UserControl (you just have to set Style="{StaticResource myWindowStyle}" in every Window element). Using that style you can override the Template of a window, putting whatever chrome you like around the window content. Add a ContentControl with Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" wherever you want your sepcific Window's content to appear.
Unfortunately you can't apply this to all Windows easily, because setting a generic style will apply only to the base Window control, and each of your application's windows will be of a type that derives from Window.
EDIT: If you want to specify templated controls in your Window, you can do something like the following with your style:
<Style x:Key="MyWindowStyle" TargetType="Window">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Window">
<Button>This button will appear on every window</Button>
<ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" />

Attach xaml style to element without explicitly stating it

I have a problem styling/templating an AccordionItem in the accordion control from the silverlight toolkit. For some reason, the child controls are Horizontally Aligned Left. The only way I can get to fix this is to edit the ExpandableContentControlStyle on the AccordionItem.
The style is located below:
<Style x:Key="ExpandableContentControlStyle1" TargetType="layoutPrimitivesToolkit:ExpandableContentControl">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="layoutPrimitivesToolkit:ExpandableContentControl">
<ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite" Cursor="{TemplateBinding Cursor}" Margin="0" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
Now my problem is that to have this style being attached to the AccordionItem, I have to set it:
<layoutToolkit:Accordion HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<layoutToolkit:AccordionItem Header="Hello" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" ExpandableContentControlStyle="{StaticResource ExpandableContentControlStyle1}"/>
<layoutToolkit:AccordionItem Header="Haha" BorderBrush="{x:Null}"/>
But those AccordionItem will be generated from an ItemSource. What I'd like to do is to have that style be applied to the generated AccordionItem without setting it.
PS. The above problem can become obsolete if I can just find out how to edit the (ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite") from the parent Accordion. I cannot edit it from none of the following template properties:
If anyone knows what is going on with that, I'd appreciate the help or you can just help with styling of multiple elements.
I haven't used the Accordion control myself, though typically you set the ItemContainerStyle to the style you want for each item in the list. For instance, if you wanted a specific ListBoxItem style on a ListBox, you set the ItemContainerStyle to the ListBoxItem style you want. I glanced at the source for the Accordion and this seems to hold true for that control as well. Try setting the ItemContainerStyle property of the Accordion to your ExpandableContentControlStyle1.
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ExpandableContentControlStyle1}">
To set the style outside of the control itself, create a style for the Accordion. If you're using Silverlight 4, you can use implicit styles. Put the following style in the <UserControl.Resources> section of your page.
<Style TargetType="layoutToolkit:Accordion">
<Setter Property="ItemContainerStyle" Value="{StaticResource ExpandableContentControlStyle1}"/>
Otherwise, with Silverlight 3 you'll have to explicitly give the style a Key and explicitly set the style on the Accordion control.
<Style x:Key="Control_Accordion" TargetType="layoutToolkit:Accordion">
<Setter Property="ItemContainerStyle" Value="{StaticResource ExpandableContentControlStyle1}"/>
Style="{StaticResource Control_Accordion}"

Can my WPF Style Setter use a TemplateBinding?

I'm trying to do something like this...
Value="{TemplateBinding Padding}" />
...but I get the error:
'Padding' member is not valid because it does not have a qualifying type name.
How do I provide a "qualifying type name"?
Note: The reason I'm trying to do this, is that I'd like to include the same Border in a series of similar ControlTemplates.
I also tried this:
Value="{TemplateBinding GridViewColumnHeader.Padding}" />
...and it actually compiled, but then when I ran the app, I got a XamlParseException:
Cannot convert the value in attribute 'Value' to object of type ''.
I thought maybe qualifying Padding with GridViewColumnHeader (which is the ControlTemplate I want to use this style with) would work, but no dice.
Well, according to the documentation for TemplateBinding, it says:
Links the value of a property in a control template to be the value of some other exposed property on the templated control.
So it sounds like what I'm trying to do is just plain impossible. I really would like to be able create reusable styles for certain controls in my control templates, but I guess the template bindings cannot be included in these styles.
TemplateBinding should work for the case where you're templating a control and you want to bind the value of a property of that control to a property of a different control inside the template. In your case you're templating something (call it MyControl), and that template will include a border whose Padding should be bound to MyControl's padding.
From MSDN documentation:
A TemplateBinding is an optimized form of a Binding for template scenarios, analogous to a Binding constructed with {Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}.
But for whatever reason, specifying TemplatedParent as the source for the binding doesn't seem to work within Style Setters. To get around that you can specify the relative parent to be an AncestorType of the control you're templating (which effectively finds the TemplatedParent providing you haven't embedded other MyControls in the MyControl template).
I used this solution when I was trying to custom template a Button control in which the (String) Content of the Button needed to be bound to the Text property of a TextBlock in the ControlTemplate for the button. Here's what that code looked like:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BarButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Style TargetType="TextBlock" x:Key="ButtonLabel">
<Setter Property="Text" Value="{Binding Path=Content, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Button}} }" />
<!-- Other controls here -->
<TextBlock Name="LabelText" Style="{StaticResource ButtonLabel}" />
<Button Width="100" Content="Label Text Here" Template="{StaticResource BarButton}" />
The {TemplateBinding ...} shortcut is not available in a Setter.
But nobody will stop you using the full verbose version such as:
Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Padding}".
A property can be qualified simply by prefixing it with the type name. For example, Border.Padding instead of Padding.
However, I'm not sure it makes sense for your scenario. TemplateBindings are used inside a control template.
